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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Sounds like a good idea, but in a different colour then the file is displayed in. Eventually, you would like to see a representation as accurate as possible of what you are printing / what the physical object is going to look like. A digital representation you can have in your CAD-tool. Following this train of thought, one would also like to see how the resolution will affect your print. Would it also be able someday to spot/display problems, like pillowing? If so, would you like a warning or wouldn't you want an algorithm to determine whether a print will be good or bad and have it just represent what settings you enter and you check on the file if this is what you are looking for.
  2. A reverse lawn mower that prints grass? additive manufacturing!
  3. You sure can! If you read this story you'll find a link to their store! It's called ReFil, they have 100% recycled ABS and 90% PET.
  4. Hi, Ik kwam net dit artikel tegen. Schijnbaar kun je in Amsterdam kleine ge3Dprintte figuurtjes vinden op straat, geïnitieerd en gebaseerd op de hele vluchtelingen situatie. Als je er een zou vinden zou je op de rug een link moeten vinden naar een website waar het verhaal van deze afgebeelde vluchtelingen te vinden zou zijn, en waar je ook kunt helpen mocht je dat willen. Mooi initiatief vind ik dat. Sowieso ben ik wel fan van deze openbare guerilla acties, net zoals (en niet echt vergelijkbaar maar toch)Sad Neo en Little people. Helaas, ben ik nog nooit zo iets in het echt tegen gekomen.. :( Iemand anders wel? Woont er iemand in Amsterdam die deze al heeft gezien? En om af te sluiten met een quote van de oorspronkelijke auteur: 'no matter where we come from or what are beliefs may be, we are all, first and foremost, an equal part of humanity.'
  5. I just came across this article, where in Amsterdam you can now find 3D printed figurines, based on refugees. Apparently these figurines will direct you to a website where some refugees tell their stories and you can help. 'Although the stage may appear to be miniature in size, the voices behind these figurines are what speak the loudest. ' Great initiative, and I like those public guerilla projects. Not exactly comparable, but like Sad Neo and Little people. Unfortunately, I never came across one in real life.. :( Did anyone ever? And to speak with the author's voice; 'no matter where we come from or what are beliefs may be, we are all, first and foremost, an equal part of humanity.'
  6. I probably missed that part where it also moved twice the distance from using the ulticontroller. Indeed, if it also moves twice the distance it is not gcode and probably electronics. .. carry on
  7. That's odd. Was this the first print you made? Have you tried other gcodes? I could send you a gcode too, so you can test whether the problem truly lies in the electronics or in the gcode. ( I would have preferred to do this before you removed the jumper, just to rule out other causes).
  8. nonononono stay away from all your drivers and electronics! Check what printer you have selected in Cura while making the gcode. I had a print like this too, if I recall correctly it was printed on an Ultimaker Original while using the Ultimaker 2 settings.
  9. Yes, in theory you may have a point. And it may apply to some, like Korneel, but it doesn't count for everyone. In practise we want to offer a documentation in the same format every time, and not have it rely on the level of comfort of the speaker. We had to make a decision, and to keep the barrier low and format similar, we went for a write up. We took some pictures during the presentation, and have professional pictures to back up some instructions.
  10. We have considered it, but since most speakers are not native english speakers we decided the message would be best shared after an edit or write up. A lot of valuable content could be lost while searching for words in a different language. We want to keep the barrier low for both the speaker and the visitors, so we'll stick to Dutch. (Happens to be that we had an English guest last edition, and Korneel was comfortable doing his presentation in English. But that was an exception.) That is why we are now working on doing a write up of what Korneel shared with us about maintenance, so we can all benefit from his knowledge.
  11. 'sounds great, but if "the New" is part of the name..' It isn't. I added it to make it clear, but obviously it was only causing confusion. My apologies. 15.06.X is in Beta, but when it goes live we could look into adding something to the ''old'' to make it clear it is not just a different version but a very different slicer at all. For now, we'll leave it like this until the Beta clears anyway.
  12. We didn't record it in a way that we are going to release it on film, but we are going to share documentation based on Korneels presentation so everyone can learn
  13. I heard you gave a good presentation, thank you for coming and sharing your knowledge with everyone else. Hope you enjoyed yourself too!
  14. @peetersm, the verdict was that we needed to sync the expectation and offer closer together and that is why we changed the download link. I read in a few different threads people referring to the old Cura as Legacy, that is why I used it as well. But that is not an official name, neither is 'the new' Cura. (but I do like the sound of it ) We continue to use the different versions for now as official names. If a user is not interested in beta testing and just want to print, they are best off with Cura 15.04 and that is where they will end up with following the usual path. The fact that the newest versions are labeled with Beta should raise enough flags for any new user who doesn't want to test or experiment, and just wants to print reliably.
  15. In fact what you see here is Perpetual Plastic Project printing with their recycled filament. They only fabricate small pieces of filament on these units to maintain a certain level of quality, thats why they don't coil it. There are more users who print off the reel, for me personally that has resulted in more troubles then advantages because it tangled up on me most of the times. But if it works for you, it works for you! There are many roads that lead to Rome
  16. I assume this is a typo and you mean 15.06.03 ? Ah yes, since we haven't invented timetraveling it is a typo. I will correct it in the original post to avoid further confusion, thank you!
  17. I also still get them, it has been reported as a bug again.
  18. I promised an update today following our meeting about Cura, so here we go We acknowledged there were some mixed signals for new users and that is why we made some changes, they're already live. We redirected the download button on the software page to the established version of Cura 15.04. as what can be expected after browsing the page. Living up to our vision in how we want to make 3D printing and making accessible, this offers the desired user experience. Below 'Which Cura version is right for you', is a description of the New Cura 15.06.03 and the option to download the Beta version on the bottom. Alternatively, behind 'See all versions' is also the option to download Beta versions, which are also labeled as such. Thank you!
  19. @Titus, let me know where you are at what time and i'll ask around. Don't know if we can help, but at least I could ask
  20. We have a meeting about that today!
  21. I see what you mean, it is the right file but I can see how that can be confusing.It is reported and I am sure it will be synced pretty soon. Thank you!
  22. Hi @Greengecko, Thank you for your reply and taking the efforts of posting it here. I took the liberty of altering my tag, because if you don't tag me fully I don't get a notification. Like I said in my previous reply, any alterations will be discussed and executed Monday.
  23. Thank you for your contribution. This discusion is being continued on this thread.
  24. @nallath, @lepaul just send me a message. I'll forward it to you too.
  25. Please do! That's what we love most Send me a DM with what you think you can help with and lets see what we can make happen
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