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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Dag Marijn, als je je filament buigt, zou hij niet moeten breken. Dat is meestal geen goed teken. Filament is best wel gevoelig voor vochtigheid, in de zin van dat het ook kan uitdrogen als het te lang buiten de verpakking is, of bijvoorbeeld veel in de zon heeft gelegen. Een symptoom kan zijn dat het breekt ipv buigt. Wat een symptoom is van teveel vocht opname zou ik je verschuldigd moeten blijven. Tip: Wanneer je een print maakt met een smalle bovenkant, is het aan te raden de print 2 keer te printen, of een staaf/toren/blokje ernaast en dan in de settings in Cura: Print at the same time. Dit is aan te raden omdat wanneer je Ultimaker enkel het smalle bovenkantje print je PLA niet de kans krijgt het af te koelen en gesmolten blijft, daarnaast blijft de hete nozzle het zojuist gedeponeerde filament smelten, waardoor je geen mooie print krijgt. Wanneer de nozzle heen en weer blijft travelen tussen 2 prints, kan het filament afkoelen en krijg je een mooiere print. De stringing die in je print zit kun je nog elimineren door je temperatuur een graad of 5 / 10 naar boven of beneden af te stellen. De ideale print temperatuur kan variëren tussen kleur, filaments type (PLA/ABS) en merk. Succes!
  2. That one is adjustable. By standing in front of it, it should be adjusted in a way that it guides the airflow directly underneath the nozzle. Not against the nozzle, and not straight down. If you have doubts you can upload a picture of your fan shroud.
  3. Do you have the metal fan shroud or the (I forgot what it is made off) plastic one? The plastic is adjustable, the metal one is not. Like I said, it is not perse about the fan, but the orientation of the shroud could also be of affect. If the entire thing is not pillowing, it would make more sense to make the top layer a little bit thicker, like 0.8 or 0.9. I don't think that more than 20% is necessary, but you could always try. Tip; if you first try the thicker top layer, and later a more dense infill, you will know what did the trick.
  4. That the fan is running is not everything. The fanduct on your Original needs to be aimed correctly too. If it is aimed wrong, for example too high (at the heaterblock), it could also give you temperature issues. If it is aimed too low, it cool mostly after it is being deployed. What is default setting? I would recommend to add like 3x your layer-height.
  5. Well, in theory not your shell, that is just the sides. The top layer is not thick enough. But it could also be cooling.
  6. Hi @microdure, thank you for your post. Where did you order the dual extrusion kit? If you could send me your order number I could try to see where the delay is. Thank you for your time and patience,
  7. It depends on how well they are copied And maybe there are also other parts replaced, which only work with this hot end like the thermocouple or heater cartridge.
  8. Ha Martijn, Ik heb je topic even verplaatst naar het Nederlandse deel van het forum. Als je op een andere plek een thread wil plaatsen, zul je merken dat de voertaal daar Engels is dus in het Engels posten zal ook zeker bij dragen in het krijgen van een reactie Heb je misschien wat foto's van de prints die mislukken? Kun je ook een foto plaatsen van de printkop? Foto's zijn altijd een goed idee om toe te voegen. Het tikken van je feeder kan meerdere redenen hebben. Met wat meer info kunnen we hopelijk je probleem sneller vinden. Bedankt!
  9. What kind of functional parts have you made? For your own use at home?The potential of 3D Printing is indeed huge. In so many levels. Independency, peer to peer networking, globalisation, less waste, faster and more development, democratising markets etc. So many beautiful things. But that is a whole other topic
  10. You could upload some pictures of the hot end from different angles, and the feeder as well. We could have a look at what is original or not.
  11. Wow very cool story! Also checked out the facebook, some pictures are pretty gross (This will probably increase traffic heavily, but consider yourself warned ) I know you did this, but didn't hear anything about it for a while. Very interesting user case! You are really taking off What are the replies like when you use this method from the pet-owners?
  12. Thank you for your post. You are saying back left corner? You photo shows back right corner, or is that not a picture of the Ultimaker homing? After reading your post, I understand the head is homing in the wrong corner? I do know from experience, if you swap the X & Y motor cables on the electronics instead of front left it will home in back right. Could that have happened? If your head, for whatever reason, misses an end stop and hits your frame it may sound frightening, but it isn't really. You'll hear the motor skipping steps which is noisy, but it won't harm your Ultimaker. Wouldn't recommend to leave it running (after a few seconds it will also stop automatically), but to ease your mind; it is not dying Could you explain to me, what the problem is now that keeps happening? That it hits the clips, or the frame?
  13. SandervG


    Thanks for sharing, interesting talk! Will this influence your studies as well? I heard comparisons to nature before, where there are similarities to be found with digital fabrication and pollination.
  14. Thanks for your reply. I would think low weight could also be a disadvantage.. doesn't weight equal imbalance or instability? How do you use/design it, that this is not the case?
  15. Awesome! You are like a contractor or a decorator?
  16. Thank you for your reply. What was your goal when you decided to buy an Ultimaker? Did you already have a thought on what direction you will be heading after your abstract studies? Functional things for in the house, or? Saw the thread by the way, looking good! Curious to see where this is headed!
  17. Depending on what materials you are going to print with, you could look into installing an Olsson Block. Some materials can be abrasive, and with an Olsson block it is easier to replace your nozzle. I am sure you'll get the Octoprint working soon. And thank you for replying!
  18. Hi Corwardc, could you select the answer which helped you most as the 'Best Answer'? It will help future readers with a similar problem to find a potential solution as soon as possible Thanks!
  19. Hi! What are the problems you have been experiencing? And have other parts been replaced as well, in order to have it coop with the alternative hot ends or just the hot end?
  20. So it is mostly personal projects up until this point? Why did Sevenedge invest in an Ultimaker, I assume for a commercial angle or for research?
  21. Not sure about those exact numbers, also depends on your mechanics / calibration but too much can lead to underextrusion.
  22. While standing at the coffee machine in the office I was talking to some colleagues and we had different opinions on what our users used 3D printing for most. We weren't talking about Fashion, Education or any other field, but is it used for rapid prototyping, a final product (for own use or sale? / short runs)? Molding/casting? Creating a tool for another step in the process? Personal projects? .. anything else? I personally use it most for printing figurines for my personal use, because I always enjoyed drawing character design most in my days as an illustrator. What about you? oh.. yes. A poll feature would be nice in the forum. I wrote it down
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