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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi @Zerspaner_gerd, thank you for your message. We recently migrated our website to different servers, so it would be faster for all our global users. In some parts of the world it was not equally fast all the time. Did you notice any difference, since last week? Unfortunately, we have not completely left the migration behind us. The link you are referring too is the result of an issue with our DNS records. It should be fixed in the next few days, but is rather annoying nonetheless. Our apologies for the inconvenience. If you would close the tab and open it again you should be where you wanted to be. As a side note, the same referral is included when you 'share' a post. Note that you can replace everything from 'elb...' until .com with 'ultimaker', and the link should be fine.
  2. Do you know anything about the diameter or temperatures it requires?
  3. Hi @sysmop_Israel, welcome to the forums! I wish we could have met under different circumstances though. Usually these problems happen with, first of all, a good level of bad luck, and secondly when your print gets detached from the build plate. As a result it will be dragged along with your print head, and instead of putting down nice layers it is accumulating at the nozzle. There should be silicon pads to prevent the filament from crawling up. Do you know if these were still in place, and installed correctly? Can you still heat up the print cores? If so, remove any filament that is inside and you could try to heat it up to around 230ºC and heat the PLA with a blowdryer from the outside, and see up until how far you can clear it. Alternatively, perhaps you would just prefer to get in touch with your reseller. They should also be able to help you out. Good luck, and our apologies for the inconvenience!
  4. Hi @YvesRossignol, thank you for your introduction. Sounds like you are a very busy bee with more ideas on your hands than time. Can you share what your latest 69 hour 3D print was about? We have a dedicated 3D Print section which is perfect for sharing prints. Since you are also an educator, we have a couple of pages dedicated to education. Please check them if you are curious, we have some educational blogposts, and here is an overview of more related content. Do you also use your Ultimaker in the classroom, or is it more for your personal projects? Hopefully you will find the help and inspiration you are looking for in our community, just like @kmanstudios
  5. Thanks, we just moved to new servers to make the site faster. Did you notice any difference? These incorrect links are/were only suppose to last very briefly as a short aftermath from the move. I'll check when it is expected to work as normal. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
  6. It looks like for the next few days I have lost visual to whom our newest community members are, so writing an introduction will be difficult. However, I would like to invite anyone to introduce themselves here to the rest of the community, and lets us know who you are, what 3D printer you have and what you hope to learn in our community! It is good to hear from our new members, and find out how we can best help each other! For our new members, and everyone who missed it, we had a great and first Ultimaker AMA yesterday on our forums! Check it out in case you haven't. If you have an idea of a topic or expert we should invite next time, please let me know! When I have access again to this data, I will write a new introduction post for all new members, so be ready Have a great day!
  7. Hi @Pbackx, good to hear from you and welcome to the community Going from a Prusa i3 to an Ultimaker 3 seems like a big step up, happy to hear it seems to go to your satisfaction! Helping you through the learning curve and getting more familiar with the Ultimaker is something this community has helped countless of users with, so I am sure you are in the right place! Outside of that, there is so much more possible outside of the 'out of the box' experience, that we all discover and learn together. Hopefully you can also find your place in this! Regarding your bed, if I'm looking at the right photo, it looks like you should level your bed slightly higher. If it is always in the same corner, have you rotated your glass bed, to rule out this has a role these ripples? And cool lamps! Did you print them round / cylinder shape, or flat and did you fit it around a structure after making it soft in warm water? (assuming it is a PLA print). Have a great day!
  8. Hi Toobleck, A bit late to the party but I wanted to give you a reply anyway, for future viewers too. Gr5 gives good advice in this thread; https://ultimaker.com/en/community/6815-static-shocks-from-machine It is most likely a static shock you are experiencing, which can build up in very dry air or when walking around (on carpet). Touching something non-conductive prior to interacting with your Ultimaker is recommended if it happens very often.
  9. Hey @le_avion, @kmanstudios, @neotko and @lepaul, we decided upon 4:30pm/5ish as this is usually considered a 'prime-time' on the forums, sorry it seems like you have missed it. Seems like 3 out of the 4 of you guys are from the US. What time would have been better for you? I am trying to find a slot that works best for both EU and US and with your feedback I could reconsider the time for the next AMA. Btw, do you have a preference of who you would like to be able to ask questions to next? Thanks!
  10. Oh, my bad.. @TomHe also really wanted to show his most favorite print, so @TomHe.. what is your most favorite 3Dprint?
  11. The first #UltimakerAMA is officially over, @TomHe will answer all open question and possible follow-up questions that might surface. Thank you all for your questions, hopefully, you found it interesting and let me know who you would like to talk to next With your input we can make it better and more interesting!
  12. This is another question which I have seen a couple of times; 'What would you think of an engineering-profile, which is very bare boned and straight forward regarding printing speeds, temperature, jerk and acceleration? It does whichever command you give it, and decent surface quality is not the most important outcome? (Strong and dimensionally accurate being the goals). ?'
  13. Good one, and it links to another question I saw earlier; Are the print profiles in Cura aimed to make prints that look nice, strong prints, or a middle ground of everything? What goal do you have in mind when making a profile?
  14. I’m really interested in the metal-polymer materials, from which the polymer can be burned out to form a pure metal object. Unfortunately sintering the part is harder and more expensive to do than the printing… Using an Ultimaker to print metal jewelry would be awesome! Maybe it could be possible to use this technique for ceramics/glasses for even more possibilities. Interesting! After burning out the polymer, are the remains (the metal parts) strong enough to form a model or does it turn out extremely brittle?
  15. @Tomhe; Which material would you personally prefer to see coming up next, to be used in 3D printing?
  16. And I had a question from myself too How far away are we from printing with conductive materials, what needs to happen for this to become widely available?
  17. @Tomhe, another question for you: How difficult was it to get PVA to work reliably, and what was the most difficult part of it? Speaking of difficult parts, what do you consider the most difficult part about your job?
  18. It seems to bond best to Nylon and TPU’s, but with Cura 2.6 bonding to PLA is much more reliable for me as well. CPE is possible as well now we have the Cura 2.6 new features. For me it works best if I first clean the nozzles (outside part), and do a good bed levelling and XY calibration before I do a long/challenging print. @Tomhe, Why is it important to clean the outside part of your nozzle, for material bonding?
  19. We also got some questions via Twitter and other channels, I'll also share some of them here: First one; - @Tomhe; How do you like working at Ultimaker, and how big is the materials team? Perhaps interesting to add; since when do we have a materials team, and actively have people working on 3D print materials?
  20. Lets tag @gr5 to make sure he sees the question. I am not sure if there is a ready to go profile available for smaller nozzles, but the hard core (third party) works similarly as a print core, in terms of you can just click it in the print head. I think I read something today where someone was having problems with retractions, I believe it was a smaller nozzle, but I can't find it right now..
  21. I want to welcome all new members who joined our community yesterday. 10 new users found their way to our forums, hopefully, we can help them find what they are looking for. We can all learn something from each other. The moderators and I keep a close eye to all (new) posts so none stay unanswered, and it is also a great way to get to know all (new) members. However, there is so much going on every day, I can imagine you wouldn't know where to start. By introducing yourself here, I figured that would be a good start to let us hear your voice Yesterday was also a good day for another reason, we moved to new servers so the website should be faster. Let me know what you think With that said, welcome to the Ultimaker community! Each of you has access now to the countless of experts here and online resources available. Use it wisely A great way to get started is to introduce yourself. We would like to hear from you! Please tell us something about yourself, like; - What 3D printer do you have - What do you (plan to) use it for - What would you like to learn, or find here? Since a better world starts with yourself, I’ll go ahead: I’m SandervanG, the community manager at Ultimaker. (You can tag by writing '@' and the username) I have an Ultimaker Original+ and an Ultimaker 2+. I use them mostly for printing objects around the house that broke and I’m in the process of converting illustrations I like to make into 3D models. Finally, what I would like to learn is what you fine folks are up to Without further ado, here are our newest members: @Boen2589, @FoggyBonez, @racingspotter, @billsrf, @Dapunk, @ErrinG, @Slewentogzz, @hook_cap, @mlemusgt, @pittsburghman. The floor is yours I'll also introduce our moderator team (your best friends): IRobertI, DidierKlein, Flowalistik, GR5, Neotko and Nicolinux. Our very own superstars. And finally, some links which might be useful when you are just getting started: Useful links Online resources You can share any 3D prints you have already made here Let us know how your day was Looking forward hearing from you
  22. I have opened up the thread where Tom will be answering the questions. If you already have some, feel free and go ahead to post them here
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