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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. I have also lost a few direct messages lately. For me personally, it seemed like this problem was gone for some time but popped up again. Luckily, most of the times, like 9/10 when I hit the 'back' button it retrieves the reply. Direct messages are usually lost unfortunately. As soon as I get clearance, and it is certain where we're going I will let you all know what is going to happen. Bear with me please.
  2. Cura has always been a popular topic of conversation and we always get a lot of feedback when sharing news, beta, and stable versions. Everyone loves Cura! A little bit less often we talk about the firmware we write for our Ultimaker machines. While it is also very interesting and holds a lot of features. Approximately every 2 weeks we make a testing version available and we would like to see these test versions be more widely adopted by our community. With your feedback we can make our firmware better which will make everyone’s experience better. The testing versions are always based on the latest stable, with some new added functionalities. Before you start testing, we would like to warn you this is a testing version, so it may contain bugs. If you are working on an important or time sensitive project we recommend you continue to use the stable version. Moving on, these are the release notes for test version TESTING since STABLE 3.7.720170627. New features API New endpoint to get the printer's uptime New endpoint to check the gcode header New endpoint to be able to show a message on the display New endpoint to set and get the printer system time New endpoint(s) to manage physical/mechanical maintenance events UI / UX If the printer restarts it 'knows' if it needs to be cleaned A web page (with useful links) will be showed when connecting to the printers IP using a browser Active Leveling now comes with a cancel button Latest added gcode file now as a separate menu item in the list for printing from USB The color of material is brought back so it's easier to distinguish the used materials When a print is aborted (by user, due to a problem), the option to reprint is shown When authentication is requested, the printer will be glowing Platform Increased speed of updating firmware significantly Motor direction can be set Material profiles updated for 0.8 Print Cores When a critical error occurs, the log files and information is written directly to the USB (if one is available) Material change made more efficient by heating up the Print Core as soon as possible A correction is made for the right nozzle temperature to improve printing quality Bug fixes UI / UX Possible fix for the glitch sometimes causing the display to become hassled Removed the menu item to manually level the Z offset for the 2nd Print Core. This can be done during a manual bed leveling. The initial beep has found its way back Platform Fixed the plastic blob sometimes left after pausing a print job Some material / Print Core combinations were incorrectly identified as incompatible instead of not recommended A failed firmware update will now be showing a message. Pausing the print job will now lower the build plate too Motor power settings will be set to default after print job has finished PrintCore temperatures now saved and restored on pause and resume of print respectively No more waiting for PrintCore cooling down before starting a print job Post-print procedure improved to prevent Print Core from dipping into the printed object when printing (nearly) full height Setting up network problems due to a missing MAC address fixed To prevent issues with material detection and selection, duplicated core material profiles uploaded will now be ignored. Other There are some other minor bugfixes and improvements, but these are the most important ones. Ready to start testing? The testing firmware version is available for download through the menu on your Ultimaker 3 / Ultimaker 3 Extended. Go to ‘System’ => ‘Maintenance’ => ‘update firmware’ and select ‘Testing version’. You can also use it to go back to the latest stable version at any time!
  3. I'll move the thread to Software > Cura, where more people will probably read it who are interested in these kind of things. Thank you @dklon for sharing it with us
  4. Thank you for reply @Dennispo. I'm sorry to hear you still seem to have issues with your PVA. Do you have any idea what percentage of humidity you are dealing with in your printing area? This can give us an idea of what it is you are approximately dealing with. The drybox seems like a good idea, however a good idea does not always automatically mean success. I drew 2 arrows in this screenshot. At the BIG arrow, this is where the filament is exposed to your environment right? Is it always out like that, during a print and when not printing? If your office is really humid, even being out for a few hours may already be too much. For the small arrow, how did you ensure that the reel of PVA can rotate freely? Perhaps you have solved the humidity problem with your drybox, but the reel can not rotate and therefor the feeder has more difficulties pulling it in. With the PVA being a little bit softer it causes grinding. Secondly in this theory, the drybox seems to stand on the side of your Ultimaker. This makes the angle to enter your feeder very steep, which is not recommendable. I would recommend to put it close and straight to the feeder. Curious to hear your thoughts, hopefully we can help!
  5. I'll need to double-check, but I believe that for Ultimaker Cura 3 there will be no open beta this time. I guess that the next iteration (3.1) will follow usual tradition of open beta testing
  6. Hi @drbrcho, can you elaborate what 'the bottom is not flat' means? Does it mean you see warping, or are there some irregularities in your first layer which make look like 'scratches'? In any case, a photo of what your first layer looks like, would be helpful. What filament are you using? If you have warping, this is important information. If you are having elephant feet, and you are using Cura 2.7, you could look into the setting 'Initial Layer Horizontal Expansion'. Good luck!
  7. Ha Cesar, ik heb je bericht even naar het Nederlands sprekende deel van het forum verplaatst. Dan heb je een grootere kans dat dit gelezen wordt door Nederlands sprekende gebruikers
  8. Looks really cool! I think I am seeing dolphins jumping out of the water? Will it be meant to be looked at in the dark?
  9. We’re proud to make a new announcement almost a year after the Ultimaker 3 launch. But this time it is a little bit different than usual. We are not going to launch a hardware product, but software. We will launch them in 2 segments. Continue reading to find out more! Ultimaker Cura 3.0 | October 17th. By entering the next version we are marking the start of a new era. In this era the plugin structure of Ultimaker Cura will be crucial to progress, outside innovation and empower your user experience. Our advanced software is more open now due to the license change to LGPL, and this shows in a range of new plugins like SolidWorks and Siemens NX. Ultimaker Cura will be more like a platform and will have various plugins that empower our users and their workflows. Beside this, Ultimaker Cura 3.0 also has an updated interface and improved performance over the previous version. - Another reason for celebration is that Cura is used by over one million users worldwide! Cura Connect | November 7th. In addition to Ultimaker Cura 3.0, we are also going to launch a new feature. Cura Connect is an integrated print management feature. With it you can plan and assign prints and manage maintenance schedules across one or more 3D printers. Cura Connect is accessible through Ultimaker 3.0 and runs on your Ultimaker 3 (Extended) firmware directly. In other words, Cura Connect will be available to all our Ultimaker 3 owners for free, whether you already own an Ultimaker 3 or will buy one in the future. Its features have proven to be valuable when you are using one, or multiple Ultimaker 3’s. It will allow you to: Manage your 3D printers: Create 3D printer groups, plan print jobs, monitor the progress and keep track of the maintenance schedule, all from your desktop. Print and forget: The planning algorithm allows you to send multiple print jobs at once so you can focus on other things. It will give you a notification when a print is finished. Manual removal of the print is still required. Easy to set up: Since it runs directly on the Ultimaker 3, there is no additional server needed and there is no complicated setup. When you will be starting to use Cura Connect, we advise you to think about what groups you want to make. The planning is done based on configuration (filament, print cores), so it makes sense to group similar configurations together. In the case of larger offices, you may also want to consider the physical location as a parameter. If you have any questions about your situation, feel free to ask here on our forums! Cura Connect will be available on November 7th. Keep an eye out for a firmware update for the Ultimaker 3 (Extended). Once you have it installed you can immediately start using Cura Connect. With regular updates to the Ultimaker ecosystem and entire new features (like Cura Connect), your Ultimaker experience will grow better and better over time. We’ll share more details about each of these products when they are ready to download. So keep an eye out for forum updates, our blog or social media!
  10. Hi @yellowshark, Have you also tried Cura 2.7 stable? I just checked and you can set the print sequence under 'special modes'. Here is my screenshot. Does this work for you, or are you too limited by the lowered build height?
  11. Hi @Chris1, thank you for your message. I have moved it to the software category where our software developers are scanning for messages as well.
  12. What kind of material did you have again? Heat is one way of improving adhesion but there are other methods as well. Don't print too fast, print your first layer rather slow. You can also use a thin layer of glue as extra and we also have adhesion sheets, which also stimulate extra adhesion. Depending on which filament you have, applying one of these tips could help you get a solid and reliable first layer.
  13. How would you feel about using Cura for this print, if S3D has heavy retraction settings from which you are unsure how to change them to a lower value which would work better for this small parts? Alternatively, you could indeed make the holes a little bit smaller and drill them out or something, with a little file you could make it smooth.
  14. My experience is the same. Last night my printer jammed completely. See out of focus pic: Had to take the whole thing apart. After cleaning out the feeder and the printcore I tried again but kept jamming. Increased tension all the way and still jammed. Then I realised how soft the filament felt and realised it must be from moisture, lots of rain and misty days lately. Will try dry it out on a heating pad as suggested and the dry box seems like a good idea going forward. This is my first time using PVA so did not realise it was going to be this susceptible to moisture but it makes total sense. Don't forget to bring your tension back to default (the middle) before you start another print!
  15. ahh wish I could be there as well! Enjoy @Lrodriguez and @kmanstudios. If it is your first show, I'm sure you will have an amazing time! Makerfaire has always been one of my favorite shows to go to.
  16. I'm sure there are different levels of abrasives, and some are worse than others. And I'm sure glow in the dark doesn't rank that high but still. Do a quick google search about Glow in the dark filament abrasive and the results will tell you
  17. Hi @Sjorsvanos, can you include some photo's of your temperature reading, and a photo from your feeder and the tension on which it is set? You can do so by posting a link if you upload it to imgur, or create your own album on our site by clicking your username in the top right corner, go to albums, and upload your photo there. In this text editor, you can click 'image gallery' and select a photo from your album. Thanks!
  18. Would this include glow in the dark PLA? I have not seen this mentioned before. Yep, glow in the dark is also considered abrasive.
  19. While knowing you said you tensioned the short belts, I am still inclined to think the problem lies with your short belts. Do you have a photo of some reference on how tight they are? Perhaps pushing against it with your finger? And can you move your printhead around with just 1 finger pushing against your print head? How freely can it move / how much resistance do you feel? Thanks!
  20. Perhaps some more information would help?
  21. Agreed. You wouldn't want to take it apart, and getting a whole new print core only sounds like a better deal, no?
  22. The PID value is probably and most likely what was causing these overshoots, thanks Neo! When putting everything back, also make sure your nozzle is not touching the fan bracket, as heat can flow away through it. Good luck, curious to see the results!
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