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Everything posted by peggyb

  1. look on the right at the view options: the x-ray view. If you see any red in your model, its bad.
  2. Is it possible to make the line type support, that is already in Cura, like the line style in 13.04? So that the line is a zig-zag? The point is that with the line support, every line has to start new, and lots of the time the start curls up and has a poor adhesion to the bed. If it was a zig-zag the line would be continuous. The travel from line to line goes in travel speed, so that rips pieces away.. And with removal it was very easy because it is a harmonica; peel one part and the rest follows.
  3. I am not conviced yet... The video is not that informative, a lot of laser light, hardly a finished product just out of the printer. The printer itself is not visible.. All the example parts shown are heavily polished or cut afterwards, comparison between a rocket-thing and a bottle-opener???
  4. Leuke calculator. Er zit trouwens in Cura ook een calculator. Daar kun je in de preferences een bedrag per gewicht of per meter instellen Ga je niet de mist in met je brons filament? Lijkt me veel te goedkoop omdat het sg veel hoger ligt.
  5. I like the putty knives, they come in different sizes, and you can sharpen them even more, like a razor blade, but then you have a nice handle to hold. Try to get it just under a corner and tilt the blade upwards. Most of the time the object pops off.
  6. could be worse... someone started a print and walked away, all the pla (5 hours print) got stuck. Removed it like gadget freak said; heating the nozzle and a soldering iron.
  7. Rhino for Mac! FREE, use it as a beta tester, until it is finished. But I use it for 5 years now…. and for a beginner everything works. Only thing: no plug-ins yet
  8. by default the 'skirt' is active (and usefull) if you set the line count for skirt to zero, you can use the whole platform (under expert->expert settings) But this way you cannot use the skirt or brim….
  9. explained here: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/6820-chocolate-printing/
  10. explained here: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/6820-chocolate-printing/
  11. and of course made some spacers for the limit switches X ,Y and Z to prevent collision. Especially for the Z height to compensate for cookies or so. when placing an object in Cura, mind that the object will not be printed in the center but more to the right and back. This could probably be edited in the gcode as well. Here is the gcode, for a chocolate star with cold extrusion: ;Sliced ?filename? at: Sun 24-08-2014 13:38:22 ;Basic settings: Layer height: 0.3 Walls: 14 Fill: 0 ;Print time: #P_TIME# ;Filament used: #F_AMNT#m #F_WGHT#g ;Filament cost: #F_COST# M302 G21 ;metric values G90 ;absolute positioning M107 ;start with the fan off G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops G92 X0 Y0 Z0 E0 ;reset software position to front/left/z=0.0 G1 Z15.0 F?max_z_speed? ;move the platform down 15mm G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length G1 F200 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again ;go to the middle of the platform (disabled, as there is no need to go to the center) ;G1 X?machine_center_x? Y?machine_center_y? F9000 G1 F9000 ;Layer count: 1 ;LAYER:0 M107 G0 F9000 X98.55 Y60.53 Z0.30 ;TYPE:WALL-INNER G1 F600 X100.79 Y60.54 E0.01190 G1 X101.91 Y58.60 E0.02380 G1 X103.02 Y60.54 E0.03569 G1 X105.26 Y60.53 E0.04758 G1 X104.14 Y62.47 E0.05947 G1 X105.26 Y64.41 E0.07137 G1 X103.02 Y64.41 E0.08327 G1 X101.90 Y66.35 E0.09516 G1 X100.79 Y64.41 E0.10705 G1 X98.55 Y64.41 E0.11895 G1 X99.67 Y62.47 E0.13084 G1 X98.55 Y60.53 E0.14273 G0 F9000 X99.63 Y58.54 G1 F600 X101.91 Y54.58 E0.16696 G1 X104.18 Y58.54 E0.19118 G1 X108.74 Y58.52 E0.21540 G1 X106.45 Y62.47 E0.23962 G1 X108.74 Y66.42 E0.26385 G1 X104.18 Y66.41 E0.28807 G1 X101.91 Y70.37 E0.31230 G1 X99.63 Y66.41 E0.33652 G1 X95.07 Y66.42 E0.36074 G1 X97.36 Y62.47 E0.38496 G1 X95.07 Y58.52 E0.40919 G1 X99.63 Y58.54 E0.43342 G0 F9000 X98.48 Y56.53 G1 F600 X101.91 Y50.56 E0.46997 G1 X105.33 Y56.53 E0.50652 G1 X112.22 Y56.52 E0.54307 G1 X108.76 Y62.47 E0.57962 G1 X112.22 Y68.43 E0.61618 G1 X105.33 Y68.41 E0.65273 G1 X101.91 Y74.39 E0.68928 G1 X98.48 Y68.41 E0.72583 G1 X91.59 Y68.43 E0.76239 G1 X95.05 Y62.47 E0.79894 G1 X91.59 Y56.52 E0.83549 G1 X98.48 Y56.53 E0.87204 G0 F9000 X97.32 Y54.53 G1 F600 X101.91 Y46.54 E0.92092 G1 X106.49 Y54.53 E0.96981 G1 X115.70 Y54.51 E1.01869 G1 X111.08 Y62.47 E1.06757 G1 X115.70 Y70.44 E1.11645 G1 X106.49 Y70.42 E1.16533 G1 X101.91 Y78.41 E1.21421 G1 X97.32 Y70.42 E1.26309 G1 X88.11 Y70.44 E1.31197 G1 X92.73 Y62.47 E1.36085 G1 X88.11 Y54.51 E1.40973 G1 X97.32 Y54.53 E1.45861 G0 F9000 X96.16 Y52.53 G1 F600 X101.91 Y42.52 E1.51982 G1 X107.65 Y52.53 E1.58102 G1 X119.18 Y52.50 E1.64224 G1 X113.39 Y62.47 E1.70344 G1 X119.18 Y72.45 E1.76465 G1 X107.65 Y72.42 E1.82586 G1 X101.91 Y82.42 E1.88706 G1 X96.16 Y72.42 E1.94827 G1 X84.63 Y72.45 E2.00948 G1 X90.42 Y62.47 E2.07069 G1 X84.63 Y52.50 E2.13189 G1 X96.16 Y52.53 E2.19310 G0 F9000 X95.01 Y50.52 G1 F600 X101.91 Y38.50 E2.26664 G1 X108.80 Y50.52 E2.34018 G1 X122.67 Y50.49 E2.41372 G1 X115.70 Y62.47 E2.48726 G1 X122.67 Y74.46 E2.56080 G1 X108.80 Y74.42 E2.63434 G1 X101.91 Y86.44 E2.70788 G1 X95.01 Y74.42 E2.78142 G1 X81.14 Y74.46 E2.85497 G1 X88.11 Y62.47 E2.92850 G1 X81.14 Y50.49 E3.00204 G1 X95.01 Y50.52 E3.07558 G0 F9000 X93.85 Y49.62 G0 X93.85 Y48.52 ;TYPE:WALL-OUTER G1 F600 X101.91 Y34.48 E3.16146 G1 X109.96 Y48.52 E3.24733 G1 X126.14 Y48.48 E3.33319 G1 X118.02 Y62.47 E3.41906 G1 X126.14 Y76.47 E3.50492 G1 X109.96 Y76.42 E3.59079 G1 X101.91 Y90.46 E3.67666 G1 X93.85 Y76.42 E3.76253 G1 X77.67 Y76.47 E3.84839 G1 X85.80 Y62.47 E3.93426 G1 X77.67 Y48.48 E4.02012 G1 X93.85 Y48.52 E4.10599 G0 F9000 X93.85 Y49.62 G0 X93.84 Y53.52 G0 X93.84 Y53.52 Z5.30 ;End GCode M104 S0 ;extruder heater off M140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it) G91 ;relative positioning G1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure G1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F9000 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way M84 ;steppers off G90 ;absolute positioning
  12. This is what finally worked; a combination of different ideas and some of my own. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:14421 - parts from Joris, some files are old and don't fit any more. The printhead layout changed a lot. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:21302/ - from mechadense. But with this setup the winding part broke (lots of force here). But this idea works because the use of spectra line through a bicycle/motorcycle brake tubes instead of thick filament. I also had to replace the cap of the syringe part by a wooden layered part; the printed one in XT broke...
  13. the 'science' will be the content of the tumbler. I am a goldsmith and we use these tumblers for polishing silver with different metal shapes (pins, balls, satellites) in combination with a soapy liquid. This will get rid of this residue, the water needs to be cleaned regularly. When using liquid, watch out for rust forming, keep the metal under water or dry them thoroughly. Have not tried this with pla, don't know if the pla gets harmed by the water. @ CoffeeCup: Colorfabb mentioned that the conductivity is very low because the bronze powder is covered in pla.
  14. Cura geeft alleen de bovenste 10 lagen accuraat weer, die daaronder worden schematisch. Deze routine bevorderd de grafische weergave. De blauwe lijnen zijn bewegingen van de printkop zonder extrusie, en de verticale blauwe streepjes zijn retractions, en die zitten meestal aan het einde van een actie. Dus om te ontdekken waar een geel vlak begint en eindigt vergt wat puzzelwerk..
  15. attended the Ulti-evening last night with the Colorfabb lecture. They are launching their XT material in different colors in Birmingham.
  16. If you do it that way, it is important that your model doesn't vibrate during the movement of the z-stage.
  17. I am not from Taulman, I used the from the Kicksterter page to point out that they finally changed their 3mm to 2.85. I have one of the early spools of 618 nylon with the 3mm, and it gets stuck in the bowden.
  18. the nylon can be colored afterwards with die. When the object is thin, this goes really fast, just dip in.
  19. Taulman just has a Kickstarter with 6 new products: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2144287795/taulman3d-toolbox-of-6-new-materials there is a flexible one also " All materials will be available in both 1.75mm and 3mm sizes. The new specification we use for 3mm is actually 2.85mm +/- .1mm rather than 3mm. "
  20. you want to use a laser (not a beamer?) That way you could (?) use the z stage to move the object up and down instead of moving the laser...
  21. see here: the whole setup in a box
  22. or use a wide brim and when it starts the second layer, tape over the brim with ductape . Be careful not to push to hard on the print-bed otherwise your leveling/layerhight will change.
  23. I don't understand why you want to put it inside the printer... The turntable can stand everywhere (no size limit there), the calibration panel is just 2 panels at a 90 degr. angle, so they will stand by themselves and are easy to store. The camera can be on a tripod.. You will have to buy the software anyway.
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