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Everything posted by nallath

  1. The default geometry of this model makes it extremely unsuited for 3D printing. The problems that that causes are made worse by the fact that the model isn't watertight.
  2. I'm with the Cura Team, so the exact procedures there are quite a bit out of my comfort zone. I can just tell you what the RC in a release means, since that is something that is pretty much standardized over the company
  3. Without logs, I can't help you. Sorry. It's also easier for us to help you if you report the issue on github. You can find the link in the help menu.
  4. Saving as a 3mf is always superior. As for the rest, download the meshtools plugin.
  5. Maybe at some point, but it's not something that has priority for us right now.
  6. https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011889579
  7. RC stands for release candidate; So that is by definition not a "full" release that we did. Those are the builds that we hand out for internal or closed testing.
  8. I'm pretty sure that what you describe isn't what you are doing. The message only pops up if you load a previously saved g-code file.
  9. Could you report this on github (https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose)?
  10. Have you also tried to add the printer manually to Cura (so via IP?) The auto detect feature uses zeroconf and i've seen that cause issues in "weird" network setups. This is because zeroconf is UDP based and that is quite often shielded / regulated for some reason.
  11. For us is the other way around; A forum is a horrible way to keep track of things, so we have given up on even attempting to keep track of it.
  12. Hmm. I don't see anything weird in the logs. Could you check what happens if you disable the sidebar plugin? If that doesn't fix it, I would need to get a copy of your local configuration folder.
  13. I just tried this on my setup and I can select the PETG engineering profile on both machines. Could you share your log files?
  14. That issue is also solved by upgrading 😉
  15. Also, try upgrading. We've had over 10 new versions since the one you're using.
  16. You can also just remove the plugin from your configuration folder.
  17. It only works if you're not running in compatibility mode. You are. This can either be because you enabled that in preferences or because your GPU doesn't support the extra features that we need.
  18. Could you report this issue on github? I think this is caused because the preferences arent correctly restored. So it seems to still be loading the old preferences, which is pointing to a machine that doesn't exist anymore. Since it can't load anything, the "add a printer" dialog pops up.
  19. We do understand and the things that we posted are the solution for that.
  20. Uuh. That's pretty weird... I've only tried to setup the build for Cura on windows once, and by following the instructions exactly it worked for me. But I do have to say that doing it for Linux is a lot easier. After the 5.0 release we are planning to do some major overhaul for our build system, as it's way to complicated right now.
  21. If you have Creality printers, they all share the base definition. As such, they will also share profiles. This has been the case for a few versions of Cura, but definitely well before 4.10
  22. My guess is that it's probably this issue: https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021547679-Why-is-Ultimaker-Cura-not-displaying-on-my-external-monitor- If you remove your preferences file and make sure that this setting is disabled, it should work again.
  23. Blaming the users? Where did anyone do that? I merely asked if you could run the extensive logging plugin, since we can't reproduce the issue. So please try to run the extensive logging plugin as it should give us the information that we need to fix it (or at the very least give us more info as to what is going on).
  24. By adding variants. You can find more info about that here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Profiles-&-Settings https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Adding-new-machine-profiles-to-Cura There is no way to do that via the interface
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