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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Inside cura; Top bar > toolbox > materials
  2. The recent history can currently only be deleted by means of "nuking it" (aka; Doing the reset that Nicolinux describes). In the 5.1 release, it's possible to delete specific jobs from the recent history, but this requires the machine to be in dev mode and some manual bash magic. This is not for the faint of heart and definitely not recommended. Also note that the list always keeps the last 10 jobs, regardless if they were duplicates or re-prints. So if you print the same job 10x, that's all there will be in the recent history.
  3. I wouldn't suggest it. Completely encasing the printer will change pretty much everything that's going on in the machine. It can be done, but it's not for the faint of heart. Since this is your first printer, try to get a bit of prints done first. After you get a bit of knowhow / feel for it you can consider modifying stuff. The printer does use plastic parts, so you should take care that the inside of the printer doesn't exede ~50 degrees.
  4. STL is one of those weird formats where there is a difference between ASCII and Binary. Binary is "simple" and much smaller (due to less overhead). It basically makes a list of 3 numbers "wide" and number of triangles long. The first point is X, the second point is Y and the third point is the Z. Repeat this until you have all the polygons The Ascii version of STL does something different. It provides a "human readable" version of the file that looks like facet normal ni nj nk outer loop vertex v1x v1y v1z vertex v2x v2y v2z vertex v3x v3y v3z endloop endfacet But as you can already see, it suddenly is supported (at least, technically) to have a single face that isn't a triangle. Why the hell someone decided to have a completely different functionality set based on how you stored it is beyond me (it's also why the only reason that we use STL is because everyone uses it, not because it's actually good)
  5. It's not using wxPython. We also regularly check Cura with a profiler. It's not something that's running in a GUI event thread. All of these are kinda the first things you do if something is slow. As for slowness; It seems to vary greatly from one machine to another. It seems to be some combination of hardware & drivers that cause it, but that makes it freakishly hard to figure out what the hell is causing it.
  6. I can't find anything obvious in the logs what could be causing this. There also isn't really a difference between saving to SD directly or you computer, just that it shows a nice popup to safely remove if you save to SD.
  7. Only if. Only if. We mostly figured it out the other way around. During office hours you want small prints to be done because then you can minimize the waiting time (because there is someone to remove the print).
  8. We don't have a solution to do this. It's possible to automate this by using the API and creating a script that automatically calls the resume on a printer, but this requires scripting on your end.
  9. Although that surface color is set by 3mf, it's hard to actually do something with surface information with FFF printing. This is mostly because a surface is infinitely thin and we need actual volume in order to switch between extruders. You can't simply print a so-called "ideal" line. So if you want certain parts to be print with a separate extruder, export them as separate volumes.
  10. https://github.com/ultimaker/cura#logging-issues
  11. Could you share the logs generated by Cura? You can find those at $USER/Library/Application Support/cura/<Cura version>/cura.log
  12. Please share logs. That should give us the info we need to debug it.
  13. Yay for windows issues. This is actually an issue with Windows which caches certain things. It should re-do it after 30 minutes, but I can understand people not wanting to wait for that.
  14. Try to manually add the printer by IP (press add and use If that doesn't work; verify that if you go to that you get a screen showing the one printer.
  15. Please share your logs. We can't debug anything without them.
  16. .AMF is a standard that never took off. As a result, we never got to actually making a plugin to support it in Cura.
  17. It's linking to Arcus, but as far as I know, Ultimaker has all the IP for arcus (and can thus re-license it as we please)
  18. Why did you change your build plate to be elliptic? That hardly makes sense. As for your quality changes profile, Cura seems to think that the left profile doesn't have a quality changes profile (which is also why your material field turns yellow); The profile you want is simply not supported. That being said, you did find a bug. So it's trying to put the settings into a container that simply doesn't exist, which make them go away. The reason it comes back is because you re-create the Apollo profile (which doesn't have a matching quality profile). So in your case, doing the store is the same as "discard current changes" If you want to know what settings cura uses (and why), you can use the godmodeplugin for Cura (https://github.com/sedwards2009/cura-god-mode-plugin)
  19. Could you share the logs? It's probably your virus scanner that's messing it up.
  20. It should, but i've seen multiple instances of cad programs not adhering to the 3MF spec.
  21. STL doesn't define what 0,0,0 means, so it's up to the software to pick one. As it's generally a good idea to print in the middle, we put the X&Y on the middle of the build plate. As in most cases you also want to print the entire object, we also place it on top of the buildplate instead of poking through it. If you want your models to keep your positioning, you need to use a format that actually supports doing that, such as 3MF (which defines the origin as being the lower left corner of the buildplate)
  22. Problem is, that it won't work. You'd have a UM3_AA08_AA04_CPE_PLA_Superdraft.inst.cf.user profile (as the combination of extruders needs to be stored). If you don't you get into issues if the profile for your right extruder assumes certain global settings and the left extruder assumes different ones. This will quite quickly lead to a rather large spam of profiles (which makes it almost impossible to use properly). It's also quite confusing if you make a normal profile that enables support (which is a global only profile). As in your proposal the qualities are linked to the combination of all selection, this isn't possible anymore.
  23. If you can post a stored project where this is the case, I can figure out what is going on. I can't do that based on your descriptions alone.
  24. I looked for it, but all the references seem to point at the Cura download page, but I cant find the download links there. @SandervG do you know where the old firmware list is located?
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