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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. If you post the files somewhere, we can have a look.
  2. Check out the X-ray view. Do you see any red parts?
  3. > It is possible that CURA has some bugs I can say with 100% certainty that Cura has some bugs. > which produce this type of error ? But this type of error is not caused by a bug but by a mismatch between your printer firmware and the default values that Cura has to use when the printer definition does not include values about how fast your printer accelerates/decelerates while moving.
  4. The TinkerGnome firmware has a setting to turn off the display after an idle period (ie: no interaction with the printer) https://github.com/TinkerGnome/Ultimaker2Marlin
  5. Can you try removing the Cura 2.5/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice and see if the issue remains? I have a hunch. Can you try changing the drive letter from D to another drive letter?
  6. Per Model Settings are only available when you are in "Custom" mode. Could that be it?
  7. I am working on improvements for USB printing, but that work will not be finished until Cura 2.7
  8. Just to squash this hunch: there is no specific traffic between the printer and Cura when switching tabs or when setting materials or printcores. Slowdowns there are just on Cura.
  9. How do you load models into Cura? There is a known issue that if you load a model by dropping it on the Cura icon, or by launching it from eg Fusion 360, Cura does not create a "job name". Make sure there is a jobname in the lower right corner of the viewport. Press the pencil icon there and type a name before starting a print. This has been fixed for Cura 2.6
  10. I made a PR for the simple version (just extending the zoom range): https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/pull/1816 The more comprehensive approach that automatically adapts the zoomrange to the build volume remains as future work.
  11. > How hard would it be to allow cura to zoom out further? For a developer it would be very easy; as easy as changing a number. For an enduser unfortunately it is a bit harder, because the zoom limit gets set in a place that gets "compiled", as opposed to a place in the code that remains editable. I'll see if I can do something about this for Cura 2.6
  12. On topic: you can use Per Model Settings to print a model as support by adding the setting "Support Mesh" in the Per Model Settings panel and setting its value for the model you want to use as support. It will automatically get the same settings as the rest of the support.
  13. No need to ungroup. You can also Ctrl-click (or Command-click) an individual object that is inside a group. Ctrl+Shift-click also works to select multiple objects, even in different groups.
  14. Could you tell the exact brand and model? Perhaps someone can reproduce and fix the issue if we find that reader/dongle.
  15. It already has. You have to switch to "custom" mode. Now select the object you want to change the infill density of, and press the "Per model settings" tool in the toobar. Click "Select settings" and tick the "Infill density" checkbox. Now you can set the infill density for only the selected model.
  16. So... lower the standby temperature on the pva extruder?
  17. I would start by removing the glass and bend the clips down a bit. You could try some gluestick on the bottom of the glass (in the corners?) to get more friction.
  18. What you can do is print the supports with PLA, and only the support interfaces with PVA. Support interfaces are roofs and bottoms on either side of the support structure touching the print. Printing supports with PLA and support interfaces with PVA will result in small solluble bits between the supports and the model that should remove cleanly. Use the small looking glass icon next to custom and type in "interface". Set the "Support Extruder" to Extruder 1, check "Enable support interface" and set the "Support Interface Extruder" to Extruder 2.
  19. The problem seems to be the grouping of multiple objects, and Cura placing the origin of the group outside the group. @devedean, how did you import the file into Cura? Can you post the model somewhere?
  20. > Is it possible to force this as I require? Not as far as I know.
  21. Off-topic: that should not be the case. Have you reported this?
  22. Note that I'm a "frontend" guy, so I may not be able to help with the gcode produced by CuraEngine. Supporting 3 extruders should already be possible, by adding a third extruder.def.json file. Cura 2.6 will have a Custom FDM Printer that will let you configure up to 8 extruders.
  23. Great work developing this! I have not been paying much attention to the previous thread. Is there anything you wish Cura would do or do differently that I can help with?
  24. No, there is not. What would you need that setting for?
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