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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. I am happy that "worked" for you, but for the benefit of others: Disabling and re-enabling a plugin without restarting Cura in-between does nothing. The plugin is not stopped in any way by just unchecking it in the marketplace. The only thing disabling a plugin does is marking the plugin to not be started the next time Cura is started.
  2. I think this has more to do with the "Minimum layer time" setting than with the tightness of the curves. See this article from the Settings Guide plugin: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/cooling/cool_min_layer_time.md
  3. I think your best bet is a 3d Solex printcore (https://3dsolex.com/product/3dsolex-printcore-2-aa-0-40-0-80/) with a 0.8 everlast nozzle (https://3dsolex.com/product/s5-3-printcore-everlast-ruby/)
  4. The post you stumbled upon is quite old. A plugin named "Measure Tool" is available in the Marketplace, which adds a tool that will let you measure the distance between two points.
  5. You can, but you will have to write your own printer definition for that. You can take the custom.def.json as an example, and add as many extruder definitions as you need. The UX may be suboptimal, because Cura is only tested with up to 8 extruders, but it supports more.
  6. @obouill: Check if the option "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)" on the General page of the Cura preferences is ticked. If it is, untick it and restart Cura. If you still do not see the dropdown menu on some machines, then those machines don't support OpenGL 4.1 or newer. In that case, you are likely out of luck; your would need a hardware upgrade.
  7. It is not that simple. Just replacing opengl32.dll with a specific version downloaded from some website is going to break Cura for more people than that it is going to fix it. A working opengl32.dll is part of the system. No application should be replacing it with a specific version for that application to work.
  8. The Arcwelder Plugin hands the gcode to an external command-line postprocessor: https://github.com/fieldOfView/Cura-ArcWelderPlugin
  9. Indeed, this is an issue with the 5.2 beta, which has been fixed for the final release of Cura 5.2. Thanks for testing the beta and reporting the issue.
  10. It looks like the blue tape you have on your buildplate is coming loose. Could it be that the pattern you see are remnants of a previous print? Eg spots in the blue tape where you pulled off a previous print and did not push the blue tape back down?
  11. Custom Supports (and, coincidentally, Support Blockers) are "parented" to the object you add them to. That way they normally transform along with the parent object when it is moved/scaled/rotated. Dropping down is not supported for models that have a parent.
  12. @Badgersurfer this is just a hunch, but does the "Drop down model" option behave the same way if you (temporarily) change the model so that it is not printed as support?
  13. Wordt de nozzle ook daadwerkelijk heet, of denkt de controller dat alleen maar? Ik had van de week toevallig bijna hetzelfde probleem met een UM2+, maar dan met het heated bed. Bij mij was het voldoende om de kabel aan de achterkant van het heated bed even weer wat aan te duwen. Check vooral de draden. Is misschien een aansluitdraad van de temeratuursensor beschadigd geraakt in de tijd dat de printer niet is gebruikt?
  14. See this article: https://github.com/FormerLurker/Octolapse/wiki/V0.4---Automatic-Slicer-Configuration
  15. There is no out of the box option to disable these messages, beyond editing the code*. The message should disappear automatically after 30 seconds. *: if you want to go that route, you would need to edit C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 5.x.x\share\uranium\plugins\LocalFileOutputDevice\LocalFileOutputDevice.py The easiest option is to remove the entire line that says `message.show()` at (around) line nr 198.
  16. I took offense to your passive aggressive comment "I guess the forum is not what it used to be", which comes across as shaming the people you want to help you. It would not have hurt you to use a different tone of voice and say use - for example - "does anyone have any tips?". This forum is not an official Ultimaker support channel. Though the volunteer fellow community members can often help you, if you have a problem with 9 UM2Cs and countless S3s and S5s, it is probably better to get in touch with your dealer, who should be able to put you in contact with Ultimaker support.
  17. It should still be there. If it is not, it means that Cura does not see your printer on the network Cura is connected to. The obvious suggestion is if your printer is still turned on and connected to your network. You may have to use the "Connect via Network" in the Printers pane of the preferences to reaffirm the connection. You may also try to be nicer on the forums. Most of the people helping out here are volunteers. We don't owe you an answer.
  18. It is, but in this case the bug is in Cura, not in my plugin. The problem is with the creation of UFP files, which the OctoPrint Connection plugin uses when the OctoPrint instance supports that format for displaying thumbnails. Fortunately it has been fixed in time for the stable release of Cura 5.2: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/pull/13473
  19. Note that Cura does not support math operations on the replacement patterns.
  20. It has always been a good idea to put custom definitions in the configuration folder. That way they migrate with version updates, and project files keep working when you switch to a new version of Cura.
  21. It sounds like you may be running into a known issue with (some, but not all) multi-monitor setups. Try (temporarily) disabling all but one display, and see if Cura opens that way. If it does, then in the Cura General preferences uncheck the option to "Restore window position on start", and see if Cura will still start with all your displays enabled.
  22. These configurations require the printer somehow communicating with Cura what material and nozzle size is currently configured on the printer. The Ultimaker 3, S5, S3 and 2+ Connect all communicate with Cura through a bespoke protocol, either via the Ultimaker Cloud or locally (AFAIK, the latter is not available with the 2+ Connect; that printer only supports the cloud connection). The Cura-part of that bespoke communication can be found here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/tree/main/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting You are going to have to write (or extend) a plugin that communicates with the printer. That plugin will have a subclass of the PrinterOutputDevice, and that subclass needs to implement a uniqueConfigurations property which returns a list of PrinterConfigurationModel instances.
  23. It does not look like Cura is having an issue with your files, it looks like it is not looking at them at all. Have you tried putting them in the configuration folder instead of in the application bundle?
  24. For the contrast, you could check this out: https://gist.github.com/fieldOfView/d3913c610c761fcfbc7fb4f65e77b45c Note that the screenshot also uses the Sidebar GUI from the Marketplace.
  25. Have you tried enabling the "Use a single instance of Cura" option in the General preferences of Cura?
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