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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Sounds as if you get a new UM2 quite often... Do you just close the front (with bubble plastic?) or do you have a more advanced setup?
  2. @Teddy: Von wegen Anfänger und so... Fast hätten wir es Dir geglaubt... Sehr schöne Aufstellung!
  3. Noise usually consists of high frequencies (except e.g. 50Hz pickup or similar). As far as I know there is a software low pass filter in Marlin for the temperature reading. But it can be tested of course...
  4. Colorfabb hat kein reines PLA; das Bio-Flex-Material ist ein Gemisch.
  5. @shurik: There are smaller nozzles than .25mm What a pity - no dual extrusion... nevertheless an excellent print!
  6. @shurik: This is Photoshopped, isn't it? Seriously: Perfect ears, perfect antennae, even the support for the hands... dual extrusion without any leakage... HOW?
  7. At your local Ultimaker reseller...
  8. That sounds great as a perspective for 2.2 as the manual sink-into-platform is crude at best.
  9. Wenn Du nicht weiterkommst: Vorlage für den TFM-Coupler von Ultimaker ist der TFT-coupler von 3dSolex.
  10. As far as I know PVA is considered for being used with drug capsules in future... http://www.pharmtech.com/development-pva-copolymer-capsules
  11. The original Bowden tube from Ultimaker is made out of PFA which is transparent. PTFE is usually milky white (means the filament is much less visible, neither any dirt inside the tube). For Swiss users there is another source for 1/4"-1/8" PFA Bowden tubes now but I cannot give any details here as I would get in conflict with the forum house rules.
  12. I agree. But we also got a lot of feedback that remembering was annoying. In the end the axe came down to using home folder. @Nallath, would you mind telling where you got that feedback from? On Github? Here on the forum? Can it be read publicly?
  13. @SandervG: I'm pretty sure I didn't visit the forum within the last two hours and your post and the 'unread' link respectively brought me to the top of page 48. Win8.1/Firefox 46.0
  14. As before... the English people here on the forum could set up a betting pool for the estimated time until this issue gets fixed...
  15. That's the art of confusion... I understand. You rotated the object but didn't change the direction the infill was printed. That's an option Cura didn't offer so far (in the lastest open beta they have something going in that direction under 'experimental'). But Simplify3D gives you the opportunity to define the angle for the infill; commonly known infill directions are set as 45° and -45°. If one would change the infill direction to 0° and 90°, i.e. parallel to the x-axis and the y-axis of the printer, one could separate the two axis from each other and check for axis-specific issues. I hope, it's now at least not even more confusing...
  16. I recently also had a strong irregular banding. I ended up changing the glass filled teflon from Ultimaker to a TFT coupler from 3dSolex (both with an I2K disc), cleaning the whole hotend as I had some leaking before. As I had to disassemble anyway the whole print head, I also exchanged the original 25W heater with a 35W heater. There I found that the copper grease I have used was completely dried up; it seems any contact fluid has to be renewed every few hundred printing hours. Maybe some of those things also help you...?
  17. @peetersm: You mean unfixed? The unread link just brought me to the top of page 48 instead to your post...
  18. @Nicolinux: Just to make sure I understood it correctly: You printed the object with different orientation but the infill was still produced by moving the x and the y motor the same distance, right? You didn't print it the way that infill was mainly only produce by moving the x-motor OR the Y-motor?
  19. Best thing is if you check the differences between UM2 and UM2+. Then you know what could be improved. With one or two small searches here in the forum (you should not only rely on the internal search function but maybe also use google including 'site:ultimaker.com') you will find user upgrades for all parts with potential for improvement. And you will certainly find the Olsson Block and some other parts by 3dSolex.
  20. Did you replace all rods or just those through the print head? Another idea: Has anyone tried to print infill not in +45°/-45° direction but in 0°/90° direction? This can be done with Simplify3D... let me know if you need a test gcode...
  21. where are you shopping? UMO+ is 995USD UM2+ is 2,499USD that is a 151% more if you're paying that much for a UMO+ you should find a new store. Well... yes, distributors make it interesting. In Europe: Germany, igo3d, UMO+ (incl. UltiC) 1.429,00 €. Italy (3ditalyshop, i guess UltiC included): 1195.00 €, Switzerland, digitec.ch 1499 CHF est. 1370.00 €... and so on... I am really surprised that it's relatively inexpensive in the USA? Some of those prices may be including tax, some without tax... and tax rates are very different...
  22. @peetersm: I think, @Ultiarjan was writing about the UM2, not the UM2+... It's the plus which makes the difference:
  23. Can a moderator please prevent this guy from nasty advertizing...?
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