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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. The not closed brim lines show that the distance between nozzle and bed is too large at some spots. You should improve the bed levelling. There is also a strong irregular banding. Something is partially 'blocking' the hotend; most probably a slightly deformed Teflon isolator.
  2. This information is stored in preferences.ini in the .cura\15.04x folder in the Windows user directory.
  3. @zerspaner_gerd: Github weiss alles.
  4. @SandervG: I think it has been with this update you re-introduced prices for spare parts under 'products - spare parts', correct? As we have learned since beginning of this year prices are quite different in the various countries. And Ultimaker itself has no shop. So I ask myself are those prices good for?
  5. Klar. Vielleicht bekommt man es auch näher (dann wäre ich um einen Link froh...): http://store.quintessentialuniversalbuildingdevice.com/product.php?id_product=10
  6. That would be great as the 'unread' link due to your post just brought me to page 47 instead of 48...
  7. +1 for that request. It used to be in there. But for some reason the decision was made to use the home folder (I have no idea why to be honest). Create a github issue if you want it to be changed. As you wish... https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/726
  8. Legacy Cura might need write permission to its installation directory to store that information. Actually, one should only once have to change it and it should stay like that.
  9. Sure. The TFT from 3dSolex and the TFM from Ultimaker just hold longer.
  10. @mattjuk81: I had the same issue with really high quality filament very recently. I 'solved' it by disassembling the whole printhead and replacing the Teflon against a TFT from 3dSolex. Make sure you have no gaps anywhere in the hotend and both heater cartridge and sensor are sitting properly inside the heater block. For a start, performing cold pulls until you get clean tips might be enough. And never forget to print a transition print (where you systematically and slowly change the temperature) when switching from a material with higher printing temperature to one with a lower printing temperature e.g. from ABS to PLA. Or consequently use different nozzles for different materials.
  11. Ich verwende das Lüfter'blech' von Labern mit einem zwischen Olsson Block und Wand geklemmten Stück Keramikband. Gedruckt in Ngen hält es so der Wärme einigermassen stand.
  12. Ah thanks. So good to know I'm not going mad, or at least not that mad...
  13. Unfortunately, yesterday's offline period was not used to fix the jump-not-to-the-last-unread-post-when-clicking-on-unread-button bug. @SandervG: Or am I really the only one having this problem? Then please tell me. I'm on Win8.1/Firefox 45.0.2.
  14. Btw: is it possible Cura could be a bit more clever and remember the last directory a file was stored in? Same goes for the profiles... it's a real pain that it starts always on top directory (Win8.1).
  15. Is it correct that coasting is not in the public beta? Any particular reasons for it? I had the impression it was doing ok in the latest closed beta. edit: silly me, I didn't see the 'experimental' section...
  16. Die Hauptfragen beim Peltier-Element sind v.a. die Betriebstemperatur und die Temperaturdifferenz, die man haben möchte. Ich würde da eher auf eine gute Heatpipe und passive Kühlung ev. Lüfterunterstützt setzen.
  17. @Nicolinux: Peltier-Elemente mögen nicht allzu hohe Temperaturen...
  18. Was that the results of some tests or just an educated guess? I could imagine it looks better than if one would leave no gap.
  19. Looks really nice... thank you. I guess you had no gap between PVA and PLA?
  20. Can you please add a picture from below... that't the interesting side...
  21. No, we don't as long as the machine is working as it should. Must be a Robox specific issue.
  22. So you didn't learn Python during that year? Writing a script for the new Cura/Postprocessing plugin requires some skills but nothing impossible to learn. And the Postprocessing plugin is the way to go for your demand I think.
  23. sprichst du damit auf die Versuche mit Wakü/Düsenhub von Crema an? Das ist definitiv eines der interessanten Dual-Extrusions-Projekte der letzten Zeit...
  24. In Punkto Dual Extruder für den UM2 würde ich im Moment einfach noch etwas zuwarten. Es könnte sich lohnen.
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