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Everything posted by Titus

  1. Cool, I'll have a go at it. But no need to double post
  2. Joris told me about his idea to call the flat part Shoulder, and how it could be used. I believe it is a very useful description and that people should get to know about it! I wonder what the standard shoulders are for UMO and UM2 nozzles Is the vase waterproof
  3. Awww, why focus on the UM2 mostly? The UMO also needs love and service! Also interested in how the HB kit looks like! And my temperature sensor seems to be breaking.
  4. Ik heb zelfs op hogere snelheden geprint dacht ik. 60 of 80 if I remember correct
  5. Hun learn.colorfabb.com site geeft een aantal goede instellingen, en zelfs een profiel. Kijk daar even rond. Een ding wat echt belangrijk is is dat je je print snelheid voldoende hoog houdt, anders verbrandt het hout en verstopt je nozzle.
  6. I thought so too in the beginning, but then I replied to so many topics it became a burden
  7. If you click on the UM robot in the home screen of the forum, you mark that topic as read. That's probably the fastest
  8. Hm, interestring. The models look more painted than multicolor extruded. But again the lid on top....
  9. Ik moet ook nog mijn klacht eens goed omschrijven...
  10. That's what I meant with the reflection! I figured the same, but hey, there's 1 more teaser left, and a "big one"/compilation. Dual could still come, although I HIGHLY doubt it. Just wanted to know if it was there already. Chamber, I don't know, I'd say not. I think it's a cinematic effect, but it was the only thing I could find in that movie. EDIT: this movie:
  11. Sander! Right now I don't care about the announcements, I just want to see a BTS for those teasers. That's some great cinematography! I'd love to see how you made that! Ok, I do care about the announcements: 1)See the reflection of the insides? Printing a Marvel I'd say 2) Is that 2nd hole for a possible dual extruder already in the UM2's? Printing a mini UM2 3) no other clues, just the printing of the head with US flag resemblances. This leaves me to think/fear that the 2nd announcement(1st = HBK for UM1) is that they will do more work in the USA, production or hub or something. That would mean my theory of Dual Extruder out of beta for UM1 is wrong
  12. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:46318 This seems to be a pretty good design EDIT: not sure if it is actually usable on the UM2 extruder though :???:
  13. Gezien de activiteit denk ik dat een Nederlands deel een succes is!
  14. I'm not sure about the bronze, but with mass producing parts I've found rafts to be the most secure way of printing. No prints getting dragged around midprint. Easily removed from both build plate and part(unlike brim) and not so warping effected.
  15. Oh there you go! I missed the Ultimaker 2 part. My UM original runs fine because it's already set to reprap marlin
  16. Getting my bronze today Just a random Idea: could you put some PLA in the bowden for the start, so you don't waste bronze on stuff like the raft or the bottom supports?
  17. @ultiarjan Dat! En ook als je een buildplate opslaat als .stl met meerdere onderelen, wordt het bij het inladen als 1 gezien.
  18. It's supposed to be there as the middle of the three buttons you normally have. What Cura version and Doodle3D version are you running?
  19. Didn't the dampers introduce some play in your machine? That's what they did to my UM original(not direct drive)
  20. You could also incorporate an error signal if there is no material entering the bowden tube/feeder. So print's won't print without filament.
  21. Not really right Sander? http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/6657-let%E2%80%99s-design-a-multirotor-together/?p=62568 That thing kinda does that. Perhaps the second thing, fly and roll is unique?
  22. If your printed is plugged into the Doodle3D and they are both on the same network, the "print/send to sd" button should be replaced by a "print wireless" button of some sorts. When you are are running in AP mode, you should make sure you are connected to your AP network. Did you try wifi or cable?
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