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Everything posted by pm_dude

  1. You guys get shipping over the weekend? I'm jealous... Its Christmas all over again.
  2. Hi, Welcome to the forum! In Cura you seems to use 2 perimeter while you use 3 in Slic3r. What are your print settings with Cura for Shell thickness, top/bottom thickness and nozzle size? The evil infill you see is what Cura does to make sure the surface as the required shell thickness mixed with top/bottom.
  3. People seems to not get that they can make a request for those parts whenever they want. They dont need to wait for the printer to be down to do it. @Robert, here we can request the tv price difference in all big store within a month but I totally get your point and fully agree.
  4. The rear fan is a 5V fan. The side fans are 12V ones. The part number is the internal part number of Ultimaker and is not representing the used product. You can see the specs of the UM2 parts here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2
  5. Probably the first entry in NY was for import clearance which they need to get before actually shipping the package to US and Canada.
  6. Hi, The feeder is skipping (turning backward) because too much pressure is required to advance the filament in the extruder. When you replaced the nozzle did you change the teflon piece as well (white piece about the nozzle)? Pressure can come from a deformed teflon insulator, damaged bowden tube, clogged nozzle, badly inserted bowden tube near the nozzle (too tight), print temp too low and possibly from dirty feeder. I dont know what the adapter noise is and if it could affect the behavior of the printer. If so then maybe the printer is not getting enough power and normal torch on the feeder is not achievable?
  7. Bonjour Bernard, As-tu essayer d'effacer la configuration de la machine et d'en ajouter une nouvelle? Dans le Menu Machine -> Machine Settings.
  8. You are right. It should be the same amount and then it is pretty wasteful since you may have to do this at every layer.
  9. Hi Jan, Welcome to the forum. You can find the assembly manual here. Check page 41 for the display assembly: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2/blob/master/um2%20assembly%20manual%20V1.1%20_english.pdf'>https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2/blob/master/um2%20assembly%20manual%20V1.1%20_english.pdf'>https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2/blob/master/um2%20assembly%20manual%20V1.1%20_english.pdf'>https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2/blob/master/um2%20assembly%20manual%20V1.1%20_english.pdf And the part descriptions here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2 The display part doesn't have much info: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2/tree/master/1247_Display_(x1) Consider contacting UM support for replacement part
  10. without a picture its hard to know what you are after but at least you have a couple of solutions ahead
  11. Do you use zhop? it could cause more wobble
  12. Hi Max, Welcome to the forum. So the infill added here are there are the additional fill required to get the good shell thickness. The shell thickness of 0.8mm on the z axis doesn't mean it is in diagonal. The more incline you get the more it will test the value for top/bottom shell thickness. If you dont want that you can uncheck the fill bottom and fill top but that will make your object open at the base and at the top which is probably what you dont want. Then problem is that we cannot really tell Cura that you want a top/bottom shell where there is a top or bottom but not where there are curves. That is kind of counter intuitive for a software. You can try to make the shell thicker and the top/bottom shell thinner but then you will run into other problems. You can use the SwapAtZ plugin if you are used to playing with plugins: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/7290-new-plugin-swap-at-height/ I will allow you to slice once with given settings, then slice again with another set of settings and mix the results using the plugin. I hope this help. PM
  13. Cool stuff. Can't wait to see some results. I did something similar for Christmas but in a much lower quality with all the family members. It was pretty fun.
  14. Il faut vraiment que la tension soit bonne avec le feeder. Si vous êtes facilement capable de tirer sur le filament et de le faire glisser de la prise de la vis dentelé alors il n'y a pas assez de tension. Raison de plus pour dérouler le filament d'avance pour réduire les risques de glissement pendant l'impression.
  15. J'utilise les param de base de rétraction de la UM2 edit: Dans ce cas si il n'y avait pas beaucoup de rétraction. Peux-être 2 par couche et il y avait pas mal de lignes (stringing) du coup.
  16. You could do it post save instead of with a plugin. This way you can open the saved file and change it. Look for _saveGCode function in Cura/gui/sceneView.py
  17. Si ta surface est trop petite tu risque de ne pas te rendre a la vitesse désiré à cause du paramètre Minimum Layer Time. Tu peux le mettre a 0 pour être certain de ne pas te faire ralentir.
  18. The fact of using Cura 14.03 to slice and get resolved banding issue even on latest firmware is interesting. I wonder if something in the rounding numbers or some other simplification could lead to a change of volume. Daid could probably have some clue about that...
  19. Ultim voici mes settings: 0.15mm layers, 30mm/s, 30% infill, 230C, Roberts feeder, filament unrolled in advance, no oil. *filament déroulé, pas d'huile
  20. Le Flex PLA de Ultimaker est beaucoup plus facile a imprimer que du Ninja Flex. Pour tout les filaments flexible il est fortement recommandé de changer le Feeder par un qui guidera bien le filament entre la roue denteler et le tube. En voici un: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/alternative-um2-feeder-version-two De façon général il faut imprimer assez lentement (30mm/s) pour les filaments flexible surtout ceux plus élastique parce qu'ils ont une plus grande friction dans le tube. Dans le cas du Flex PLA il faut faire attention au nombre de rétraction qu'on fait parce que le filament est mou et il se va s'aplatir lorsqu'il y en a trop et ça peux causer des blocage plus loin dans le tube.
  21. I have 2 here: https://www.youmagine.com/users/pmdude
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