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Everything posted by Labern

  1. For things like bearings, linear shafts, linear bearings and stepper motors. They actually have a life span at a given load by the manufacturer, They have been around for a lot longer then UM and most work to ISO standards which means they have to live up to certain standards. When the UM2 was being designed then calculations on the given loads and speeds should have been done to spec the correct sized bearing or any other component for that matter in order to make sure it can withstand the environment for that components lifetime. So UM should be able to tell you how many movements a components can make given the loads and speeds they are under. But this is where is come model dependent to work out how many print hours this will equate to as most components are calculated by movements not hours running. I guess you could calculate how many movements one axis will make on a few models you do and average it out. One reason why there are things like ISO standards is so companies can design new stuff and still give lifespans for different components even though the product hasn't actually been tested for that period of time. But this is hard for a company Like UM unless they track the printer movements not print hours.
  2. I think we meant "You can slap a doodle3d or octoprint on it" by that. Yeah I had guessed that. The doodle 3D was in the store at the time also.
  3. This was advertised by UM back when I got my UM2. I'm Still waiting for the upgrade.
  4. Thanks Sander for the update. I understand that this is a good way to go for the business. Its just nice to have UM as a good second option. Also, the company update prior to changes like this or even a note as you enter the store with a bit of warning would be good. Not everyone likes change but you should have learnt from last time that a warning first makes the transition a bit easier.
  5. As i understand it. You can change the stepper drivers on the UM0 as they are plug in modules but the UM0+ and UM2 have built in stepper drivers that cant be replaced. To make the printer more quiet. Change the rear fan to the Sunon mc25060V1 0004-A99 print a fan shroud with horizontal fan mounts. Make feet with springs to dampen or print some out of Ninjaflex. Enclose the printer. even just a front door helps a bit. but there are full kits you can buy or just use a box.
  6. That is under-extrusion. I'm guessing its cos you are trying to print to fast for your printing temperature. What nozzle temp, speed and layer height are you using?
  7. We did test, quite a bit. But... well, all our originals where upgraded to + or heated bed upgrade status. So that was missed. There is a workaround, you can enable the heated bed setting and set that to 0, that will work around this problem till we have a fix out. Well, some time has passed. Is it safe for a newbie with an ultimaker original to try it yet? 1.99 is pretty stable and I have been using it for quite a few weeks now with few problems.
  8. 3D systems gave a months notice before closing there store, its a bit more of a drastic announcements but at least they sent out an email to all everyone to announce it. If UM is going this way then they should have some set rules for re-sellers to keep up there image, It would be nice to have all products available but it should be to make sure they have set list of spare parts listed on there store and as Korneel said. time should be given to allow re-sellers to build up some stock.
  9. I would think its the bearing more them the rod. Can you see any wear marks on the rod? or you can measure it where its sticking.
  10. When you had removed the bearings did you slide them up and down the shaft on their own to see if they stick? You cant really clean bearings. If there is a damaged ball or race then you need to replace it.
  11. This is so dependent on so many things. Just draw it at the correct dimensions and alter your printing temp or speed to get the correct outer dimensions, small Inner circles can then be measured and altered in your drawings. Given a fixed speed, altering the nozzle temp can change the line width slightly. If you have the correct E steps them this can give slight adjustments to make you part more accurate. But room temp can also come in to play and needs to be kept at a constant. But all this depends on how accurate you need to be.
  12. Oh and the prices above are listed minus the local shipping costs.
  13. Emphasis on the maybe part.. I do live literally on the other side of the world and surprise, it has always been cheaper to buy direct from UM. Some times $100 - $200 cheaper and sometimes only $50 (currently) depending on currency changes. I'm a bit pissed off. I liked and would rather buy from UM direct. A few reasons for this is, It's cheaper. I was able to pre-order my UM2go and get one in the first shipment. My local store doesn't even sell the UM2go. The Olsson added free with new printers. Not sold by my local store, Spare parts?? nope, local store doesn't list any of these either. I like the products and brand and I'm kinda loyal to that, not some local online store, If something new comes along, I can pre-order or order it direct and know its on its way (normally 3 days delivery) and not have to wait for another company to get it in stock (if they ever do) then ship it to me.
  14. Yeah I'm not liking the new store setup. Good if you want to get something local but my local store doesn't stock any spare parts and are even limited in what printers they sell so i normally go straight to UM. Interesting hot the upgraded the website and forum but kept the old store look at shop.ultimaker.com
  15. You are best not to use 15.06 as there are 2 many bugs, I would suggest either 15.04.3 or 1.99
  16. For this size I think you are better off going for a H gantry with proper linear rails and bearings. The program changes you are talking about are not major and can be easily done. If you use the um original board the I believe the stepper drivers plug in. Unlike the UM0+ and UM2. These can be changed as there are topics of people changing them to a more quiet one. Maybe you can find one to handle the higher current or at least see the specs on what they can handle. Just consider that the bigger the base the more prone to warping.
  17. I have just been going through the forums on my mobile and as I was scrolling I accidentally touched the flag post as inappropriate. The problem is I can't unflag it. I have tried tapping it again but it stays flagged. Now I feel stink about flagging a post with no issues. Can you please allow it to be un-flagged by the person who flagged it?
  18. there is a limit of 7 per person per day and minimum size of 30cm for snapper. It's the favorite eating fish of the region so they limit how many people can take.
  19. Sketchup is actually really bad for 3d printing. Is usable but you need to make sure there are no stray lines or non manifold items. Make sure you always view your models in x-ray mode to make sure there are no red areas in cura. Cleanup3 and solid inspector plug-ins are a must for Sketchup to get rid of any errors. Could explain your wall issues.
  20. Generally you do get a tiny string. Are you still getting the melted blobs on top?
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