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Everything posted by Labern

  1. @xisle maybe able to help you out if you ask him nicely. He has written gcode modifiers for me in the passed that worked really well.
  2. I have not had any interference with mine and have done a bit of work in that area. you may want to check for damage to the wires or loose plug connections.
  3. It depends on a few factors. Ultimaker recommends you max print speed to be 8mm3/s but a well working machine can print at 10mm3/s You multiply your nozzle diameter with the layer height and speed to find out what your currently printing at. pretty much the faster you print the hotter your nozzle temp needs to be. but for PLA don't exceed 240 or it will start to burn. If you increase the layer height then you are pushing a lot more plastic through the nozzle so this in turn effects the temp and print speed. telling us 200% doesn't mean much as we don't know your print speed and layer heights etc.. so if you need more advice then you might want to post these.
  4. When it's on. As long as it's not printing You can move it when you are in the move material menu
  5. How? Cura 1.99 has this option. You have to turn on the option under in the settings for support and select support roof. You will then be able to adjust the roof percentage.
  6. You can manually move it by hand. The drive has protection against back feed. Or you can install tinkergnome's Firmware which has an option to move head to front.
  7. I have had a base that looked like that before and it was due to the glass having oil from fingers or something on it. A good clean with isopropyl alcohol and nice thin coat of new glue did the trick.
  8. Labern


    Yes I do use the filter and have set it all up but you have to open each unread topic to see what the new content is. Some times you open the topic to see the unread message and its just a "thanks" while the Dashboard shows a bit of the reply so you can see if its worth opening or not. It would be nice to have a filter to be able to show content inside a thread in the forum, and set how much of this content you want it to display maybe??
  9. Yes it sounds like your coupler is the Cause of your issues. Over time the heat and spring tension cause the PTFE coupler to deform at the bottom, Not allowing enough room for the filament to easily pass though. This causes under extrusion.
  10. What cura version are you using? I tried it in 15.04.3 and 1.99.0 and they both load it with no issues. Says 1hour 40mins and shows the whole item in layer view.
  11. You maybe able to print a clip that you put on the feeder to hold it in the open state.
  12. Try to slide the shafts 1 by one. You may find that one of the pulleys has moved slightly which allows the shaft to slide. The click can come from the spacers hitting the bearing. Making a video or sound clip could also help determine the problem.
  13. Cura does add supports on its own. Depending on the version you are using You just click the add support box. But you won't see it till you go to layer view.
  14. Hehe, didn't realize the leds changed back n forward
  15. The older UM2's the led strip is like a flexible silicon one. The newer ones is like a thin alloy strip with the actual leds exposed. For some of the machines the black sections of the hot end bearing assembly is different but not sure of the lengths at from what time they changed. The main electronic board has different versions so you could check those numbers. Newer UM2's have a metal ring in the entry of the feeder and older ones don't. There are a few other minor things but can't remember then right now.
  16. Kumusta, congratulations sa bago mong printer. Welcome sa forum, intayin namin mga una mong projects.
  17. I know this doesn't answer your question as I haven't tried it but... If it's a new printer then I would stick to the good stuff till you get used to it. Colorfabb, faberdashery, diamond age, etc.. cheap stuff can sometimes be good but can also cost you in the end from all the failed prints or ugly finish. You are up for a lot of learning so adding a dodgy filament could make this process a lot more frustrating.
  18. All that has been said is that it will be in Q1 2016
  19. It must be the ghost of the old forum haunting us for leaving it. I got 3 yesterday. 5 today.
  20. what kid of setting tweaks? i am new...lots to learn! Use the force to guide you The default settings get you going but getting into the expert settings can allow you to adjust depending on the type of model you are printing. You have a new printer so settings could be different to some of ours, I would recommend to print at 30mm/s and drop the temp. Read this and this. if you still find areas of improvement then start a new topic to focus on that to keep this one about latest prints
  21. Labern


    I kinda agree. I look at the dashboard more then the forum. I would prefer that the dashboard was more of a what you missed since you were last here kinda thing. I know there are settings for this on the forum but it doesn't show what people have actually typed as a reply. I find the written content entices me to open it. If I make quite a few posts then the dashboard fills up with what I have posted. I don't want to see my own posts because I know what I have written.
  22. Thinking big of a man who prints small... it's usually called compensation... @SandervG: Your list of printer is producing much white space... think of when the new forum started... this time it will be your fault... You are right! I think I'll just have to write very elaborated replies from now on to compensate for the white space You havent even added your UM2+ models yet. your printer list will be like a novel soon
  23. Dont ffreak out I have those days 2. After a bit of tinkering you'll find out its not to bad. Took me a while to start playing around with mine ( I didnt want to touch anything for the first month) Now I'm building my own machine
  24. You need to sharpen the filament like a pencil. It can sometimes get caught on an edge going into the nozzle if it has a flat end. Maybe caught on the PTFE coupler or something. Also make sure the bowden tube is going all the way into the PTFE Coupler and everything is seated nicely. ( Olsson Block isn't on a weird angle or anything)
  25. For the rear fan you can look Here and find a suitable 5v fan for the correct size and flow if you want to go that way. depends on how old your UM2 is will depend on if it will turn on and off when it heats up.
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