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Everything posted by Labern

  1. I had do look twice at your location to realize you are in New Zealand. Many years ago (1997) I spent a month in Australia during November. Summer was well on the way. Wonderful trip. Came home to the United States (Maine) in the midst of the first big snowstorm! Yeah, my brother lives in Australia and I visited him a month ago, it's a bit warmer there then in NZ so was nice to warm up, I also traveled around Australia back in 2004 for 8 months but it was to hot, to brown and to big for me so came back to NZ.
  2. @Sander is probably the person that can help with the lost post. but yes probably low priority right now. Its a good post so I'm glad you asked the question
  3. Summers coming so I should be getting in shape 2. I have been hibernating most of the winter designing stuff.
  4. Are we able to edit our profile name? I want to make the first letter a capital but cant find the option.
  5. Old albums not showing up, not being able to upload, 503 Service Unavailable errors Wanted to upload pictures, but couldnt Will look into it, my albums are showing (the ones I created before this update). When I try to add a photo to a post, I cant see any any photos in any of the albums, if i hover the mouse over the empty space a light grey label comes up where the photo should be and shows the photos name, but if I click the full or thumbnail buttons nothing happens.
  6. I just got a printer that had similar issues. I couldn't get a decent print with no stringing unless I lowered the temp to 175deg and 30mm/s print speed. I put an external temp probe into the nozzle and when the machine was set to 100deg I got a reading of 122deg.on my meter. I changed the temp sensor and now its printing fine with no stringing.
  7. flow should be at 100% but some people increase it to get better layer adhesion but you can normally leave it untouched. On the UM2 there is a ptfe coupler that deforms if you print at high temp all the time. this causes all sorts of problems. You may want to check it. You can replace it with the IPM coupler if you only print ABS, it can be found here or you could add this if you still want to print with PLA.
  8. Notification bell is now working
  9. Sometimes it's nice to leave them in a unread state so you can quickly go back to that topic if needed. I'm liking what I'm seeing so far though. There are some good improvements.
  10. The little read notification counter that shows unread notifications next to the bell stays there even if I have read them all.
  11. Just saw the MultiFab 3d printer and it seems pretty cool. Looks like it has a integrated scanner that detects objects that you can print onto. some of he materials that it can print are pretty awesome 2. http://www.3ders.org/articles/20150824-mit-closing-in-on-holy-grail-with-multifab-3d-printer--prints-10-different-materials.html
  12. increasing the feeder current can make the motor hot. As the motor gets hot it can heat up the drive wheel which can deform the filament. What size/tolerance is the filament? It sounds like your issue is worse then normal, have you tried printing with the grey UM filament? A lot of people print This and This to help resolve some of these issues.
  13. I'm guessing by the title that you have an Ultimaker 2? If so can you take a photo of the nozzle assembly so we can see if there is anything wrong with how it was put together? Did you also change the PTFE coupler?
  14. I think @swordriff has done some tests with Peek.
  15. I have never used a UMO but your temp sensors may not be reading the same temp, they can be out a few degrees so you may have to set 1 printer higher or lower then the other.
  16. With the power off you can lift the build plate by hand, holding it near the back.
  17. Assembly manual can be found Here and a good video can be found It may not be the PTFE coupler though as you haven't printed many hours. If you remove the bowden tube out of the top of the hot end and heat up the nozzle, how easy is it to push the filament through?
  18. Kinda looks like it gone. If you go to @M3Dical profile and sort the users activity by Topics (as they started the topic) its only shows 1 topic and its not the one you are looking for. I also looked under the art of printing section in that period of time and couldn't see it.
  19. Is the printed material smooth or is it gritty or rough?
  20. Have you checked to see if the filament is slipping? Is there much impression from the feeder drive wheel on the filament? How many print hours have you done? as the PTFE coupler could be deformed.
  21. yes they are. it looks like shifting layers. i guess you went through all of This?
  22. did you try tightening the short belt pully screws and the pully on the stepper motors?
  23. you can adjust the time and make it so it wont take effect, but it can (and probable will) end up to hot. as it will end up putting hot plastic down 2 soon on the previous layer which is already hot as it hasn't had time to cool.
  24. Just added a design for dual nozzles found Here
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