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Everything posted by UlrichC-DE

  1. The material station can help with large parts (> 750g) or with sensitive filaments (PA, PVA). Also for serial printing or when the printer is used heavily (>8h) during the day. Also over night when changing material. The station does not accelerate the printing process (rather the opposite). But it can reduce the manual changeover time between filament rolls. If you have multiple 3D printers or a small production run, you'll appreciate it. Those are more economic considerations. For experimentation, I find the Material Station to be a hindrance. It turns the S5 into an automated black box, so to speak. The Material-Station is not adjustable and depends on preconceived profiles. With filaments from other manufacturers the compartibility is not absolutely necessary but a similarity to generic profiles should be given. If this is not the case, the printer can, as you have found out, be returned to the normal roll feed. A parallel operation of material station and roll feeder is not possible. A conversion is cumbersome. Plug and Bowden of the material station must be removed. The roll holder must be plugged in. I would also say that an S5 alone with Airmanager is the better choice in this case. The option material station can be purchased later. The Airmanager is also not adjustable but it creates constant conditions in the working area of the printer.
  2. tweakatz.py in einen Programmordner zu schmeisen führt vermutlich zu einer langen Nacht mit ungewissem Ausgang. Ich habe mein Cura leider aus Englisch . Aber es müsste dennoch zu finden sein. Menüleiste -> Extensions -> Post Processing -> Modify G-Code "Change At Z" müsste das tun was du möchtest.?!
  3. This is exactly what I observed with version 5.8.0. Afterwards I pulled the main plug on the MS. But nothing more. Unloading happens automatically after 2 hours or when changing the material by another print job. Ultimaker wants to fix this problem in the next two versions. I've only had the error once before. But fortunately not the error when changing the print core.
  4. Zwischen den Cura von vor 4-5 Jahren bis heute hat sich die Oberfläche stark geändert. Das Umschalten zwischen den Ansichten ist oberhalb der Druckansicht im dunkelblauen Balken zu finden. Zuvor muss man Slicen (wenn das nicht automatisch geschieht) Unten rechts ist dazu eine Schaltfläche die Slicen / Speichern / Drucken(..) beinhalten kann.
  5. Have you already tried to regenerate the job in Cura?
  6. I dissociate myself from 3dsolex. I haven't tested it so I can't recommend it. If the traders would see it the same way, the world would be a more peaceful place. 😉
  7. Nozzle swap, as on the UM2, is not possible. Because the swap corresponds to a conversion that can - but does not have to - succeed mechanically. In addition, the software can only be tricked out afterwards. There is also a third-party manufacturer (3D-Solex) that sells cores with swap nozzles. But that is also only a compromise. (In any case, you can't save a cent this way) Better you buy an appropriate core. I swap the printer cores almost daily (0.8,0.6,0.4,0.25) This is a feature of the printers. It is faster than screwing and therefore worth it.
  8. The new version 5.8.0 shows a different behaviour when changing the spools. Somehow everything is different. Maybe this is coinced for your problem. However, the version is not completely error-free and has new surprises. If I wanted to test it, I would cut the filament during printing in the MS or I would loosen the bowden under the feeder. Better to lose two meters of filament instead of 20 hours of printing time. If you then have the bug, the people from Ultimaker can recreate it. (When Ultimaker lends me a roll of CPE, I test .. address is known 🙂 ) Ultimaker CPE and Generic CPE each have their own profiles. But changing that doesn't make sense for you either. Because you print in different colors. There are people on the firmware forum who are closer to the productive firmware. Maybe @sj3fk3 can write if Ultimaker has the problem on the screen. Again just an idea
  9. True. I often drive by there when I go to Belgium. Difficult. If I write cappuccino now the others want espresso. Better we keep the printer working. No. Normally this only takes a few minutes. But I do this via USB. So I know which version is loaded and I can archive the old versions as a fallback. Because the problems usually come outside normal business hours.
  10. Thanks, I will try. Of course I also hope that the changed program behaviour does not clog the print cores. No this is not a translation error. just another wording in German. In English this is probably called knickknack. Whereby in Germany knickknack again stands for a different action. A German who writes English is not a US American. It is complicated. It's getting harder and harder to figure out what's an error and what WorksAsDefined is. I hope that the printer will work more reliably with the next version. Version 5.8.2 / The printer does not print anymore, but makes a great coffee 😆
  11. I had printed with UM Nylon. Unfortunately that was a while ago. Before the update it worked. So far I had saved the LOGs for every error. But lately I wasn't sure if Ultimaker even receives and evaluates them. (If tickets disappear from the support system, the customer simply doesn't waste any more time for that. In fact, as a customer you always have two options. Save LOGs and contact the support.Or just keep printing in the hope that someone else will take care of it ) Next time I will try again with LOGs. Promised😉 I can sign the problems described here. Here is a picture. Currently at 3cm. (Ultimaker TPU95A / but without NFC tag / Unfortunately, I have to print - that's why gadgets OFF)
  12. My first observations overnight The material was not automatically reloaded at the end of the roll. When printing is interrupted while start, the new version makes a hot-pull without cooling down. When printing was started, extrusion was only started after about 5 seconds of printing time. I will continue to observe this. At the moment I have to print
  13. I think the front fan is responsible for this. The side fans are for cooling the workpiece.
  14. Right, it's just a sympthom. The cause can be another one with you. The lever of the print core must engage audibly and visibly. Push the core in and press it until it clicks. I sometimes do this twice to make sure that it fits properly. Maybe the core has contact problems with the sensor. The contact surfaces of the core can be cleaned with some alcohol. I would put the silicone on it. Since it probably also conducts the airflow better. There is a fan in the front. It must be free and turn. Otherwise cooling of the core is not realy possible. If you can print with another print core on the slot. it is because of the printer core. If you can print on the other slot instead, it is because of the printhead board. This has spring pins. So much for the ideas. I don't work at Ultimaker, so I only have experience with my own error messages. I also try out new things more often to get to know the limits and possibilities. When I have such bugs, I usually switch back to Ultimaker standard. I then try to print Ultimaker ABS on a standard profile, for example. Because that's one thing that has to work. Only if that doesn't work do I suspect the hardware.
  15. Have you ever removed the print core and reinstalled it? Actually the mistake should not come at all. With the Deprime this is understandable under certain circumstances. But otherwise it is strange.
  16. Addendum: The silicone prevents the print head from filling with plastic. This can happen if the workpiece comes off the print bed. This can otherwise be expensive. The temperature sensor is only a PT100 resistor. In the material profile the temperature for the deprime (unload, discharge) of the material is defined. Some filaments have their own characteristics. So I would take the trouble to find something similar in the 3dParty filaments on the marketplace.
  17. ER31 comes when the print head is pulled too hard. The print head loses the connection to the print core. This is often the case when the deprime by the MaterialStation does not work properly. If that was ASA, I would try a different profile.
  18. The material station has no eyes. Alternative, use a different ASA profile that is optimized for MS. You can adjust the print settings.
  19. True If the Bowden is not right, the Deprime always goes bad. The PRIME in Core 1 is then also not good and in Core 2 the filament breaks. I can't interpret the LOGs completely. It has several NFC read errors. Otherwise I only read coffee grounds. Unfortunately this is also the case in my LOGs. So I would consider this as normal. I print large nylon parts and I have roll ends in it. It works fine so far. Since the material station has errors in recognizing filament types, I only admit the most necessary. All other filaments I leave outside. With the firmware 5.7.3 I have to put the material in the material station to the left wall each time, so it recognizes it at first go. With 5.7.2 he often detected over two shafts at the same time (that was not nice either). So if the material station wanted to detect the filament during the Deprime I would only bet 50/50 that it actually works. The suspicion would then be. That he loaded CPE but the Deprime of another filament makes the filament loaded. Of course I don't know if the material station works like this. Again just an idea
  20. @CTotten I would check the bowden at the back of the unit. There is a lot of Bowden in the back of the flow sensor. If only half of it is plugged in, the DEPRIME will not work properly. These effects occur. The DEPRIME has several stages. It is a loop of cooling, waiting and retracting. The configuration of the PRIME and DEPRIME is based on a standard printer with fixed Bowden length. If the Bowden is too long, the first step is not really retracting, but only relaxing the material in the Bowden. This causes the filament to stick to the core. The following steps, which involve further cooling and further retraction, will not work properly. This is only an observation. This may sound bizarre but it solved my problems. Please correct me if I am completely wrong. @SandervG To test this you could print any smaller object. It doesn't matter if it is a DEPRIME at print abort or after 750 gram CPE. I wish you all a pleasant weekend
  21. OctoPrint .. hilfe. Dann muss ich mir vielleicht noch den passenden Drucker dazu besorgen.
  22. Zu dem Video. Das geht mit einer GoPro am einfachsen. Der Effekt mit dem Drehen und Zoom des Bildes im Video ist auch einfach erklärt. Der Drucker steht auf einem drehbaren Tisch und wird langsam bewegt. Als PRO würde man hierfür einen Tisch mit Antrieb nehmen. Mit der UM Kamera macht das wie @Smithy schon schreibt keinen Sinn. Ich finde zudem das dass Bild einfach zu schlecht ist um (heute 2020) jemanden damit hinterm Kamin vorzulocken. Das Video ist zB 1080p Wenn du den Druckkopf nicht im Bild magst, könntest du den Auslösetaster an eine Achse befestigen. Also Einzelbilder machen und diese dann hinterher zu einem Video zusammenfügen. Ein Script das vor jedem Z-Schritt eine Position einfügt wäre der nächste Schritt. Du könntest aber auch einen kleinen Turm in einer Ecke des Druckbereichs platzieren um Auszulösen. Kurzum ein paar Ideen kann man schon investieren um das zu tun. Am günstigen wäre eine dieser ausgedienten n MegaPixel Kameras aus vergangenen Tagen. Den Auslöser kann man sich ja auch einlöten. Eine Powerbank oder netzteil. Eine SD-Karte und Stativ ist selbsterklärend.
  23. Du meinst vielleicht Timelapse oder auch dt. Zeitraffer. Für "Zeitlupe" benötigst du eine entsprechende Kamera. Eine einfache GoPro 6, 7 oder 8 kann das im begrenzten Umfang auch. Ich befürchte aber das machen die wenigsten YouTuber. Falls dich die Videobearbeitung interessiert VEGAS Pro Adobe After Effects In diesen Tools kannst du Einzelbilder zu Videos zusammenstecken. Ein Capture (mit FFMpeg vom VStream) von der Druckerkamera würde ich lassen. Die Kameras in den Druckern sind nichts fürs Auge. Eine GoPro oder Webcam ist dafür die bessere Wahl. Kurzum , Stativ + Kamera + Videoschnitt = Youtube-Karriere😆 Viel Spaß PS: Lass ein Like da und aktiviere die Glocke, Abonniere den Kanal (NICHT)
  24. Update The support has answered. Unfortunately he has little interest in finding the error. He writes that it is normal. Which I cannot confirm from experience. I would be happy to help. I have the print file. Unfortunately, this is impossible via Ultimaker Support.
  25. Wir auch manchmal verwechselt.. Der Webserver auf dem Drucker (IP steht im Display) http://192.168.2.xxx/print_jobs Die DigitalFactory: https://digitalfactory.ultimaker.com/app/printers
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