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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Actually, the printhead doesn't have room for a second nozzle anymore. At least, it used to have a hole but that has been closed. That should give you a clear answer on the prospect of dual extrusion, right? And you are welcome for the upgrade! I really like that as well.
  2. Besides the new hardware, we have also been working on some new features to the forum and website. As you can see the product pages have been improved, which.. if I say so myself.. a pretty impressive spec-page! We even have a comparison page now. On our community forum you can also embed a 3D print you have uploaded on the 3D print section. You can also share these 3D print cards on external platforms that allows iframes. Just copy the embedded code and paste it. It will look something like this: We also added tooltips to the editor icons, that way everything should be clear! Accompanied with the new Ultimaker 2+ and Ultimaker 2 Extended+ we also quite some new stories and videos. Better grab some popcorn! - - Dr Hong Odocs eye care - Electric skateboards - - A lot of things have changed, have a look around and let us know what you think
  3. Hi All, It is CES time, which means we have some exciting news to share with you! You may have already seen the teaser online and on top of that you probably all heard (or started ) the rumours, gossip and predictions about what Ultimaker will be launching next, and when. The when is an easy question which I can now finally answer; now! The what though, will require some more effort explaining. What. Directly available from the launch (right now people!) we have replaced the Ultimaker 2 and Ultimaker 2 Extended with their successor; Ultimaker 2+ and Ultimaker 2 Extended+. An Ultimaker 2+ is an improved version of the Ultimaker 2. These improvements are the result of the interaction and insightful feedback we received from you and the rest of our community. Printhead. In the printhead you’ll find a new and more accurate PT100, a stronger heater cartridge and a pre-installed Olsson Block so everyone has the opportunity to use different nozzle sizes and we improved the fan shroud for optimized airflow and cooling. The PTFE isolator is made from TFM, which has a longer life span. We have also removed the spring and implemented a spacer, this has less pressure on the PTFE isolator which also expands its life span. And, maybe most important of all.. new clips to hold the glass plate in place that won’t mess up your finger!! What I personally really like is the fact we are still holding on to our modular machine strategy, i.e. backwards compatibility. This means for our current Ultimaker 2 users we’ll have an Extrusion upgrade available to convert their Ultimaker 2 into an Ultimaker 2+. The Extrusion upgrade will be released later in Q1 in 2016. The geared feeder. The stronger geared feeder allows you to easily swap filament and choose the correct pressure for your filament. Just like the old feeder it has a lever through which you can choose your ideal pressure. For example with a softer filament you’ll need to choose a lower pressure. Such control increases the success rate of your prints. It also features a lever, when raised, you can manually insert or remove filament. Combined with the Olsson Block which is now by default installed in the Ultimaker 2+ and a stronger cartridge heater the build speed volume can go up all the way to 24mm3/s with a 0.8mm nozzle. The prize for these successors will remain the same as you have grown accustomed to with its predecessor. Check out our new product pages here! We have also captured this information in this informative video We are curious to hear what you think of these improvements!
  4. haha as funny as I think your rant is.. I kinda like snow
  5. Well I hear some babies sleep quite well in between feedings if you are lucky. Otherwise, maybe these earplugs are a nice first print
  6. SandervG


    Well maybe it is between those 2 groups, but both groups are important and valuable groups to Ultimaker. Also, a one time visitor could become a community contributor. There are so many people who say they have been 'lurkers' for quite some time (sometimes even half a year) before they decide to buy an Ultimaker. If we can take these people's hand and guide them through the Ultimaker website they could eventually become community contributors. The reason for me asking is if we could come up with an idea which would (minimally) clutter your screen and still help. Maybe it doesn't have to be clutter, but it could also be useful? And did you know we have email notifications nowadays?
  7. Oh wow congratulations!! Exciting Your first? You should talk to @Didierklein, he printed all kind of things for his baby girl
  8. SandervG


    Hi All, First of all, best wishes to all! Hopefully you'll find a lot of happiness, inspiration and creativity in 2016. The other day I was talking to my colleague at the coffee machine (what a wonderful place to have conversations), and we were talking about data and traffic, what topics do well and which don't. He mentioned that the community was our number one 'section' to attract traffic onto our website. But at the same time it also has a pretty high bounce rate. For those not that familiar with these terms, it represents the percentage of visitors who enter the site and then leave ("bounce") rather than continuing on to view other pages within the same site. Bounce rate is a measure of the effectiveness of a website in encouraging visitors to continue with their visit. In terms of behaviour one could say that users are googling a certain question, find the answer and continue with their thing. If I was in the middle of a project that is what I probably would do. But it could also be users who are looking for an answer and don't find it, or who have more questions but are not invited/teased to browse the rest of the website to find them. Since any modification to guide these users would influence the forum I wanted to throw this out here and see what your thoughts and ideas are. For example, we were thinking of showing a couple of related topics at the bottom of a page or potentially where the OP block is (top right), and merge that info in the first post. We could ask if a visitor found the topic useful or not. We could implement a small menu on the side that shows what other categories we have on the forum. What do you think? Is there something you specifically don't like? Or do like? Looking forward hearing from you!
  9. @Skint, why? It doesn't sound like you extended your holiday. (although that would be nice!) Did you? This is a cool project. e-nable is also worth looking into
  10. Very cool! You make quite some parts with your Ultimaker don't you, like other parts for your entire set up? Do you also 3D print trains?
  11. On my Original (not a +) I found the dual fans a great mod and there are a lot of clips available on YouMagine that can assist in closing the chamber. Can't find the second fan I downloaded back then. Does anyone have any recommended (dual) fanshrouds?
  12. It would probably be more accurate and relevant to redirect people to the Ultimaker community. In a (very) low rate it still generates some comments, but if users have any questions they are probably better off here.
  13. Ten eerste wil ik jullie allen de beste wensen geven voor in 2016. Hopelijk hebben jullie op een leuke en veilige manier Oud & Nieuw gevierd! De eerste Ulti-Evening van 2016 komt er weer aan, met een inspirerend thema. Co-founder Erik de Bruin en Martin van Wezel komen langs en gaan iets vertellen over hun bijdrage bij de mooie organisatie e-nable. Erik is betrokken bij de ontwikkeling van een tool genaamd hand-o-matic. Het is een tool die het proces automatiseert van een hand-prothese maken op maat, waardoor je als ervaringsdeskundige, zonder CAD modelling ervaring, nog meer van betekenis kan zijn. Martin van Wezel is ook betrokken bij de organisatie en heeft 3D geprinte handen gemaakt voor verschillende Nederlandse kinderen. Heb je je ooit afgevraagd hoe je een hand prothese moet maken? Erik en Martin delen hun ervaring en bijdrage aan e-nable. Ze brengen misschien zelfs wat prothese-kits mee om in elkaar te zetten tijdens de Ulti-Evening. Datum: 11-01-2016 Tijd: 17.00 - 22.00 Locatie: Protospace, Utrecht 17.00 - 18.00 Aankomst (Neem je Ultimaker mee!) bestel wat te eten (10 euro pp) 18.30 - 19.00 Presentatie 19.00 - 22.00 E-nable time!
  14. First of all, Happy New Year and best wishes to you all! I hope you all had a great time celebrating New Year and stayed safe. The first Ulti-Evening of 2016 is coming up with an inspiring theme. We have co-founder Erik de Bruin and Martin van Wezel tell something about e-nable. Erik has been involved in building a tool called hand-o-matic. It's a tool that will take a prosthetic design and generate a fitting STL. Martin has been involved with e-nable by building hand-devices for Dutch kids in need. Have you ever wondered how to build a hand device? Erik and Martin have all the ins and outs and they may even bring a few we can assemble. Date: 11-01-2016 Time: 17.00 - 22.00 Location: Protospace, Utrecht 17.00 - 18.00 Arrival (Bring your Ultimaker!) and order food (10 euro pp) 18.30 - 19.00 Presentation 19.00 - 22.00 E-nable time!
  15. @Ultiarjan, all the best wishes for you too! Looking forward to all that is coming
  16. Since this question was originally aimed at me let me get involved in this as well. Don't know if I have something interesting to say, or completely derail the conversation.. lets see where it goes First of all, I don't think any of us are lawyers and we shouldn't pretend to be one. The law is very complicated and 'flexible', depending on geographically where it takes place (we are currently in an international forum) and what it applies on. For 3D printing it is a fairly new technology, so under what definition (consumer / hobby / pro) it falls has yet to be determined as far as I know. What criteria leads to this definition is not something we as 'regular folks' might find logic. For example, the fact that Korneel bought an Ultimaker, and he is a consumer, does not turn it into a consumer machine. ..It may turn out to be a consumer grade machine, but that will have a different reasoning and has yet to be established. Another thing which makes giving a specific answer more difficult; we have an open source philosophy and an open filament system. Basically this means we, Ultimaker, love it when you get creative with your Ultimaker and make modifications. But these modifications can significantly influence the behaviour of your machine. We are not a company where you should be wary to void your warranty, like @Nallath says, we are not assholes. On the other hand we also have an open filament system, this means you are also free to feed any type of material (great or junk) through it that you want. Again, this can heavily influence the behaviour and life expectancy of your machine. And again we don't want to be assholes, we prefer to be reasonable and approach difficult situations case by case. That makes the whole guaranty / warranty situation complex and probably leaves only a very small area, where it makes sense for every party. A long(er) story short; I don't think we can give you the number you desire. Because it would be based on regular use, regular maintenance, no fiddling around, with 0 modifications and (for example) only Ultimaker PLA. That number won't make sense to anyone. What I can tell you, is that we give you a 1 year warranty (or guarantee), some of our resellers extend it with another year (so you have 2) and if you find yourself in a pickle we will always try to find a reasonable solution together. (reasonable does not always mean free by the way;) ) Hopefully this helps.
  17. @Nallath, we may need your superpowers here Could it just be a wrong visual representation?
  18. Thanks for sharing! Could you let us know what machine you operate? What version of firmware / Cura did you use?
  19. Hi Elisa, I believe Colorfabb uses PLA as a binding material for their woodfill and their ration is 70% plastic 30% wood. It can be a tricky material to use, let alone produce it. What you should look out for is the wood fibers not being to big, so they won't fit through the nozzle. I don't know what kind of wood you are planning on using, but I can imagine if it has additives like glue that won't benefit the quality.
  20. Do you want to buy it in a physical store or would you be ok with ordering filament online? FBRC8.com has Ultimaker filament. Colorfabb sells abroad as well. Here are some other names I hear good things about: Protoparadigm, UltiMachine, Printbl Good luck! I have no experience with these filaments. Maybe someone else does..
  21. That is a while ago since I trouble shooted an Ultimaker Original. Some basic things first: How long do you have your Ultimaker Original+? Did it ever work properly? Are you sure the power supply is still working, and supplying enough power? Is the UltiController connected properly? Any change when you wiggle the flat cables? Does the UltiController work normal before a heating failed error is triggered? Could it be that the power gets cut off to the heater after this failure, and the UltiController is connected in that same line? (@GR5 probably knows this )
  22. Hi, do you mean for example when you print a 10mm cube with a raft, it is only 9mm after removing the raft? It should be printed in 11mm, and after removing the raft it should be 10. Some pictures could probably help Thanks!
  23. Quote by cloakfiend And as for the paint, ive spent a lot of time and money on paints and experimenting with them, so ill keep that to myself for now, ' I think we have to have a little bit more patience before we can pick his brain
  24. Cool, looking forward what you will enter @Titus! .. I would be curious to know who in the office had such an impressive jawline. Must be a babemagnet
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