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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. We do sell spare parts, but unfortunately not everything is in our webshop. Fbrc8 also has a webshop, but it just has the heater missing as well. This is the result from an old discussion, where we decided to list the most wanted / popular parts. There are to many parts in the Original to list them all, so we have to make a choice. Like @Neotko says, you can send an email to support, or since you are from the US to Fbrc8. Then they can sell you one. I'll also ask if we can add the heater in the shop, but sending an email yourself will probably be the fastest route for now.
  2. Assuming you have a stock Ultimaker hot end, your nozzle should be screwed in further in the heaterblock. First screw in the nozzle, and then the brass tube. (you can do this now by heating the heaterblock, loosening the brass tube, and further insert the nozzle). But be careful that you don't break the brasstube, and watch your fingers while operating You're not getting any temperature fluctuations with the thermocouple so close to the aluminum heaterblock? But that has nothing to do with your levelling. Can you explain why it didn't work? For example, if you put the end stop 5mm higher, the bed doesn't go 5mm higher? only 3mm? Or 0mm? The distance should become bigger with every layer you print obviously With what distance does it increase?
  3. So @Peetersm, have you received new reels of filament? And were they better? Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience and the potential frustration of this bad batch of filaments!
  4. It would probably help if you could include a picture of what it looks like when you press Auto Home on the UltiController. I think, depending on the picture, there are 2 possible solutions. 1: use the thumbscrews at the bottom of the bed to find the right height. If the distance is to much, this won't work. If it is only 1 or 2mm it could work. 2: You have to put the top end stop (in the top right corner on the back) a few mm higher. The bed will home the exact amount of mm higher, as you move it up. So lets say your bed is now 3mm to low, move the top end stop up 3mm. Then press auto home on your UltiController and potentially a piece of paper if you prefer and complete the bed levelling procedure with the thumbscrews.
  5. Hi @UltiSo, When you say you calibrated the heated bed, what did you do exactly? How far is it from the nozzle? Did you change the position of the end stop (during calibration?) The Ultimaker Original should determine its height based on the top end stop, not based on the bottom end stop.
  6. As promised, we have documented the presentation and are ready to share the information gathered from @Korneel's presentation! You can find everything right here! If appropriate, this is the place where you will find the next documentations as well. Right there, in our knowledgebase If you have a great tip you think should be included in the KnowledgeBase feel free to reach out to me!
  7. What I always use for testing is either my fingertip or the point of a screwdriver to gently move over the first layer. If you pull it off it is not stuck, if it stays on its place it is good. How is it with you? At what speed is your first layer deployed? Do you use the same gcode or the same model as before? I am not convinced it is a hot end problem, but I did see something off in your picture: Red: Left fan, there is a gab and should be closed. You can bent the fan shroud to close the gab. But on the right side it is to closed. Open it up a little bit. (but to closed is better than to open). Blue: There should be a 2mm gab in between the PTFE part and metal coupler. Yellow: I am not really sure what the white part is in the bowden tube? There seems to be residue.. but since the PTFE and filament are also white it is hard to tell what it is. Dunno of any of these have anything to do with first layers not sticking, but it are areas that can be improved.
  8. It is hard to say based on the video. Is there anything resonating in the machine? You could test some things, put your finger on them to see if it stops the sound. My first thought was a bearing, but it doesn't make the sound with every movement. Looks like when it speeds up? Could you try to describe at what moments it is making the sound? It doesn't sound like something to worry about too much, but I understand you want to get rid of it.
  9. Well, I do receive them. Lol Sander, one of the other programmers is probably moving yours manually so you think it is OK ahh you got me! (it is pretty expensive, but you know.. whatever works! )
  10. @lepaul, sorry to hear about this! Sad news :( Good luck and I hope you can spent some pleasant quality time with your cat.
  11. Cool initiative! Make sure to do another meet up around the Maker Faire, perhaps we could join the meet up as well Feel free to share some pictures with us after the meet up!
  12. Is it removed? hmm, let me look into that. That shouldn't happen. I saw your question this afternoon and forwarded the question. I'm sure it won't be a problem.
  13. .. let me check if we have a 'Paul' in our cabinet (we have a coffeecup for every employee, it is like a name-tag.. but then one you actually like holding on to )
  14. Hi @Fablabmoscow, could you keep us up to date about your experience with the Olsson Block and also the Z-Unlimited? I am very curious to hear what you are going to make and what the experiences are from you and others who see the Z-Unlimited and its possibilities. Happy to hear the shipping difficulties are solved
  15. That is a great fan, but you can adjust with the adjustable 'flap'. (Is that a word?)You can aim it high (on the heaterblock) or low (straight down). Adjust it so it is in the middle. Continue the line with your eyes and the airflow should go directly through under the nozzle. Your overhang could be explained if it is aimed directly down for example. Probably the ugliest pictures ever, but the blue part is the adjustable part and the green line is suppose to illustrate the airflow. How is this on your Ultimaker?
  16. You have to enable them first. By default they are set at weekly I believe. Did you check if they end up in a different folder than your inbox perhaps?
  17. During the 3D Printshow Paris Ultimaker joins forces with 3D Hubs and create a special pop-up 3D Hub. There is no separating that Dutch connection! We made 6 Ultimaker 2’s available for the entire duration of the 3D Printshow Paris. The Ultimaker 2 has been dominating the 3D Hubs trends for some time. Ever wondered what that print quality is like? This is your chance to get your hands on a very first print, made by the Ultimaker team themselves. While you are at it, come and say hi! How? Order your print at the Ultimaker Printlab Hub Or, send an email with a .STL attached to 3DPSLab@orders.3dhubs.com Use coupon code ‘3DPSLAB’ Pick-up your print at the 3D Printshow Use the following promotional code to get a free sample: ‘3DPSLAB’. If you are a visitor of the show and you don’t have a file with you, you can browse through Youmagine and send a file directly to 3DHubs. We’ll have a laptop available at the hub. It you don’t have your own design, there's plenty of cool designs available for free at Youmagine. There's a direct integration with 3D Hubs so you can just hit "Print this on 3D Hubs" to get going! We’ll bring many different colours of PLA, so get your geek on! This pop-up 3D Hub will be live till October 17th. If you already bought a ticket for the show you have a chance to talk to the most popular 3D Printer manufacturers, artists and other industry affiliates. And to top it off you can now get a free 3D printed sample too. Just bring your file and we are ready to go. Looking forward seeing you on the show!
  18. I thought the time out didn't happen anymore? Maybe it happened during a fix to the server or does it happen to you more frequently? Would you prefer to 'Choose an album' if a user has more than one albums? I think it would be best to have 'all or nothing'. Like if you have one or more albums, select like the first one by default. At the same time, this could result in people just put everything in that 1 album. Whether being lazy or forget to select an album. Now you never forget to select the right one.. @peetersm, did this happen once or occasionally? Do you have a link to this post?
  19. No worries! Hopefully it is clearer now If you want to read more about the new forum, we wrote some guidelines here!
  20. I always thought white filament required a slightly higher temperature. If you say 40mm/s 200ºC I would reply with 40mm/s 215ºC. Every filament and brand has different 'perfect zone'. About the overhang; I would think that area could be a little bit better. (a higher resolution could help, dunno what fan duct you use and how well it is dialed in to cool the overhang?)
  21. Hi Izzy, Please select a Best Answer after posting a question and it has been answered. It will help future readers who might have a similar problem to find the answer faster. On this page you can read more about the forum and its new features!
  22. Weird thing is that we even haven't been able to diagnose it as hardware or software..
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