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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi All, Today is a great day, especially for all of our Spanish users. We have established a partnership with Tr3sDland, the first Spanish network of stores specializing in 3D technology. Tr3sDland will make their introduction on the Spanish part on the forum shortly, and we are sure this will lead to an increase in activity. We can tell they can't wait to get involved! Tr3sDland is selected for two main reasons; they are very passionate about the technology and Ultimaker and have a big network of stores which covers almost all of Spain, but more importantly, this means a lot of local support by certified Ultimaker technical support engineers. To give you an example they can be found in the following stores; but this will increase over time: -Madrid. Plaza del Cascorro, 2. -Zaragoza. C/ Fernando El Católico, 5. -Zaragoza. C/ Jerónimo Blancas, 5. -Bilbao. C/ Egaña, 8. -Jerez. C/ Ventura Núñez (Venturita), 8. -Toledo. Ronda Buenavista, 27. -Ciudad Real. Ronda de Alarcos, 24. -Girona. C/ Emili Grahit, 15. -Lleida. Carrer del Carme, 62. Tr3sDland will assist in supporting and growing of the Ultimaker community by hosting events and meet ups. There is a deep interest in getting involved and connected with the Ultimaker community. We'll hope to see you in one of the meet ups! At Ultimaker we are pretty excited about this step, and we can't wait to welcome all the new experts.
  2. It is hard to tell, but it looks like the bottom of the first print has some holes? You may want to increase top layer thickness in Cura.
  3. But depending on your print habits you also want to remove ABS from the nozzle, and then 260º is good. If your nozzle is already carbonized/clogged, there is no harm in 260ºC?
  4. Hi @Ruben_Geisler, Welcome to the forum! To improve your print you probably want to tighten your short belts. You can do this by loosening the screws on the X and Y motor, push the motor down as far as you can and screw them tight again. There should be a lot of stress on the short belt. Your retraction or print profile could probably also be improved. Near your printhead and feeder, is there any movement in the bowden tube when you (gently) pull it or is it fully secured? What settings do you use in Cura? Thank you!
  5. You think it should be replaced with our video? The printhead is not parked in the corner, but besides that I think it demonstrates it very well.
  6. 1 vid is missing and usefull is actually spelled as useful Yes.. like I said.. nagging jk @Titus! @Dim3nsioneer, We have improved the search feature again, but it is still on the list to improve even further! Do you still often can't find what you are looking for? For me sometimes it is very accurate, and sometimes I can't find a certain topic I am looking for. It certainty isn't flawless no. @IRobertI, for me direct messages take long to load, besides that everything is pretty fast.
  7. Ok! Well.. .. tadaaa For example, this topic will always be on top.
  8. There is the option to make posts 'sticky'. That way they'll always stay on top and will get a lot of views. Is that what you mean?
  9. aww you are all too kind! Well, we have already made progress, from complaining we are now moving to naggin! I'll write it down. But, if you can only reply through the forum you have to go there anyway. So, where do you think would lie the biggest improvement?
  10. ah yes, it kinda does look like a pattern. Maybe one of your pulleys has a hole which is not completely in the center and it forces one of your rods to kinda wobble? (if this is not the solution either, please open up a new thread if you want to continue the search!)
  11. Dat ben ik wel met @frederiekpascal eens, sommige materialen wil je even mee wachten tot je wat meer ervaring hebt met 3D Printen. Bijvoorbeeld PLA is heel vergevingsgezind met 3D printen. Of deze nu op 210º of 215º maakt niet altijd even veel uit. Sommige andere materialen luisteren wat dat betreft veel nauwer. En het kan zijn dat, als je print profiel niet ideaal is, je de oplossing gaat zoeken in je mechanics ipv je materiaal of print profiel. Het installeren van een Olsson Block is niet heel moeilijk, maar het printen met andere nozzles is wel weer een extra dimensie. Daarom kun je best de moeite nemen om de Olsson Block te installeren, maar ik zou in dat geval even nog met 0.4 blijven printen en later andere nozzles uittesten.
  12. I think Didier meant the 2 bearings inside the printhead.
  13. Could it be that you are over extruding and the lines you see are overlapping / a surplus of filament?
  14. Hier kun je er meer informatie over vinden. Het is de heaterblock die je vervangt. Waar op de Ultimaker 2 de nozzle en heaterblock 1 geïntegreerd item is, is dit voor het Olsson Block uit elkaar gehaald. Omdat de nozzle erin gedraaid zit, kun je die ook verwisselen. Ze bieden nu ook aan: 0.2 / 0.4 (standaard) / 0.6 en 0.8mm nozzles. 0.8 stelt je in staat veel sneller grotere objecten te printen. 0.2 stelt je in staat veel kleiner en gedetaileerder te printen.
  15. Hi @Kelechi, happy to hear the presentation went well! 150 people is quite a nice crowd. What samples did you display? It doesn't matter if you are an electric power engineer, I don't think anybody in this forum is 'trained' as an 3D printing expert. We all became one because we were interested and motivated. Well, if you are looking for an entry model (if people think it is off limit you may proof them wrong?) and if you need it for transport you could look into the Ultimaker 2 Go? It comes with a special travel container too.
  16. SandervG

    Raise 3D

    It is much cheaper then I expected, especially after the touch screen, wifi and DE.
  17. SandervG

    Raise 3D

    If it works like in the video, wouldn't the nozzle which stays on the print create a big blob of melted plastic? And shouldn't it need to prime before it starts again? Or don't you consider that a problem, and you would rather have that then do a print over? (i.e. would you consider a print failed if it had such marks?)
  18. @Renthal, thank you for sharing your print with us. Very inspiring to read! Did you make any other adaptions / upgrades to your house? @Cloakfiend, do you also have an overal view of your town? What are you making, a town for a model train?
  19. Good point, I'll pass it on. (I added a space between the 2 symbols so the message makes more sense). By the way also saw the preview of edit doesn't work.
  20. Hi @printerfan, now that we are close to the reason why your nozzle isn't working, could you select the answer which helped you best? It would help future readers with a similar problem to find the best answer as soon as possible. Here are some guidelines to what new features the forum has to offer, at the bottom of the page you can read about topic types and more specifically Questions & Best Answers. Thank you!
  21. We're here!! What do you think?
  22. Do you usually have access to google without problems? If you could let me know what version of Cura and OS you want I'll see if I can get you a direct download link.
  23. This is the most inconvenient way of doing this to be honest. I was specifically looking for it and still didn't see it. As you know on the old forum you could click the robot/dot/thingie on the left. I ended up clicking the last repliers name to go to the last post, scrolling up and navigating a page back to find the new posts. 'U vraagt, wij draaien'. Dunno what the correct english phrase is, something like 'Your wish is our command'. Anyway, @Titus we are happy to let you know that even though we can look back at our final (and dare I think successful?) streak of improvements, we continue to listen to the feedback we receive and our dev-team built your latest request this very same day. From now on you should be able to click on the blue bar on the left to move directly to the latest unread posts. Enjoy!
  24. De volgende Ulti-Evening staat alweer voor de deur! Zoals altijd hebben we weer een educatief en interactief thema voorbereid. Dit keer wordt de presentatie gedaan door onze eigen Chris & Layla van ons technische support team. Het thema? Post processing. We hebben al eens eerder paint brush gehad, en dat blijft een interessant onderwerp. Dit keer hebben we het over 2 andere manieren van je prints bewerken: - Vapor treating;; het glanzend maken van je prints en het doen oplossen van de lagen, terwijl de meeste details nog in tact blijven. Hoewel ik denk dat we 3D printen moeten appreciëren voor wat het is, en niet proberen al bestaande manufacturing technieken na te streven. Soms wil je toch van die lagen af. - Water Marbling; het aanbrengen van kleur op je prints door het gebruik van water, verf en een emmer. Wij nemen de spullen mee waardoor je deze technieken zelf een keer kan uitproberen, maar we willen je vragen om zelf wat prints mee te nemen. Als je de 'Vapor treating' wilt proberen, neem dan een ABS print mee die niet groter is dan 75mm. Datum: 19-10-2015 Tijd: 17.00 - 22.00 Locatie: Protospace, Utrecht 17.00 - 18.00 Aankomst (Neem je Ultimaker en prints mee!) en bestel wat te eten (10 euro pp) 18.30 - 19.00 Presentatie 19.00 - 22.00 Post processing-time!
  25. The next Ulti-Evening is coming up, with yet another educational and interactive theme. But this time, hosted by our very own Chris & Layla from our technical support team. What is it about? Post processing! It will be two workshops merged into one; - Vapor treating; making your prints shiny and dissolve layers while keeping most of the details. Even though I think we should appreciate 3D printing for what it is, and not try to replicate already existing manufacturing methods sometimes you don't need those layers. - Water Marbling; adding colour to your prints using water, paint and a bucket. We'll bring equipment that will allow you to try both techniques yourself, but we would like to ask to bring your own prints to experiment on. If you want to try the Vapor treating bring an ABS print with a maximum size of 75mm. Date: 19-10-2015 Time: 17.00 - 22.00 Locatie: Protospace, Utrecht 17.00 - 18.00 Arrival (Bring your Ultimaker and prints!) and order food (10 euro pp) 18.30 - 19.00 Presentation 19.00 - 22.00 Post processing-time!
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