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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. You have to tag me with my full name, or else I don't get a notification about it.. Anyway, as far as I know we are not related.
  2. I know Jonas personally and have been in touch with them from the beginning. This story is about their vision, and why they started perpetual plastic project. This story came out earlier, but was recorded later. Because they were going to launch their own material, and we wanted to support them we published it sooner. In fact, ReFil originated from their vision and experiments. They don't make this filament on those machines in the video anymore, they generally use them to underline and illustrate their vision and business. It's true the properties change from PLA, that is why they are focussing on ABS and PET. These behave differently. They have done a lot of tests to see if the result is different from regular filament and the results were quite good! Biggest difference was the source of the filament, i.e. new or recycled. To achieve this quality they are very selective where they get it from, that is why the ABS is solely from certain dashboards and PET is from a empty bottles. I would recommend to give it a try once
  3. I had the privilege to try the 100% recycled ABS, worked pretty good (as good as ABS gets)
  4. As far as I know PPP send out their filaments in cardboard for the same reason. I love these initiatives!
  5. Thank you for posting this, you are doing a great job! Is this the first class who you are doing this with? What have you learned from the experience?
  6. Lol, just saw this on 9gag the other day, didn't realize it was 3D printed. Very awesome, with all the moving parts. It is insane. Would make one hell of a ventilator during summer
  7. Thank you for your patience. I double checked and you can definitely use the Ultimaker 2 inThailand. I understand you have different power sockets available, if you have access to the top one in your post make sure to select the european power chord, or use a converter. But finding a fitting powerchord shouldn't be a problem I think
  8. August 2015, Boston, Massachusetts. It was time for the Ultimaker team to take another trip across the big pond and visit MIT in Boston. It was MIT from which the FabFoundation emerged as a non profit organization to support the growth of the international FabLab network. Because of our roots (Ultimaker was born in a FabLab) we were invited to come and represent Ultimaker to these FabLabs, and represent not just us.. but one of the manufacturing methods the FabFoundation promotes to have a presence in the FabLabs. That is quite an honor. Ultimaker hosted 3 workshops during the show, together with its community. We invited @RooieJoris (van Tubergen) and @Foehnsturm, and together we gave insight in how you could transform your Ultimaker into a paste extruder, how to use your Ultimaker to print unlimited in Z and how to convert your Ultimaker in a magnetic tool changer. These workshops are documented and will be shared later, we are currently putting the footage together. Follow this thread if you want to be kept up to date If you want to read our blog covering the show, continue here. Enjoy!
  9. At this very moment there are huge amounts of waste plastic, vast amounts in fact, and only 10 to 12% of it is being recycled. The rest ends up in the environment all over the world, even in our food, it literally ends up everywhere. Enter Perpetual Plastic Project – a collective of engineers looking to change the world by reducing the amount of plastic. Their aim is simple. You take waste plastic and turn it into something useful – plastic that’s perfect for 3D printing! This creates a circular economy where the material from the initial product can be used for the next. There is an industrial revolution 3.0 happening as we speak, with the invention of 3D printers. By closing the circle we want to start industrial revolution 3.5. Lets do it right from the start! A pretty good idea in our books. If you want to read the entire story, please go here. You may have heard from Jonas before, or PPP. That is correct! We also wrote another story about them, featuring their own 100% recycled filament. Enjoy!
  10. That is great to hear! How did the ring come out? I am curious to see what you will be making. If you want to share your progress with us you can upload pictures of your prints in our dedicated prints section. Good luck!
  11. Do you know what the voltage is? We also supply the US and other regions, so I think you should be fine but lets double check to be sure
  12. ..it almost looks like a render! Curious to know what the lesson was about
  13. Maybe they just overheat, you could elevate one side of the Ultimaker so you have a better airflow at your electronics. Is the fan still working? If it is only working a little bit that may not be sufficient. I think you mentioned it, but the pulleys which are easily overlooked are the ones directly on the motors. Good luck!
  14. Hi @NonSequor, That is true. We no longer support printing over USB because it is not as reliable as printing over SD card. The USB port is only for updating firmware. If you want to start your own print, copy your gcode from Cura onto the SD card and fire up the print through the interface. Did you select the Ultimaker 2 Extended in Cura or did you use another printer's profile?
  15. Hi @Neone, Thank you for your elaborated post and good questions. Hopefully you will find the answers you are looking for and others may find them useful as well. I am an Ultimaker employee, so I am probably biased but I may be able to give you some more insights. I am sure you will get replies from the rest of the community as well. 'Super user friendly'; I think this kinda depends on your frame of reference. If you compare it to a Senseo you might be right. There is some getting to know the machine needed, but I personally don't see that as a con. It is not a catchy way of saying the machine is unreliable or something.. it just literally means, get familiar with 3D printing. You are going to producing things with mostly thermoplastics. There are a lot of different thermoplastics available, you have to get to know how these materials behave and what lies within the possibilities or not. Learning what is possible goes for materials, but also the 3D printing in general. Not everything can be 3D printed. A lot.. but not everything. Usually there is a workaround. For Senseo, you just have pads.. that's it. And you can only make coffee. On the other hand, if you compare it to the entire 3D Printing scene, I think we are pretty user friendly. (go ahead and read our reviews, or ask others). In regard of maintenance, we have developed the Ultimaker in a way it is maintenance friendly. Maybe the video you saw is scary now since everything is unfamiliar, but that will soon change Besides, with Ultimaker you are not alone! You have us, you have this huge community and we have support pages. We started off with a kit (Ultimaker Original), which we had to design so everyone could build it, with just a screw driver. That same experience went in the Ultimaker 2. Community Activity; I guess you just have to find out for yourself Since the new forum was uploaded a lot changed. Last week we enabled e-mail notifications again and in approx. a month we will do another upgrade. The community has always been active, and with each streak of improvements it grows and grows. Price wise; we are not the cheapest printer around. I think there is a price-quality ratio. Not claiming cheaper prints are bad, but you have to give in somewhere, whether build volume, reliability, support, heated bed's. With the Ultimaker 2 you have it all (plus a reliable track record, which never shows up in any specs but is a crucial point). We have an open filament system, this means you can use our own filaments if you want to stay safe in the Ultimaker products, but you are free to experiment and play around. There are a lot of good other suppliers available as well, like Colorfabb. This means you have a say in what you spend on materials, but remember.. you need quality input for quality output. So sometimes the cheapest material is not the best. Let me know if you have any other questions!
  16. Hi @Yutkaset, Thank you for your post. Could you specify your question? Why wouldn't you be able to use it? Do you mean if you can import it, or actually use it? If you specify your question, it would be easier to answer it. Thank you!
  17. As a rule of thumb (materials may change and it also depends variating speeds) PLA: 210ºC / 50mm/s ABS: 250ºC / 50mm/s CPE: 250ºC / 50mm/s You may also want to turn up the heated bed to 90ºC, but perhaps since you also use the blue tape that is not necessary. Good luck!
  18. Hi Nothikins, I have never tried them so I can't really say much for it. But are you in need for a better adhesion for your Ultimaker 2? For PLA just the heath should be sufficient, and to really seal the deal you could also use the glue stick. If you still need a better adhesive there is something else going on, which you probably also won't solve with wolfbite. If you need any help, let me know so we can sort it out!
  19. A printed replacement could work, you can find the dimensions on our github account. Alternatively, you should also be able to get a replacement from your point of sales. Whatever works for you Let us know how things go!
  20. Hi Steve, Thank you for your elaborated post. Could you also upload some pictures of your feeder and Ultimaker? This gives us a better idea of what is going on. (hint: pictures are always recommended). Are you using the wizard to help you feed your filament? The feeder should slowly move into the right direction while you feed the filament, and once you see the first cm come out of the feeder in the tube you can press OK and the Ultimaker will do the rest. Can you also include a picture of the feeder's tension? It is the white indicator/block on the side of the feeder housing. I am sure we'll all be able to sort it out without stripping down half of the machine Looking forward hearing from you!
  21. Hi, could you upload some pictures of your printhead? When removing the blue horse shoe and pushing down the white clip you should very easily be able to pull out the bowden tube. If you do this at the feeder while your printhead is hot, you should be able to manually remove the filament. Good luck!
  22. Well i'm more concerned with order and shipping problems. As far as assembly its safe to assume an issue or problem is always around the corner but I find its one of the best teachers you can find. Ill be leaning on the community and its vast knowledge base for help so I most certainly appreciate it. Why are you specifically worried about order and shipping problems? And welcome to the community! Good to have you on the team!
  23. Yea I know, it is also being solved. (I noticed when your Useful links moved to page.. 4 or so). They will be restored
  24. Hi Bob, If we can establish a default in the board you are entitled to a replacement. Lets see if we can isolate the problem and figure out the solution!
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