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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. You mean builder? I thought they had a single nozzle with a Y-junction where you could swap between 2 different colors. Where if I understand correctly Autodesk wants to automatically switch between different nozzles and has a spiralized shaped nozzle? Wonder if it will be open source, like Ember..
  2. Just read this article. Are we going to have a new player on the field? 'Autodesk Files Patent for Multi-Color, Multi-Material Filament 3D Printer'
  3. They sound new to me, thanks for sharing! Did the 403 happen only once or structural?
  4. From my personal experience I can tell it works on both machines, with default stock. I have printed various parts without modifications. But, as it becomes clear here and what I would like to add, it is more difficult to print then regular PLA. You have to print slower (like 20mm/s) , potentially add a drip or 2 (no more!) sewing machine oil in the bowden tube to reduce friction and that is it. For example; I have printed this wallet multiple times. Adding a modification like Roberts feeder, or something else may make it easier to handle. But that doesn't mean the regular Ultimaker can't handle it. It would be nicer to ask for help/tips first, instead of claiming dishonesty.
  5. Can you post a new picture of your cleaned hot end? You could email support and ask them for help too. Usually we prefer for a customer to do the fix himself for multiple reasons. 1) it is much faster! As a customer instead of shipping over your machine (which you should always minimize for risk i.e. DHL) back and forth, there is only 1 shipment involved; the parts. 2) You gain knowledge when fixing the machine, so next time instead of a problem you know how to solve it and you convert your problem into an inconvenience. We have designed the Ultimaker so you can keep it running; instead of summoning warning-signs about voiding your warranty. We have a manual here that should offer you some more insights. If that is not sufficient our support team can provide you with additional info.
  6. No problem! Yes we do, it is 3 feet tall. But not as articulated as the smaller one, because it is fully PLA the joints wouldn't have enough force to keep, for example, the arm up. But, still amazing nonetheless!!
  7. Except for the bottom fan ( ), I am also inclined to think it is overheating. Is it very hot over there?
  8. I would recommend to get in touch with Aaron, he made Ronin which is fully articulated! (also shown on our homepage) I can introduce you if you want
  9. That is very peculiar. Peculiar can happen of course, but not very common. Do you have a stock bowden tube? 3,05 still fits if the ID is 3,16mm. If your feeder doesn't influence the diameter of your filament at all there is no problem. But since that is not always the case, 2,99 is a safe line. Your not experiencing more friction when nearing the end of a reel?
  10. Beautiful!! You should upload it in prints, and see if you can become the featured print!
  11. Was gonna say the same: Also, check the diameter of the black and red filaments, 3mm is too much, UM2 works with 2.85mm filaments.
  12. Very cool! Curious to see your prints when you go full size! What are you going to make when it is finished? @Nallath, do you know the answer?
  13. The thumbscrews are the 4 big screws keeping your printhead together. They go in from the top, one in each corner. Maybe they (on the back) are too tight? They are metal so they won't warp or anything. 'P.S. can i damage any other parts of the printer by continuing to print with my failing coupler? ' Not really. You have a higher risk of under extrusion and that may annoy you or interfere with your experience but it doesn't really damage any other parts. If, in order to keep it printing, you have to remove the bowden tube every print the bowden tube and the clip holding it may show some signs of wear. The clip has small metal grippers inside that hold the bowden tube in place. By removing the bowden tube every time those grippers may wear down the bowden tube on the outside. This will make the tube smaller, until the point they have less grip and can't hold it anymore. The bowden tube will move up, maybe a small bit, making room for your filament to expand between the bowden tube and teflon coupler, or even move further up. The grippers in the clip can also bend, reducing the grip they have. Note: This won't happen with regular use, or even a little bit more frequent removal of the bowden tube, but doing this every day might does. Don't panic, just keep an eye on it.
  14. If indeed it is leaning to the left.. aren't your thumbscrews too tight? No need in overtightening, in fact.. it does more wrong than right so make sure they are tight, like there is no play but don't overdo it.
  15. And @Vaz, if you have found an answer, please select 'Best Answer' so a future reader with a similar question finds the answer faster. Thank you!
  16. I definitely wouldn't go higher then 3.0mm, because the inner diameter of the tube is 3.16mm, and due to heat or tention the filament can deform a little bit and you need some room for play and movement or else it will get stuck. I would recommend 2 rules of thumb for you: 1: Diameter must be between 2.7 and 2.99mm 2: Diameter must be consistent. You don't want 1 reel to go from 2.75 to 3 and back to 2.9. It must be the same diameter. But most acknowledged resellers do have this.
  17. Hi @PatrickM, Thank you for your email. Where are you based? Regardless of your issue Ultimaker support should be available for you. I would be happy to point you in the right direction or pull some strings. Obviously, the forum is also a great place to find help! Did you already install the new Nozzle? It looks like there is some residu in your nozzle, or possibly the teflon is showing some wear. Depending on what speed you are printing at, 230ºC is probably fairly hot and you may be burning your PLA. Looking forward hearing from you!
  18. Hi Nambass, Did you source the entire Ultimaker 2 Extended yourself? Because we don't sell a DIY-version. If we want to help you troubleshoot or point you in the right direction it is valuable information to determine if you are working with official Ultimaker parts or if you have sourced everything yourself. Do you have a picture to share of your machine? Thanks and good luck!
  19. Hi @Toffo, Can you tell us what settings you have used and which Ultimaker? Do you also have a picture of its belly? Thanks!
  20. That is true. But if you would ask me today, there is far more info on my laptop than there is on my 3D printer. My point being; we all 'agreed' (not like anyone asked me, but if they did.. I would still say yes) to connecting our laptop to the internet. What is your main concern/worry in regard of your 3D printer? What if you can not use it, only monitor it? Kinda like a read-only file? And yes, the data could also be collected from a phone. Or the slicer. But the slicer is only an indication, a lot can happen between the printer and the moment of slicing.
  21. I think it would be cool to have an open discussion about it. It can go a thousand different ways.. what are risks, wishes, benefits, biggest challenges to overcome? We can all be of influence in what direction we are going
  22. It is just a personal hypothesis so definitely not a course we (< Ultimaker) want to take things, don't worry! Thought it would be good to make that clear! Looking at current state of things I also see countless reasons why you would not make your printer available for a unknown user. What about sharing data? Like maybe it turns out everyone is only doing small print jobs, or low accuracy, or everyone is using bronze instead of PLA. Or people use it 24/7 or maybe just 25% of the time? Look at what has changed since the Internet kicked in. So much information and knowledge became available. It could help in troubleshooting, have scripts do readings to find a broken component or even finetune your stepperdrivers or heaters (just thinking out loud). Obviously it would make things very automated, and maybe take the fun out of things? Is fun more important then reliability? What is more important, the fact it is still personal, a craft.. the technique? or the prints/output?
  23. Hi Guys, I think it is great to see another initiative to get involved and help future users and document things. Like @mastory says, there can usually be 5 different causes for a single problem which make it difficult to document. But maybe we could help as well? We also have a lot of knowledge and experience. My colleague @Marrit is also working on various documentations, for example the support pages and I think it could be beneficial if she would be involved as well? She has quite some experience and knowledge as well (after a few years of technical support). Perhaps we can find a way where it works best for everyone, you guys, us and especially our users!
  24. I agree, that is a huge barrier we have to over come. A smaller one, but a barrier nonetheless, is also materials. The larger the variety of materials is, like different types of plastic but also with additional features like conductive filaments, magnetic, elastic etc will help more people see the benefits and will mean more people will get on the 3DP-train! Software is indeed a big hurdle to overcome. Maybe the current CAD-modeling tools are not aimed for 3D printing (only 3D visuals maybe?), or even to be used for the general public.. but now that that market, and interest in CAD-modeling is growing I am sure attempts are made to make it more accessible. How do you mean anyone messing around with it? Like when you are not using it, someone could send a printjob? Or, like sharing data and help make, for example, Cura do a better, automatic and personalized job? Or do you think that would be a bad thing?
  25. In the people section you can also search on skill. Perhaps that is of any help?
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