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Everything posted by nallath

  1. The layer view is just a bit slower over all, but doesn't show data while it's doing it. That being said; We already made major improvements to the speed for next release. We were focusing on getting the stability right, so we had to cut corners somewhere. We didn't like it either, but that's the reality of software development.
  2. The nightlies of Cura can have jerk & acceleration set per "feature" (Infill, walls, roofs, etc). But some of the stuff might be on a branch, hence my comment.
  3. The legacy importer only looks at brim line count. It also does not import plugins as those are not part of profiles. The import dialog always goes to root user folder. All dialogs do that. It was different but I was told to change it to it's current behaviour. I much prefer the remembering as well, but it seems multiple people disagreed with me What do you mean by "Calculated values" not being imported? Old Cura has no calculated values.
  4. The engine log has nothing to do with the saving of profiles. Have a look in the GUI log (see https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura#logging-issues) It's probably because you are trying to write somewhere where it's not allowed to do.
  5. Next version already has it. No need to get all exited. The saving thing that you found is a bug, which is also fixed.
  6. Don't use their chalk spray. It's overpriced. You can get the stuff much cheaper if you look for welding inspection spray. It's like a few euro per spray can (and exactly the same stuff!) Your projector runs at 1/60s so using 1/30 or 1/20 should not give you much banding (as one camera frame then captures 2 or 3 projector frames). The issues are more noticeable if you try to capture at 1/40s. With industrial camera's I've been able to get the background (under normal light conditions) almost perfectly black and the lighted area almost perfectly white. For the David 4 they synchronise the projector and the camera (They send a trigger if the projector sends a new frame, so you have a "perfect" 1/1 match). In that case, rolling shutter isn't that big of an issue any more. As rolling is a bit cheaper, it could be that they made the jump back again.
  7. Eh. No. I've did the comparisons. In most cases s3d is about 3-4 times as fast as 15.04, which implies that the major difference between Cura and S3D is that S3D is multi threaded. I do have to note that because they generate supports before hand, they don;t have to do it in the slice step, which saves you another ~30% slice time. Again not really the case. They actually "fake" it by using a shader. It just -looks- 3d. It doesn't give you a whole lot more data. It does give more feeling of control. I do like their g-code viewer though, especially the scrubbing part.
  8. Yep. You'd almost think we designed software so it's easy for us to use and compare
  9. There is a big difference with a Logitech pro 9000 camera and the industrial computer vision stuff that David ships with (and I worked with for UM). The Logitech is a rolling shutter camera, which causes banding in your scans at certain exposure rates. It's also a color camera which further decreases the accuracy and resolution of the camera. The Logitech is also a lot less sensitive, so it's harder to get good results for a number of objects.
  10. That's not true. Cura did a skirt when you selected None. This is why we changed the values displayed (eg; Now it actually matches with what is going on). Setting the brim width to 0mm is the way to go. It is however not recommended to do so (your printer needs a bit of flow to get going, your first layer will be better if you do this).
  11. As the only dev to do work on both versions I can name quite a few differences. The most notable one are pretty much invisible to users (The old architecture was a pretty big mess) For normal use it pretty much comes down to; 2.1 -> More features, slightly slower slicing (but better handling of edge cases), slower layer view, a ton of extra settings, easier to expand. Will continue to get updates / development. Faster rendering. 15.04 -> Less features, somewhat faster slicing, faster layer view, can load g-code files. Won't get updates anymore in the near future.
  12. I think you only need to change the diameter in the slicer and change the steps per mm for your e-extruder.
  13. To answer the question; Yes we can and yes we did These kind of improvements are also why the slicing became a bit slower.
  14. I'd love to Yeah it is. Doing work for Cura is also doing some work for the scanner though. The scanner also uses Uranium for the GUI. There is quite a bit of code re-use there.
  15. Part of this is also Ubuntu maintainers being freakishly horrible at maintaining packages. For some unknown reason they decided to drop python 3.4 (and switch over to 3.5). This won't cause issues for their system, but if we suddenly start working with 3.5, we also need to do that on other systems, which causes issues there. You can just use the ppa made by thopiekar. That should work as intended.
  16. All the parts should work. We can't (and wont) put a warning sign up every time we have a bug that might break things.
  17. We're working on a fix, but right now we only have one for Windows.
  18. You can manually add .cfg files for the materials. Have a look in the resources folder. There should be material profiles there.
  19. I'm still suprised on the price of the turntable. I mean, 900 quid for a stepper motor and some bearings? Seriously? I understand that they need to make a profit, but the components will set you back 50 euro max.
  20. Yes. The idea of these files is that you can change them.
  21. We had to rush the materials in for the 2.1 release. As a result, it's far from perfect! The next releases will have a system for this, along with a large number of other improvements.
  22. Download the 2.1 release. That should fix it.
  23. Uuh. 1200 pound for a david scanner camera? I know who provides their camera's and the unit price is nowhere -near- that number. Think more in the ballpark of 400-500 euro (going toward 200 if you buy bulk).
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