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Everything posted by nallath

  1. I understand that they want it, but there is no right solution for this. Sometimes you just have to accept this. Sites such as amazon also have this problem, but I don't believe they have a solution for this. So basicly, they shouldn't write those raports or in the very least don't put any conclusions with it.
  2. I'd love to tell everything, but there are limits on how much we're allowed to share. So, no news, sorry.
  3. If you're somewhat familliar with coding, you could check the github. The setting code there is reasonably simple.
  4. And while we're at it; A standard deviation would also be nice.
  5. I hate those 3D hubs articles (even though we score well on them). You cannot compare a sample set with 250 samples with a set that has 15 samples. They make a lot of those kind of mistakes, giving a totally skewed view of what is actually going on. I know one of the founders is a business guy and these kind of statistics should be his bread & butter. Mistakes like these are (especially if you should know what you are doing) unforgivable.
  6. If you read the dutch law very strict, even a nerf gun is illegal. On the note of 3D printed guns, I believe that CNC milling never had the problem because no-one ever said that it was a technology that everyone would have loud enough. As 3D printing is hyped, people are tumbling (Ultimaker included) over eachother to shout how easy to use the technology is and that you can do anything with this. Funny story about this that I've been to quite a few schools, answering questions about printing. I had to answer tons of questions about printed firearms, even on universities. Not so much with the metal shop students. So I asked them why they didnt have any questions about it, and their resonpse was "I've got a bench drill. Why the hell would i print a gun? 30 minutes with the metal shop here and i've got a better one."
  7. Zoek in princiepe altijd de MSDS kaarten van dingen op voordat je met materialen gaat werken. Goede gewoonte die mijn vader, een scheidkundige, me ooit aangeleerd heeft. Het kost je nauwelijks extra tijd (en dwingt je om na te denken wat je aan het doen bent!) ABS valt opzich wel mee. Het is niet goed voor je, maar je zal er waarschijnlijk geen permanente schade aan overhouden als je in die dampen gaat zitten. http://www.plasticsmadesimple.com/DataSheets/ABS_MSDS_GP.pdf
  8. If you don't over extrude on the first layer, you will need to level the bed -exactly- at your layer height. Which is very hard to do. We try to set the basic settings in such a way that the chance of print failure is as low as possible (which has a negative impact on how it looks in some cases). But we know that we don't get things right and will most likely be wrong in some areas, thats why we allow you to edit almost any setting. Even change them to a number that does not make sense to us (Cura will only highligh the value as being red, it will still try do whatever you told it to do!) You can change the first layer thickness to a lower number if you're feeling experimental. I know of a few experienced users that set it to 0.2 (or even 0.1 if you're feeling very ambitious!). If you get good results, share them. If you find a fix that consistantly improves our settings, share it. If you can prove that this improves on our settings, we're more than happy to change them in the main application.
  9. Airsoft guns are regulated in the Netherlands. But printing the gears is more of an experiment I guess. Would be interesting to see how long they last.
  10. We really really try to sell stuff from stock, as it gives a beter experience for the user, but every time one of the suppliers (out of the gazillion ones we have) can't supply (wrong parts, wrong tolerances, defective parts, etc.) you quickly run out.
  11. I love design spark mechanical (or it's pro version solid works). I do think it can be possible to print gears, if you use a material like nylon. But then again, only print things that are otherwise hard / impossile / too expensive to get. Printing should always be an extra tool in your toolbox, not the hammer you wack everything with.
  12. XT/uPET is probably the strongest, but you do need to change your print parameters n such. I think that if you open source the 'core' of the gun, and design it so that you can modify it with different parts so that it looks different, you've got a real winner. I'd be more than willing to contribute to a kickstarter campaign to start an open source project like this. Seeing how fanatic most air soft people are about their sport, i'm pretty sure that campaign would be an automatic succes.
  13. Well, adding the oil did allow me to print at higher speeds without any noticable changes in quality. So yeah, you don't *have* to do it, but it might improve things if done correctly. I do believe an automatic 'lube' dispenser might improve prints.
  14. Cura over extrudes the first layer (thats the initial layer thickness setting). This causes the elephant foot. Decreasing this value means that you have to level the bed a lot better.
  15. Kan toch adviseren om je raam open te laten staan. Je zal er niet dood aan gaan, maar het is irriterend voor je luchtwegen.
  16. Woah! This is so cool. Are you going to open source this? Please say yes
  17. We already have an official relation with the TU delft. Bas, one of our mechanical engineers is there for one day every two weeks. The difference in leds is probably because of different batches. I dont think the leds are speced that strictly.
  18. I used sewing machine oil that i found in the office. No idea what kind it was.
  19. Oiling the bowden tube has good effects. Using to much will negatively influence the layer adhesion (atleast, thats my experience with it when using PLA. Note that i did that +- 1.5 years ago).
  20. Basically what Solonari said. Despite not always communicating how we fix things, but we are working our asses off to improve (Especially support).
  21. As already posted a few times before; Dont count on it any time soon. We wont release a half done product. Not for the um2 (as its more focussed on the not tinkerer people). The second nozle simply adds a huge failure rate to your prints (if its cold, it knocks prints over, if its hot it messes with them due to heat, etc).
  22. Well, we probably won't write the support for it (unless it turns out to be really, really easy and we have a device to test it with), but at least the architecture will be in place to make it possible. In it's current implementation, even the mouse & keyboard are interface plugins.
  23. Protip; start a webshop selling these parts. I've asked Siert, the CEO, if I could become a reseller (so I can ship these simple things without the overhead of the UM system and sell them for cash on ulti-evenings). Haven't heard anything yet.
  24. It's a know problem. The code that does that isn't really efficient.
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