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Everything posted by nallath

  1. You can just make a backup and try the new version. Cura versions should also just work side by side.
  2. Cura 3.2? That's a blast from the past. Is there any reason you didn't upgrade to a newer vesion?
  3. Certain machines have a firmware limit of 150 mm/s, I guess you are slicing for one of those.
  4. It's all explained in the issue form.
  5. In order to keep things simple (implementation wise) we simply don't account for this situation.
  6. @merryw_t your model is broken. This is what I get when loading it into Cura:
  7. Well, he's a know it all, because he worked for ultimaker on Cura. In case that isn't enough, i can confirm that he's right. We never had a fuzzy skin on top. The arguments for that can be found in this ticket: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/1419. I don't know who told you that you need to go back to 3.6, but that person is simply wrong.
  8. What specific information are you looking for? Your question is far to broad for us to help you with.
  9. Please create a ticket on github and provide the log files. You can create the ticket on www.github.com/ultimaker/cura/issues
  10. Update your plugins. One of them is outdated and that causes this issue.
  11. Generally you can tell your firewall what programs to exclude. I don't have experience with doing that, since i'm on Linux
  12. You can find some information on our wiki: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki The code that actually handles the per object settings is located here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/tree/master/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool
  13. Why is an appimage crazy? We've had far less issues with appimages than with .deb's
  14. If I remember correctly, it's a translation that was contributed to us by members of the community. Unfortunately, the last time we've added extra strings in the interface, they weren't translated into polish (This needs to also be done by the community, since we didn't hire translators to do so). Our current policy is to hide a language if it doesn't have a full translation. It might be something that we need to revisit (eg; perhaps add a "partial" flag if not everything is translated)
  15. Did you try the .appimage that we provide (the one you get from https://ultimaker.com/software/ultimaker-cura.) In order to run that, you need to right click the file, go to properties, and select "allow executing file as program"
  16. I think the best option is to set up a custom machine. You can find that option when adding a new machine to Cura.
  17. As with any bug / issue: Please share logs.
  18. That's also why this isn't a formal / official communication, but an informal update about what we are doing (and when to expect it) Any kind of of official communication would take much, much more time, since it would get checked / approved by a number of people before it goes out.
  19. "We won't stop you from doing it, but we don't have a ready made profile for what you're doing."
  20. It can be. We're working on getting it in the next Cura update. See https://github.com/Ultimaker/fdm_materials/pull/170 and https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/pull/9928
  21. We just got a pull request from our process engineers: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/pull/9928 and https://github.com/Ultimaker/fdm_materials/pull/170 If all goes well it should be included in the 4.10 release.
  22. Nope, sorry. It's a plugin that we only supply for material manufacturers. I don't know if we will ever release this to a larger audience. That being said; It's essentially guiding you through the process of creating a good profile. You can also do this by hand. There are good video's / tutorials on the internet how to fine tune profiles and settings.
  23. It's not really something that has high priority, so don't expect it any time soon.
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