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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Not today though. Congratulations Sander!
  2. By default, Windows will not let you change files in the Program Files folder. Your editor need to have "elevated privileges". The easiest workaround is to save the file to your desktop, and then use Explorer to move the file in its intended place.
  3. A gcode file is a text file. It just has the extension .gcode What makes you think this is a problem?
  4. Save a project and share it here, and we can see what is going on.
  5. I don't understand what you are trying to say. If you want to start with a blank slate, go to Help -> Show configuration folder. Close Cura, and remove all the files from the configuration folder, but leave the (now empty) folder itself in place. If you remove the entire folder, Cura will search for a configuration folder of a previous version and copy it over. If you leave the folder itself empty, Cura will start afresh. PS: The non-beta version of Cura 5.1 is out.
  6. The long and short of it is that Ultimaker, who pay the devs that make Cura, has no printers anymore that support printing over USB, so there is no incentive to put any development effort into the USB Printing support.
  7. I don't know. What OS do you use?
  8. This particular thing has been the same for the past 6 years though 😉 PS: I'll admit that I had to look up why the setting would not be showing in the fdmprinter.def.json file.
  9. The "Support Bottom Distance" setting only makes sense if the "Support Placement" setting is set to "Everywhere"; it will not show up when that setting is set to "Touching Buildplate", because then there will not be any support bottoms touching the model.
  10. You are going to have to be more specific. What exactly has disappeared? In what version of Cura did you have "the option"? Also, what printer do you use? I don't think Cura ever shipped with a 1.2mm nozzle option for any printer, and it is unlikely such an option is taken away (unless you are talking about an ancient version of Cura as your previous version where you had "the option"). What could be the case is that you used a modified version of Cura before. If so, it stands to reason that you would need to make the same modifications to the new version of Cura.
  11. ahoeben


    One important thing to note is that when uninstalling Cura 4.13 before installing Cura 5, please choose NOT to remove the settings from Cura 4.13, or there will be nothing left for Cura 5 to copy over. A newer version of Cura will look for settings from any older version of Cura on your system, anw will make a copy of those and upgrade them for use in the newer version. So as long as you do not let the installer remove the older settings, you can always go back to the older version and its setting will be left untouched. You can also keep Cura 4.13 installed, in case you decide to not use Cura 5. They work fine side-by-side.
  12. Unfortunately, there is no progress to speak of. I have a burnout to attend to.
  13. Program has feature X User: "how can I achieve the same thing as feature X, but without using feature X?" ... Perhaps we can come up with another way to do this, but the png missing does not help.
  14. Deleting the pliugin may solve your immediate problem, but it does not fix the bug that disabling the plugin does not seem to work. In order to get that fixed, we still need a cura.log so we can see what is going on. It may be indicative of a bigger issue (namely that disabling plugins may not work). So please post a link to a cura.log file with the plugin still there, but disabled.
  15. Renaming the folder will not do much; Cura looks at the contents of all folders inside that plugins folder, not at the foldernames. But disabling the plugin should stop Cura from opening ports. A cura.log (found in the configuration folder) would be helpful to see what is going on.
  16. Feel free to improve the current implementation and make a pull-request. Contributing to Cura is not a very big step up from contributing plugins.
  17. Sorry for responding in English. If I would try to answer in German, I would butcher the German language. If you have deactivated the USB Printing plugin the in the third, "cogwheel"/"Manage" tab of the Marketplace (after plugins and materials), then Cura should no longer touch your USB ports. If Cura is still looking at your USB ports, you have not successfully deactivated the USB Printing plugin.
  18. See the first 45 seconds of this video: If you want to go even smoother, watch the rest. Or use another modeller.
  19. Perhaps you are interested in tree supports (see the "Support Structure" setting), but a "wall" that is easy to peel away is exactly what normal support is supposed to be. Other than that, please see my first response to your question.
  20. I swear @rob223 is not a sock-puppet-account of mine, but that is exactly the usecase for the plugin 😉
  21. You are going to have to do that in the modeler you used to create the circular disc. You don't mention what you used to make the model, so I can't help you there.
  22. Instead of a .curaprofile, please save a project (using File -> Save project...). That way we don't only get to see all your settings, but also the model. Can't you physically break them after they are printed? Supports are printed as fairly breakable structures, and unless you changed your settings they are printed in a way that they can be fairly easily removed (with needlenose-pliers and some care/patience).
  23. On the "General" page of the Cura preferences, scroll down to "Opening and saving files" and check that the "Default behavior when opening a project file" is not set to "Always import models".
  24. As always with a new version of Cura, the Sidebar GUI plugin needs to be updated. I don't have a lot of time to test it myself right now, so it would be nice if some of you could install and test this prerelease: https://github.com/fieldOfView/Cura-SidebarGUIPlugin/releases/tag/v4.4.0-DEV Download the SidebarGUIPlugin_v4.4.0-DEV_Cura5.0.curapackage, and drop the resulting file onto the buildplate in Cura as it you were opening a 3d model. (note to self: fix packager so it is clearer that the release is for 5.0 and up)
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