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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Cura 5 is not longer compatible with Windows 7. From the releasenotes:
  2. I think you may be confusing Qt with QuickTime, which was often abbreviated as QT. Qt 6 is a fairly moderns crossplatform GUI framework that is used by many, *many* applications. Quicktime was a multimedia player and framework developed by Apple. Quicktime was once great as a platform (for its time), but eventually got abandoned, and any abandoned platform will eventually become "shitty". Cura has nothing to do with Quicktime.
  3. There;s a `plugins` folder in the configuration folder which you should use. See Help -> Show configuration folder. However, the plugin will need to be specifically updated for use with Cura 5, or it will not work.
  4. The printer also has an ethernet port. Or is connecting the printer to the network out of the question entirely?
  5. What version of Cura do you use? For me the populating of the settings has gotten a lot snappier with the Cura 5 beta.
  6. No, I said switch the stepper driver boards (the small PCB boards). Just take one from X, Y or Z (top right in the image above) and switch it out with the Ext (bottom right). Then if the extruder works, but not the X,Y or Z axis you took the driver board from, you know it is the stepper driver that was bad. These stepper boards are cheap (and easy) to replace.
  7. They could ask money for Cura, but they can not prohibit others from giving Cura away for free. Cura is open source, and making it closed source is highly infeasible.
  8. Ultibot does not know what to make of his new outfit yet...
  9. Well, I am affraid I am somewhat responsible for the Machine Settings dialog having only a "Close" button at the bottom instead of a "Ok" and "Cancel", though I am not responsible for removing said "Close" button and relying on the user to close the window with the "X". Here are the humble beginnings of that dialog: https://github.com/fieldOfView/MachineSettingsActionPlugin
  10. I agree that it should be possible. Given enough development effort, lots of things are possible. However, my fairly informed guesstimate is that it is quite a bit of work to get this set up reliably, adding complexity to the code and the user experience, which may not weigh up against the potential benefit.
  11. So you changed your hardware, but you are afraid to change the firmware to match your new hardware setup, and now you are abusing a feature in Cura to compensate for your printer being misconfigured, and you are surprised that the visualisation of what you are doing is wrong? You could put an M221 command in your start gcode. That way Cura doesn't really know or care that you want your flow rate at a strange value. But you should really fix your firmware to match your hardware.
  12. Peopoly have contributed the printer definition for Cura, and they specifically turned off this functionality: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/blob/master/resources/definitions/peopoly_moai.def.json#L244 I don't know why, you will have to ask them.
  13. The answer is surprisingly complex. Yes, Cura can have a single material that has different print temperature settings for different printers, provided that the two printers have two different printer definitions that both say that they come with their own set of profiles that are not shared between the two, but Cura does not have the interface to set that up. You would have to edit xml files by hand. Please realise that that word "ideally" is relative to your situation. Others may say "why do I have to change the settings for all my different printers? I want to change the value for all of them". Cura, not its developers, can read your mind while using Cura. Hence the current behavior.
  14. Some buttons in Cura 5 beta 1 are missing their icon. This has been fixed for the full release of Cura 5.0
  15. You don't happen to have the "spiralize outer contour" setting active, do you?
  16. A prerelease for the Material Settings plugin is now finally also available, see the opening post. This one's for you @kelvina! This version of the plugin changes how settings are added to the preferences dialog; instead of a menu-item in the Extensions menu, there is now a button directly in the Print Settings tab on the Materials pane of the preferences.
  17. Well, I'm not a trained professional; you may still be going nuts 😉
  18. There is a bug in the Cura 5 beta, that causes those handles not to render if your computer does not support OpenGL 4.1. You will be pleased to hear that those handles will be restored in the final Cura 5.0 release.
  19. What version did you use before version 5? Nothing really changed between version 4 and 5 for rotation (or for mirroring).
  20. AFAIK, the marlin fork in the S5 has supports a very old implementation of G2/G3 arcs. You are going to have to try to see if the results are beneficial.
  21. Though I have an S5 too, I have never tried using ArcWelder with it; Cura comes with properly optimised and thoroughly tested profiles for the S-series of printers, such that the optimisation that is provided by ArcWelder will not net you much benefit.
  22. It seems that the model normals are throwing off Cura. The inner wall normals are reversed in relation to the outer wall normals.
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