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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Due to major changes in the architecture of Cura 5 vs Cura 4, all plugins have had to be updated by their authors, and resubmitted to be included in the Marketplace. It looks like the people behind this particular plugin are working on it. They have a release that seems to be compatible with Cura 5 and newer, though I can't vouch for the quality of this release: https://github.com/crealitycloud/CrealityCloudIntegration/releases/tag/V1.2.4
  2. Try removing C:\Users\lenno\AppData\Roaming\cura\stdout.log
  3. "Only Show Top Layers" will only be an option in "Compatibility mode", which OP is not using. In the 3rd screenshot, the horizontal slider at the bottom is at the beginning of the layer. If you move it from left to right (or press the "play" icon), you will see the top layer being filled in. Sometimes Cura gets confused whether it should be showing just the top layer in color, or all of them. Normally scrolling through the layers with the vertical slider will fix that.
  4. In addition to that, my one contribution to the hardware design of any Ultimaker 3d printer was the straight edge on the cutout for the power connector to match the flat face of the power connector. I feel defeated...
  5. Looks like there was a missing ] at the end of my snippet. It should still work in Cura 5.1
  6. To diagnose this, we need your Cura.log. It can be found in the folder that opens when you go to Help -> Show configuration folder.
  7. No, there is no manual, but there are examples: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/tree/main/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/scripts
  8. There's a plugin in the Marketplace for Z Offsets, but it is only meant for small adjustments. If you need an offset of more than a mm or so, you should really adjust that in your printer/the printer firmware.
  9. Save a project with File -> Save project... an post a link here. Then we can see what is going on.
  10. A postprocessing script can define settings, but those settings are set in the Post processing plugin dialog. A plugin can define a setting that lives in the print settings floater/sidebar. The postprocessing dialog itself is a plugin, but the postprocessing plugin only allows you to create settings inside the post processing plugin dialog. If you really want to create a new setting, outside the postprocessing dialog, you are going to have to create a plugin instead of a postprocessing script. The Z-Offset plugin is an example of a plugin that defines a custom setting AND postprocesses the gcode in much the same way as a postprocessing script would do. You can find its source here: https://github.com/fieldOfView/Cura-ZOffsetPlugin
  11. @zet, do you have multiple displays? If so it would be useful to try to disable all but one of them, and see if the same issue still reproduces. If not, then we are closer to identifying the culprit. Not all issues show up in the logs unfortunately.
  12. Sounds to me there’s a problem in that profile on thingiverse. But since you forgot to post a link to it, I can’t really tell you what causes the crash.
  13. Two different versions of Cura don't share their configuration, so if you run two different AppImage versions of Cura (eg 5.0 and 5.1), they will be independent. Note that *only* on the first run of a new version of Cura, the application will look for the configuration of older versions of Cura, make a copy of the latest version it can find and upgrade that to its own version and continue to use that. After that, no changes made in the older version will transfer to the newer version and vice versa.
  14. Het is moeilijk om met zekerheid te zeggen zonder het model te zien, maar ik denk dat de wand op die plekken gewoon te dun is. Denk er zo over: met een dikke marker is het lastig om de ruimte tussen twee lijntjes die dicht tegen elkaar komen te vullen. Je zou de lijnbreedte lager kunnen zetten, maar het is beter om te zorgen dat het model niet op bepaalde plekken te dun is.
  15. Could you try if a newer version of Cura - say 4.13.1 or 5.1.0 - has the same behavior on your system?
  16. This is highly unusual. Theorectically, a malware plugin could be doing this, but all plugins from the Marketplace are checked by developers for functionality and bad behavior. So this is unlikely the case (unless you have plugins or postprocessing scripts from other sources). Would you mind sharing your Cura.log file? If there is indeed a "malware" plugin in your install, it would likely be showing up in the logs. It can be found in %APPDATA%\cura\4.8 Other than something that has been installed in your Cura configuration, it could be that a virus has infected the Cura.exe executable, and is making it do other things than Cura is supposed to do. One last possibility, but I think Avast would recognise this, is that the File Open dialog may be reading the PDFs to display a thumbnail. But that would mean that this Avast message would have to pop up for many more applications you use to open files directly from your downloads folder.
  17. I'm imagining the glorious disaster of everybody commuting by horse, and huge multi-story stables instead of parking garages. As a european, I would probably still prefer that to cars though.
  18. Have you read the article I linked to in my previous response? When I load your model into Microsoft 3d Builder, it tells me the model is "invalidly defined". You may want to repair it. I don't mean to come across as pedantic, but I requested a Cura project file, not the stls. The project file will give us both the model AND your settings, sp it will also let us see if there are any settings you could/should change. I really can't say anything definitive without a project file.
  19. If you have a "professional" Cura subscription, you can use the official Ultimaker CAD integration plugin. That is what that blurb refers to. There are two plugins: * A free plugin, which sofar is not available for Cura 5.0 and newer, and which requires the CAD application to be installed on the system * An official Ultimaker plugin, which is only available for paying customers, and which works without the CAD package to be installed.
  20. Hard to tell from the screenshots, but your model is likely not "manifold". This article explains what that means: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/troubleshooting/missing_parts.md OR you have enabled the "Remove all holes" settings. On a general note, it is always easier to see what is going on if you share a project file (File -> Save project...). That will give us your model AND your settings, and we can tell you exactly what is going wrong.
  21. The movements in the preview are "not to scale". Each linear movement, no matter how long it is takes as long as all the others. So the long infill lines seem to be very fast in comparison to all the tiny linear movements of that make up the hull. Do not judge the speed of the actual nozzle by the speed of the nozzle in the preview. If you want to judge the actual print speed, use the "Speed" color scheme in the preview tab.
  22. The nozzle is not the only factor in wear resistance. The UM3 feeder (on the back of the printer) is not designed to be used with abrasive materials. I don't know by heart if there is a profile for the BASF material on the UM3. If there isn't, the reason is probably that UM thinks that the UM3 is not abrasion-resistant enough.
  23. Can you manually rename the file to .gcode? As is, there is no extension. (Sorry I assumed you were using Windows above, mentioning "Explorer").
  24. In explorer, can you select one of these files Cura creates, and then press Alt+Enter. Post a screenshot of the Properties dialog that opens.
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