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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. This is "by design". For the Ultimaker 2 family, you set the material on the printer, so the printer sets the temperatures. Also note the small exclamation marks in front of the checkbox. They have a tooltip. If you would rather control everything from Cura, go to the Printers pane of the preferences, click the Machine Settings, and change the G-code flavour from "Ultimaker 2" to "Marlin". Personally I think that is the better workflow.
  2. Good. That further narrows the issue down to the ZeroConf discovery of local printers. This is a third-party module, which has caused issues for some people before.
  3. Cura should remember the last folder you used. However, if that folder does not exist anymore, it may default to the current working directory, which is the folder in Program Files. There is no easy way to change that behavior.
  4. Then do a rough offset in the firmware (say -2.0 mm), and fine adjustment using the plugin (say -0.06 mm).
  5. The Z Offset setting is provided by a plugin (created by me), not by Cura 4.12. From the readme of that plugin:
  6. Ik weet de oplossing, maar die vind je waarschijnlijk niet leuk. Stop met Sketchup voor 3d prints. Sketchup laat je modellen maken die niet geschikt zijn om te printen. TinkerCAD is ook makkelijk, ook gratis, en maakt wel modellen die printbaar zijn.
  7. You see "Print via cloud" now, because your printer is no longer found by Cura on the local network.
  8. The text is not in the STL file. Any other application opening the STL file will also show the model without the text. Could it be that when you exported the model from FreeCAD, you just had the body selected? If so, you only exported the body. If you want the other bits included, you have to union them onto the body and - this is important - select the topmost object in the hierarchy to export the whole thing instead of just part of it.
  9. Is the octoprint instance at solidoodle:80 the one that is showing the camera image, or the one that is not showing the camera image? Is the "Show webcam image" checkbox in the "Connect to OctoPrint" dialog checked? This is a "per printer" setting; ie you can have it checked for one printer and not checked for another. Do you use automatic discovery, or did you add the OctoPrint instance manually by its IP/hostname?
  10. I'm very sorry, I got the linenumber incorrect. I meant line 55, like this: 53: def start(self) -> None: 54: """Start the network discovery.""" 55: #self._zero_conf_client.start() 56: for address in self._getStoredManualAddresses(): 57: self.addManualDevice(address) 58: 59: def stop(self) -> None: 60: """Stop network discovery and clean up discovered devices.""" 61: 62: self._zero_conf_client.stop() 63: for instance_name in list(self._discovered_devices): 64: self._onDiscoveredDeviceRemoved(instance_name)
  11. Now that we've established the UM3 Networking plugin as the likely culprit, if you need that plugin we need to dig a little deeper. If you would like to experiment, open plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/src/Network/LocalClusterOutputDeviceManager.py in a text editor and change line 62 from self._zero_conf_client.start() to #self._zero_conf_client.start() Put the # directly in front of self._zero_conf_client.start(), not at the beginning of the line. The number of spaces before #self._zero_conf... should stay the same. This should disable the zeroconf discovery of printers. Effectively this means that you have to manually add your local printer by its IP address.
  12. There is a known issue that when your (Windows) username contains non-ascii characters ("Koolitööd" in your case). Unfortunately the only workaround that I know of at this point is to either create a new user with an ascii-only username, or go into the registry and change the TEMP path to a path that does not contain any non-ascii characters. I would not really recommend the latter, because there is a chance of breaking things.
  13. The option was originally added because some Windows users with dual displays were having issues getting Cura to start once Cura was moved to the non-primary display. At the time there was a short argument that this option - though it describes what it does - doesn't describe why you would unset it and why it fixed the issue for those windows users. I am now glad I did not make the description more specific to that crash for some Windows users, since apparently it is a useful option for some MacOS users too.
  14. Logs or it didn't happen. I need your cura.log to diagnose this.
  15. No, in the normal prepare view the red on top just means that the normals of the model are inside out. That is not (always) an error, though it can be indicative of more being wrong with the model.
  16. No, but my answer might be. /w It will be especially useful if you tell us which one variable you had to change and then change back again.
  17. What you are missing is that 12 is larger than 2. Cura 4.12 is a lot newer than Cura 4.2 (about 10 versions)
  18. It could be that the model is not manifold (and confuses Cura), or it could be that you have eg the setting "Remove all holes" enabled. Save a project, post a link to it, and we can have a look.
  19. Your GPU (Intel HD Graphics 4000) does not support features required for the full layer view functionality, so you get the limited "compatibility mode" whick does not have the horizontal slider.
  20. Without logs, a project file, or exact reproduction steps, your report is at least as vague as that error message. Help us help you.
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