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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. I don't speak french, but there's a whole section of the forum that is dedicated to support in french here: https://community.ultimaker.com/forum/126-français/ Having said that, I think you are experiencing the issue that is discussed in this article: https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402996140946-Ultimaker-Cura-crashes-when-opening-any-file
  2. I think this happens because you have multiple displays with different "retina" scaling. You may want to try unchecking the "Restore window position on start" checkbox on the General pane of the preferences in Cura. Then restart Cura.
  3. Go to Help -> Show configuration folder. Then quit Cura. Remove all the files from the configuration folder that opened, but leave the empty folder intact. Now restart Cura, and it will start with a "blank slate".
  4. You may want to read this: https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402996140946-Ultimaker-Cura-crashes-when-opening-any-file
  5. Yes, it needs to be 3.8.10. Go to https://www.python.org/downloads/macos/ Scroll down to Python 3.8.10 - May 3, 2021 Download macOS 64-bit Intel installer
  6. AFAIK, Python for macOS knows only one Intel architecture. But it is important that you use version 3.8.10. Get the "Intel" installer, not the "Universal2" installer.
  7. Do you have an M1 processor? If so, the files you copied may be for ARM processors, while the Python installation that comes with Cura is for Intel processors.
  8. They are in mm. I thought that was obvious, since everything in Cura is in mm.
  9. To answer the question: no, there isn't. The replacement patterns in the start/end gcode snippets are filled in before the model is sliced. The (exact) min/max values including skirts/brims/rafts and horizontal expansion is only known after slicing.
  10. It is. It is being replaced entirely by a new implementation that I hope will perform better too. For now it seems to be resizable.
  11. It could be that you are logged in as an Essentials user, and the Measuretool may not be "approved" for Cura Essentials users. Does the plugin show up in the Marketplace if you (temporarily) log out of your account? As a plugin author I am unable to tell (as far as I know) if a plugin is available for people who have paid for the privilege of being an "Essentials" user. This can be quite frustrating.
  12. You can also just log out from your Ultimaker account in Cura when you want to install a plugin. There's a CAD importer plugin that is only available for Essentials users, but other than that I agree that the essentials package is essentially "less for more".
  13. "Dynamic Quality" is the name of a profile for Creality printers. That profile may not be available for other printers. What printer do you have?
  14. Cura comes with its own Python files. You can not "import" modules that you installed on your system, only modules that are in the Python environment that comes with Cura. If you just want to use this postprocessing script for your local install of Cura, it may be possible to add the appropriate files for the Matplotlib module to the libs folder inside the folder where you installed Cura. You will have to use the Matplotlib files for Python 3.8.10.
  15. The plugin should work regardless of whether a model is selected. It even works when there is no model at all. Perhaps just measuring two points on an empty buildplate will make it clearer how this plugin is supposed to work. On an empty buildplate, with the measure tool selected, there should be a single dot in the center. Now first click on a few cm to the left of the center of the buildplate, and then a few cm to the right of the center of the buildplate. The plugin moves the dot that is closest to the mousepointer to the position that of the mousepointer. If you click and hold the mousebutton, you can drag the dot around.
  16. It could be that @ftoons is a Cura Essentials user, and the plugin is not (yet?) approved for Cura Essentials.
  17. At least we now have a culprit. I have a hunch the real problem is the combination of something in your network and the "zeroconf" (also known as bonjour, avahi) component that is used to find your printer on the local network. If you would like to experiment, open plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/src/Network/LocalClusterOutputDeviceManager.py in a text editor and change line 62 from self._zero_conf_client.start() to #self._zero_conf_client.start(). Put the # directly in front of self._zero_conf_client.start(), not at the beginning of the line. This should disable the zeroconf discovery of printers. Effectively this means that you have to manually add your local printer by its IP address.
  18. Can you try disabling the UM3 Network Printing and USB Printing plugins on the Installed tab of the Marketplace?
  19. Ok, so that rules out the UM3 Network Printing plugin. Could you try the same thing with just disabling the USB Printing plugin?
  20. There is no way to do this manually in Cura. What you can do is slice the model at different layer heights and manually (in a text-editor) combine parts of these files. But that is tedious work and easy to screw up.
  21. CuraEngine comes with Cura. If you have Cura installed, you also have CuraEngine.
  22. Center to center. The center of the dots "snaps" to the geometry.
  23. Here's a good article on seams: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/troubleshooting/seam.md
  24. The MeshTools plugin has an option to automatically scale STL files as they are loaded, if you always save STL files in inches.
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