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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Can you please try anyway? We're not suggesting it as a permanent workaround, but as a way to check to see where the slowdown is happening. So please try Cura without networking enabled, then reenable the networking so you can restore your workflow and report back with your experience so we can start to figure out the underlying issue and perhaps come up with a permanent fix.
  2. > How do I add additional nozzle sizes to the nozzle selection pick list? You don't. Adding a nozzle size to that list does not just require you to add a "variant" file with the nozzle size, which would be relatively easy, but also quality profiles for all the materials and qaulities you want to be able to print with that nozzle size. You could simply use the 1.0 nozzle size settings, and then use the Printer Settings plugin from the Marketplace which adds a Nozzle Diameter setting in the "sidebar" (among many other settings which are probably less relevant for you).
  3. What type of printer do you have, and what is the Gcode Flavor set to in the Machine Settings?
  4. You can always use the "Search" box at the top of the list if you cannot find a setting.
  5. If you just want a single layer, you could look at the SVG Toolpath Reader: https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/Ghostkeeper/SVGToolpathReader
  6. Hey, I see you also found the new icon for the measuretool already (that was quick!).
  7. Sorry for the delay, here's a development snapshot. Download the file, drop it onto the buildplate in Cura.
  8. I hope you told them to bite your shiny ass...
  9. Hard to tell without further details why. How does the program close? Is it just "gone", or does it show an error? If it just goes "poof", then it is likely things go wrong outside the code of Cura. For instance it could be the GPU driver that is having a hard time. What GPU do you have, and are you using the latest driver version? If there's an error, please let us know what error. Finally, we could tell a lot more if you post the Cura log file. It can be found via help -> show configuration file. If you can't access that menu, you can find the same folder by pressing and releasing the Windows key on your keyboard and typing (exactly) %APPDATA%\cura\4.11 followed by return. The file we need to see is Cura.log.
  10. In Cura "panning" the camera is done by holding the shift key while dragging in the viewport (using the "left mousebutton", or just single finger dragging with the mousepad as if you were moving a model).
  11. I may have mentioned this before, but because the plugin does a lot of in-place patching of QML, which can break horribly if the original QML has changed in a version upgrade, I have put in a mechanism in the plugin that it ALWAYS needs an update when a new version of Cura is released. ALWAYS. I'll have a link to a development snapshot here soon.
  12. Vulkan may not be important at this point, but Metal might be. And to get compatibility with Metal, you get Vulkan "for free" (via SPiR-V and qt.rhi).
  13. For the record, I did not mean to imply there will never be an M1-native version of Cura. At some point I am sure it will come. However it will not be a quick fix, even if dropping support for older OSes is accepted. The newer version(s) of the Qt framework drop support for QtQuick Controls version 1, which still makes up a large portion of the Cura interface and most 3rd party plugins. All of that would have to be rewritten to use QtQuick Controls version 2. And then there's changing Cura from interfacing with OpenGL directly in in favor of a cross platform abstraction layer provided by Qt so Mac OS can use Metal and other OSes can use Vulkan - where available. Both are very major changes for Cura.
  14. It looks like Illusi ( @ghostkeeper here) answered your post on Reddit within a couple of hours. If you had posted any followup question I am sure he would have answered those too.
  15. The current version of the Material Settings plugin will let you specify which settings you want to be able to change per material. Once the plugin is installed see Extensions -> Material Settings -> Configure Material Settings to select the settings you want to change per material, and then check the Print Settings tab in the Material preferences for the material of your choosing.
  16. If what @NomakeR says is not working for you, you can try the Mesh Tools plugin. It adds functionality to reload/replace individual models "in place".
  17. SD-cards often have a little toggle switch on them to make them read-only. It is easy to accidentally toggle that switch when handling the card.
  18. Here's a good article on the subject: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/troubleshooting/missing_parts.md
  19. The best suggestion I have is to open an issue at https://github.com/ultimaker/cura/issues. Be sure to supply logs, or the developers will not be able to help you.
  20. A 2070 super should more than suffice. And, as far as I know, the "latest drivers" should come with OpenGL. But perhaps there is something about Windows 11 that I don't know.
  21. The Settings Guide plugin has good articles on most settings. You can also read them without installing the plugin. Articles on the adaptive layer height can be found here: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/tree/master/resources/articles/experimental
  22. A recent driver would include OpenGL, so you would not have to put a dll in the Cura folder. What GPU do you have?
  23. The materials in the Marketplace are meant for Ultimaker printers. Ultimaker printers use 2.85mm filament; your printer probably uses 1.75mm filament. Because the profiles in the Marketplace do not contain any information about 1.75mm printers, let alone printer-specific settings for your printer, the material does not show up.
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