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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. It is likely because the buildplate adhesion setting is set to brim or skirt, whereas in 4.10 you had it set to none.
  2. Yes, that should work. In the new installation, go to Help -> Show configuration folder, then quit Cura and replace the files. Don't replace the files while Cura is running.
  3. Go to Help -> Show configuration folder, and copy the whole contents of that folder.
  4. Ah, yes, ofcourse. But you don't have to have a model selected. As an aside, the Sidebar GUI plugin keeps the toolbar visible even when there are no models loaded. And changes a number of other things to make more sense (in my opinion).
  5. The measure tool should selectable regardless of if you have a model selected or not. When starting Cura, both points are initially at the center of the buildplate. You can always see where the points are in the tool panel. Clicking anywhere (on the buildplate or on a model) will move the point that is closest to the mousepointer to that location. Holding down the mousebutton will let you drag the point around (keeping it on the surface of the model or buildplate). Clicking to move a point to some spot on the model, and then clicking again may just move the same point twice; if the other point is still at the origin, it may be further away from the mouse pointer than the first point. This is what the shift-key is supposed to fix; it always selects the other point than the one you have just moved. Perhaps measuring two points on an empty buildplate will make it a bit clearer what is going on.
  6. DO you have any mapped network drives that may or may not be currently connected? See this github issue: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/9861
  7. Alternatively, use the AppImage provided by Ultimaker, which does not have such surprises added by a random package maintainer.
  8. The materials in the Marketplace currently only work for Ultimaker printers. Cura 4.11 comes with a set of all new icons, so the tool you are looking for to access "mesh modifiers" may look different now, but it is still there. The support blocker tool (that lets you add the cubes) is the 6th one from the top, the per model settings tool (that lets you change what the cubes do) is the 5th.
  9. You can download the MeshTools .curaplugin file here: https://api.ultimaker.com/cura-packages/v1/cura/v7.0.0/packages/MeshTools/download
  10. See this issue: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/10548
  11. Well the workaround works (and is not all that complicated to perform), and the single click solution you seem to want does not exist. You can wait until a single click solution does exist, or use the workaround now.
  12. Any variable from http://files.fieldofview.com/cura/Replacement_Patterns.html can be used, but obviously not all of them will have useful results. In that long list, sarch for "_extruder_nr". It is basically all settings in Cura where you select an extruder, plus the "initial_extruder_nr".
  13. One way to do that is to save a project and load it back in. When asked if you want to update the current printer or create a new one, choose creating a new printer.
  14. Hard to tell without a project file to check. Do you perhaps have the "remove all holes" setting enabled?
  15. Discov3ry is a company unrelated to Ultimaker, that sold you a modification to your Ultimaker printer. Wouldn't you agree that it is then also up to Discov3ry to tell you how to modify (change settings in) Cura? I would be somewhat surprised if they did not have any guidance on how to do it.
  16. You can do that like this: set global.T1_temp={material_print_temperature,1} Instead of a number, you can also specify a variable extruder number, eg: set support_extruder_temp={material_print_temperature, support_extruder_nr}
  17. "Never" is a long time. How long did you wait?
  18. Can I ask you why you're coming here to complain? You did not pay Ultimaker for your upgrade, did you? Do you feel that Ultimaker misled you?
  19. I think the problem (bug?) is that the category is not properly made visible. Categories are included in the setting visibility profiles, and I don't think they should be. You could try if your setting can be made visible via the All Settings option if it is in a preexisting category. You can just use the id of an existing category and leave out the label, description and type (but obviously have your setting in "children" )
  20. I think am fairly sure heater0 is the PWM value that the controller uses to send power to the heater. As such, there is no unit. A value of 255 means "give 'r all she's got" and a value of 0 means "no more power to the heater at this point". If it helps, see it as a percentage. Only a percentage that goes from 0-255 instead of 0-100.
  21. Yes, this is possibly, but I believe it is not currently allowed for definitions that ship with Cura. In other words, it is possible to add settings this way for your own installation of Cura, but you cannot have such definitions included with Cura for the benefit of other users. In your own definition, make sure your setting is within a "settings" section, not the "overrides" section. Also make sure to include a category around the setting. That can be a custom category, or an existing one. But your setting needs to be a "child" of a category.
  22. This is a known issue in Cura 4.11 that will be fixed in the next release. See https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/10394 and https://old.reddit.com/r/Cura/comments/povb83/cura_411_does_not_slice_bed_leveling_files_anymore/hd3h73n/
  23. If by "crashes" you mean that the window becomes unresponsive, please give it more time. The architecture of the Marketplace window is not handling the large number of items available in the Marketplace very well (especially including the materials). Unfortunately this leads to the window being "unresponsive" to Windows, which makes it seem the application has crashed.
  24. Unfortunately if you don't answer my questions, I cannot help you.
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