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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. This is a known issue with the OpenGL implementation in VirtualBox. See this issue for some more details: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/6822 (and https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=92944&start=15&sid=af29b5f389e761fb2e85feeb20d544b5)
  2. Please check this fix: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/10837#issuecomment-972146096
  3. Ahem... 2021-11-17 12:35:50,913 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [426]: Plugin [SimulationView] has been disabled. Skip loading it. @Rock-princess, you have managed to disable the plugin that is responsible for showing the sliced view. Go to the "Installed" tab in the Marketplace, and make sure the checkmark in front of Simulation View is checked.
  4. I'm not pretending, I am stating fact. I believe the official support for Ultimaker products is to contact your local reseller. Just because there are friendly people here who spend their own free time to help people does not mean that they owe you anything.
  5. See this post: The "Line type" scheme was made the default up in Cura 4.9. Up until Cura 2.5, there was no other scheme than linetype, but between Cura 2.5 and 4.8 the material color was the default and line type was an option. Line type is a more informative scheme; of something is going wrong it often helps what parts of a layer is printed as what sort of line.
  6. One thing to pay attention to is that when installing a new version of Cura, it will ask you if you want to uninstall the previous version(s). If you choose to uninstall the previous version, the uninstaller will ask you if you want to remove the settings of that previous version. If you let the uninstaller remove your settings, there is nothing left for Cura to upgrade to the new version. DO NOT let the uninstaller remove your settings if you want to use your settings and profiles in the new version! READ what the installer is asking you instead of just "clicking through".
  7. What was changed is the default setting of the color scheme. The color scheme now defaults to showing the types of lines, whereas in previous versions it was set to show one color per material by default. But you can change it back with the "color scheme" option in the top bar.
  8. This is a community forum, not an official support channel.
  9. Aww... I created that plugin. Then again, it was causing you this issue. Then again then again, I updated it more than 6 months ago to fix this issue, before it became an issue with the release of Cura 4.9 (ie when Cura 4.8 was the current version).
  10. It isn't. Supports are only created as 2d lines per layer, not as 3d geometry.
  11. You are using a fairly old version of the "Printjob Naming" plugin. Update that plugin from the Marketplace, and this issue will go away.
  12. @Cuq will know for sure, but I think the "Copy scripts" step is no longer necessary, since the Post Processing plugin can now find the scripts in the folder of the plugin.
  13. We're going to need to see your entire Cura.log. For some reason the GPU "shader" that draws layerview has not been loaded. We need to figure out why. See https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura#logging-issues
  14. Your GPU should suffice. You may have disabled the plugin that handles the layer view ("preview"). Go to the "Installed" tab of the Marketplace and scroll down to the "Simulation View". Make sure the checkmark in front of it is checked.
  15. Cura 2.5 is a very old version of Cura (somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 years). Could you check if more recent versions of Cura show the same defect? The sidebar has received a lot of fixes in those 4 years.
  16. It is part of the Mesh Tools plugin. With that plugin installed, it can be found either via Extensions -> Mesh Tools, or in the "right click" menu of the viewport.
  17. If you use an AMD Ryzen CPU on an ASUS motherboard, the "black screen of death" may be another issue that is harder to tackle. See https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/5265#issuecomment-460158267
  18. See if this applies to you: https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402996140946-Ultimaker-Cura-crashes-when-opening-any-file
  19. In short, the materials in the Marketplace are only available for Ultimaker printers. What printer do you have?
  20. They are seams. Or actually they are starts and stops of extruded parts. One place where such starts/stops happen is at the Z seam (where one layer stops, the z is increased, and the next layer starts). But there are also places where the extruder stops extruding, moves somewhere else within the layer, and then starts again. This can also leave a seam. Without a look at your model, it is hard to tell why Cura is doing this in this case.
  21. Two, actually; One to open the popup, one to push the appropriate button.
  22. It is a bit more complicated than that. First let's make clear that Cura will not be able to mix layer-heights within one layer. In other words: Cura can not print one part of a layer at a certain height and then another part of the same layer half a layer higher. This would lead to collisions with previously printer parts in the next layer. Theoretically this can be handled, but Cura does not handle that. The only way this can currently work is when part of the layer is printed at an exact multiple of the rest of the layer, like how it is down with the infill layer thickness setting. Now imagine a sphere and a cylinder of equal height next to eachother. Almost all of the layers of the sphere will be considered to be either a bottom layer (bottom half) or a top layer (top half), but the cylinder only has a bottom layer at the bottom and a top layer at the top. If bottom and top layers would be printed at a different height than the regular layers, what layer height should be chosen? There is only one layer that touches the buildplate, for all (parts of) models, but tops and bottoms can be at different heights for even a single model, let alone multiple models. In other word: it's more complicated than it might seem.
  23. The "Not responding" is something that happens when you open the Marketplace specifically. The Marketplace window is being replaced by something better for one of the next versions of Cura.
  24. This is not something you can do in Cura. All supports are created as a single "model" internally, with a single extruder. What you can do is not use Cura supports at all, but model your own in a 3d package. Do not use the "print as supports" option for those supports.
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