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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. That feature is not available if Layer View is using "Compatibility mode". Layer View is available in two modes, one requiring OpenGL 4.1, and the other falling back to OpenGL 2 (compatibility mode). If you have a GPU (or driver) that does not support OpenGL 4.1 or later, then only compatibility mode is available. What does the legend of the layer view say?
  2. In the MarketPlace, on the Installed tab, you can uncheck the Digital Factory. Then restart Cura and the Digital Factory will be gone.
  3. Depending on what type of printer you added to Cura (you never said what printer you have), it could be that Cura only has specific qualities for specific materials and nozzle sizes. There are two different types of printer definitions in Cura. A printer definition can either say "I use the default qualities for all materials and nozzle sizes", or "I have specific quality profiles per material and nozzle size". It seems like you have the latter. If you want the former, then instead of picking your printer-type from the list of printers to add to Cura, pick the "Custom FFF Printer". Then you always have all default quality profiles, regardless of what material and nozzle size you chose. But you would have to tune all settings to your printer (for all combinations of materials and nozzle sizes). Realistically, keep what you have and just change the layer height setting if you want a different print quality.
  4. Have you seen this? https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402996140946-Ultimaker-Cura-crashes-when-opening-any-file
  5. I am starting to get the feeling that when you added your printer to Cura, instead of scrolling down the list of available printer models and selecting a Creality Ender 3, you picked the Ultimaker 2 (or 2+) from the list, and just changed the name to Ender 3. If that's the case, then you need to add a new printer to Cura, and actually select the Creality Ender 3 instead of an Ultimaker model.
  6. Is it not extruding at all, or only a little bit? Is the extruder motor moving? On the "Extruder" tab of the Machine Settings, what does the "Compatible material diameter" say?
  7. When the gcode flavor is set to "Ultimaker 2", Cura expects the printer to set the temperatures, based on the material that is selected on the printer. Set it to "Marlin" instead.
  8. In Machine Settings, what is the GCode flavor set to? Make sure it is not set to Ultimaker 2.
  9. I honestly don't know for sure, but from the looks of the description of the Firmware Retraction setting, that setting only changes how a retraction is made, not if a retraction is made. So you would need both enabled. I did not "invent" the settings added by the Printer Settings plugin; the plugin just shows settings that are normally not user-accessible.
  10. They were features of Cura LE, but were never part of Ultimaker Cura. They are not "done away with"; they were never there.
  11. You are welcome New member. As a general rule, try to keep up to date with plugins. This particular issue was fixed with a plugin update 4 months ago.
  12. As far as I can see, the material_wipe_temperature setting is not available in Ultimaker Cura 4.11, so there is nothing to replace that pattern with.
  13. Check the Marketplace for an updated version of the Printjob Naming plugin.
  14. See the infill layer thickness setting: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/infill/infill_sparse_thickness.md
  15. You missed a crucial step. Not only would you set the layer height at 0.05mm, but you would also make both the model(s) and the buildvolume 250 times larger (in all three axes). Then slice, and post-process the gcode to divide X, Y and Z by 250. Since you don't seem to have an extruder, you won't need to scale the extrusion (flowrate). As far as I know there is no ready-made application to scale the coordinates in the gcode. But Cura comes with a "post processing plugin" which will let you manipulate the gcode with a fairly simple Python script. You would have to write that script though (or have someone write it for you); there is no interface to write these scripts in Cura (only to use them). PS: a factor of 100 will be easier to grok. Or even a factor of 1000. Then everywhere Cura says mm, you would know it actually meant micron.
  16. The internal precision at which CuraEngine does its calculation is 1 micron. It will be a lot of work to create a custom version of CuraEngine that has a higher precision, and it will probably be a lot slower. A workaround could be to work at a bigger scale, and then scale down the coordinates in the generated gcode. I am curious though why you need sub-micron precision.
  17. @kaoryu please read the post by fvrmr on the top of the page. This thread is NOT the place to get help.
  18. See the first comment in that thread; it has my opinion. Your printer wasn't made for 1.75mm. It will probably not break by trying to use it, but it may clog fairly badly. If you don't mind the risk and fixing a clog, sure, go ahead an try it. I would not recommend printing with 1.75mm unsupervised (eg overnight, or during the weekend).
  19. The normals are not takes into account when checking the water-tightness of a model. This article from the SettingsGuide plugin explains what manifold or watertight is: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/troubleshooting/missing_parts.md#non-manifold-meshes
  20. Did you happen to read any of what @fvrmr wrote above?
  21. It is hard to help you if you don't say what error you get.
  22. I don't think the UMO firmware has a function to update itself from SD.
  23. Not currently. This would need a custom postprocessing script.
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