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Everything posted by Nicolinux

  1. Hi, sorry but I barely understand French. I think your question is answered here: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/19159-um2-compatible-fil-en-30-mm-ou-et-175-mm
  2. Hi @dastrix, I think you are mixing things up a bit. You design with CAD software or other tools that facilitate the creation of 3d models. Then you export the model in "STL" format. This .stl files you drag into Cura in order to prepare them for printing (a process called "slicing"). You can't design anything directly in Cura. Since you use a Chromebook I assume local storage capacity is limited so you would like to use a cloud to storage service to save your work (3d models and stl files) to. Here is an overview about 3D printing using a Chromebook: Link
  3. Ultigcode wird vermutlich gar nicht mit OctoPrint funktionieren. Ansonsten wegen den anderen Problemen, schau dir diese Anleitung an: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/18191-howto-octoprint-raspberry-pi-2-und-um2-extended-mit-standard-firmware
  4. @nallath I know it has been asked a few times before... But people are giddy about the +kit. When will it be available?
  5. Das könnte daran liegen dass einer der Abstandshalter neben dem Zahnriemen nicht die richtige Länge hat. Das war bei mir so und ich habe mir ein neues gedruckt. Schau dir mal das "assembly manual" an (ab Seite 13): https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2/raw/master/um2%20assembly%20manual%20V1.1%20_english.pdf
  6. Ich würde auch zum VPN raten. Falls du eine nicht zu alte Fritzbox hast, dann lässt sich das bequem einrichten. Ich finde es auch bedenklich dass man deinen Drucker von "Aussen" erreichbar machst.
  7. Hi, 25 micron is very very small for any FDM printer out there. But I'd say that if one printer is able to achieve that resolution reliably then it would be the Ultimaker 2+. Since you can change nozzle sizes, you would be able to pick a small nozzle and print with it. You just need to be realistic about resolution. Any technology has its limits. If you can share the figurine, I am sure some users here would love to try their hand at printing it. Then you can decide for yourself. And one more thing, the people on 3DHubs.com are not vendors. Most are just private users that happen to have a 3D printer so quality and experience does vary greatly.
  8. I am sure the new machines will be Delta style printers! Ok ok, or maybe not But I welcome the fact that UM is very committed to its user base and listens to feedback. From our perspective it might have taken a really long time for the upcoming UM2 +kit but when you deal with manufacturing and delivery on an international level, I imagine these things take a long time. And it wouldn't make sense to release an upgrade just to tackle a single issue - there must be a long term plan behind it. If I had to guess about the next big focus, I'd put my finger on new materials. It is no surprise that the new geared feeder will be able to handle a wide range of materials. If dual extrusion is to come, then I think it will be geared towards improvements like printing infill with a second, bigger nozzle and/or some kind of dissolvable support material. And when I say new materials, I do not only mean filament. Bio printing and food printing are imho huge markets and just because they aren't as sexy as the latest Stormtrooper helmet made of ivory filament, doesn't mean that they should be ignored. Regarding filament, I think they will also improve on areas such as print failure recovery (this is mostly a software thing) and maybe filament flow detection. They already have great hardware and it makes sense to improve the heck out of it instead of going for new fancy (delta) printers
  9. I had to deal with PID Autotune lately on my UM2. I have posted it here: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/18625-solved-um2-pid-autotune-failed
  10. Didier you will be in the second round for sure!
  11. I clicked through a few and this one had a very clever idea for the timelapse (print head moves away and pushes button to snap a picture of the print):
  12. Here are all videos so far for the challenge: There are lots of Ultimakers among them - cool!
  13. No idea really - it is hard to pinpoint it. You could shoot a short video, upload it to Youtube and post it here.
  14. Hi, What do you mean with "when I try to send it to Cura"? Usually when you model something, then you export it in the .stl format and load this in Cura. Maybe it depends on the Fusion360 workflow - but I'd guess you just need to select both objects and export them as a single .stl file. What happens when you load the .stl file in Cura? Maybe post a screenshot of your model after you have switched to the "layer view".
  15. Hi, As far as I know there will be a +kit available soon and you can do it by yourself (it would be pretty ironic if Ultimaker known for its commitment to its users would require them to have the printer sent in to do the upgrade...).
  16. Btw. which printer do you have? The surface looks a bit unusual (or maybe it is the lighting) - or slicing. Do you use two shells when printing? (slicing setting in Cura).
  17. Does it happen at the same height? If yes, maybe it is something with the filament that's spooled on the roll. A friend of mine had this too and the problem was a filament spool that was stored in a weird way where only one area of the spool was exposed to heat and light. On this area the filament was deformed and it lead to under extrusion in regular intervals...
  18. I stopped worrying too much about strange noises... There are many moving parts in the printer and after some use, they do "settle in". Sometimes it is the filament thats spooled too tight and the feeder has a hard time to pull it in. Or it might be a temporary change in diameter for the filament where the feeder again has to push harder to get the filament through the nozzle. Btw. in your second video, do you see the black speck that's traveling up with the filament? This is very bad since it will get into the nozzle and possibly clog it. So if you get inexplicable under extrusion, remember to do some atomic pulls. A dust filter is a good idea too: Link
  19. As far as I know you can upgrade an UM2 to an UM2+. But the +kit is not out yet. Maybe contact @gr5, he might have some infos and he is from the USA.
  20. Ja das geht auch. Man kann beliebige Dateien (auch aus anderen unterstützten Formaten - wie .step) importieren bzw. laden.
  21. Finde ich nicht. Jeder Student ist frei dort Informationen zu suchen wo er möchte. Und eigentlich ist es ziemlich Klever sich genau an die Quelle zu wenden und dort um Rat zu fragen. Ich weiss nicht wie viele kommerzielle Produkte du schon aufgebaut hast, aber deine Aussage lässt mich vermuten dass dass es nicht viele waren (wenn überhaupt). Sollte es anders sein, dann werden sicherlich auch andere User auch von deiner Erfahrung profitieren wollen und diese könntest du in einem neuen Thread teilen. Bis dahin, lass uns hier beim Thema bleiben und @UniProject konstruktiv helfen.
  22. Ich glaube du hast das vollkommen falsch verstanden. Limitierungen fördern die Kreativität. Ja schon klar...
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