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Everything posted by ultiarjan

  1. Sure, I'll PM you a project file tonight.
  2. Wow, i've never seen that test model printed so bad before don't think you damaged anything, just give everything a good clean, use the proper nozzle, and you'll probably be fine.
  3. sure; https://ultimaker.com/en/community/39758-cura25-spiralize-multi-material
  4. @smartavionics I think the new spiralize works very good..... except for multi material... strange moves...and blobs. I guess the solution is to make sure the end/start positions of the 2 materials are connected, and preferably random chosen to hide them even better.
  5. @smartavionics I think the new spiralize works very good..... except for multi material... strange moves...and blobs.
  6. preheat timer Just tried the preheat function. Previously my Ultimaker3 bed temp did not get higher than 97c (with a closed front). But with the pre-heat (or the new firmware??) I'm now getting to 110c !!! yeah !!! it did take 22.5 minutes (may even go higher, i stopped at 110) And there's the thing, the timer is set to 15 minutes, then the preheats breaks and the bed cools again, so you have to keep an eye on it.... Can you please set the timer to a bit longer time?
  7. Looks nice, the thing that I see interesting on the other is the pt100. Also until recently didn't knew that 4 wire pt100 is actually more accurate than our 2 wire pt100. That could be a interesting plus. I like the 3 extruder option.... if @tinkergnome can port the firmware a 3head magnetic changer is at least physically simple in the new setup.... And to add to the confusion the missing 5th chip issue may already be solved for the real new UM2+ machines.... they supposedly have the new UM3 board.... I'm just assuming with the 5 chips..... if only someone could confirm....
  8. left: X from 170 to 218, Y from 6 to 1 right X from 182 to 230, Y from 6 to 1 The positions I now use, just behind the right bed clip seem to completely overlap with the glass-clip no-go-zone. Which is a bit strange as they are like a cm away from the clip. There probably is no ultimate best position... but the ability to set them from Cura is very nice, though I can imagine before you add this function by default, you need to set some safety feature to avoid people to crash into the clips.
  9. I recently learned that some months ago already Ultimaker stopped mounting the 5th stepper driver chip to the electronics board of the Ultimaker2. This basically means you have no option anymore to experiment with dual extrusion options. It also means experiments like this are no longer a option, unless you change your board. https://ultimaker.com/en/community/10657-a-different-multi-extrusion-approach-um-tool-printhead-changer?page=46#reply-164412 While Ultimaker obviously has the right to make any changes to there machines as they like and save a few cents, and it's not affecting the basic machine, I do find it a pretty sad decision. So should you be planning on buying a Ultimaker2, and have the idea that you may become experimental at any time in the future, you may consider getting a 2th hand or refurbished machine iso a new one. You'll be able to check by just removing the electronics cover and check if the 5th chip is mounted;
  10. mwaa, would be easier to do it from CURA.... but then again its hardly ever needed...
  11. As shown here you can simply change the prime position of your UM3, if you have a model that would otherwise not fit the buildplate. https://ultimaker.com/en/community/39517-build-volume-obstruction#reply-175421 I tried a few positions and decided to go for this; left: X from 170 to 218, Y from 6 to 1 right X from 182 to 230, Y from 6 to 1 This is a safe position on my machine, it's at safe distance from the glass-clip, the camera, and the head will not stick out the front of the machine, so you can still add a simple flat 'door' when closing the machine for ABS printing. you could also choose to go even further to the front, but then you need to stay more to the left to avoid the glass-clip. still safe distance to the camera; and the new resulting poop position;
  12. Just a small thing, I notice there's still an unnecessary move in the startup. at heatup the head waits mid-front, but instead of moving directly to the prime position, it fisrt moving back to mid-right (photo). I assume the heatup mid-front is for nice looks..... else I would say move directly to the prime position. edit: fyi, I'm not using auto level
  13. https://ultimaker.com/en/community/39104-automatic-add-post-process-plugin there's a link here somewhere, if you google you probably find a few more post on the new plugings and changes in recent versions....
  14. Ah, right, I just checked on my custom ultimaker where I also use Reprap(marlin/sprinter) and it's indeed the case. I think your options to get something before the temp codes are to change it manually (not very nice) or to write a cura plugin.
  15. What printer do you have? If you have a Ultimaker2 you can switch to reprap(marlin/sprinter) code in machine settings and have full control of the startup code. In this case you do need to set your own start and end code as the firmware start/end will not be used. Plenty of examples on this forum.
  16. Still think you need to have a good look at that page.... Ultimaker ABS needs 250c on the Ultimaker2 and 230c on the Ultimaker3 at comparable settings? that difference is a bit much don't you think?
  17. Very nice! this makes a lot more sense than the old wording.
  18. Think your best bet is to get a working profile from someone who also has a bigbox In this case I guess e3d is the supplier... why not ask them... I hope they still provide some support?
  19. not every nema 17 will fit. The xy motors are relative short so be sure to check the dimensions.
  20. I don't get it. Do you consider a 60c glass plate unsafe? Printing on glass is so much easier for inexperienced people imho
  21. https://www.makerpoint.nl/nl/ultimaker-xy-motor-um2.html not the cheapest maybe.... but you're sure it's the correct one...
  22. You'll see cura use 2 g-codes. The fist time temperature is set (is first layer temp) M109 is used, which means execution of the rest of the code will wait until the set temperature is reached. Further on in the g-code the temperature is set using M104, meaning the temperature is adjusted to this set temp but execution of the rest of the code will not wait till this temp us reached. So if you set first layer temp to 205, and print temp to 200, you'll first find a M109 S205 and further on a M104 S200.
  23. Just note down the current positions set. Have a look at the head during priming and you know the margins left.... To have time to look at it just manu5slly push the head to the "poop" positions
  24. Hardly know what I'm talking about but could it be of any help to check the bigbox profile in an online .json checker, just to find a potential syntax error ?
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