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Everything posted by Cuq

  1. One small step for mankind one giant leap for me 😄
  2. My apologies ... it works now the error must have come from something else. By cleaning the code to put it online, the error has disappeared! The problem must have been elsewhere. But thank you very much for this very fast support! [EDIT] Was a wrong definition of the Vector
  3. HEllo, I'm trying to use the code node.callDecoration("getConvexHull") to get the Convex hull of an element . I got the coordinates points but the Code callDecoration("getConvexHull") change 'something' in the scene and then Cura Crash . Any Idea or advise will be welcome ( @nallath, @fieldOfView ?) def addAutoSupportMesh(self) -> int: nb_Tab=0 act_position = Vector for node in DepthFirstIterator(self._application.getController().getScene().getRoot()): if node.callDecoration("isSliceable"): Logger.log('d', "isSliceable : {}".format(node.getName())) node_stack=node.callDecoration("getStack") if node_stack: type_infill_mesh = node_stack.getProperty("infill_mesh", "value") type_cutting_mesh = node_stack.getProperty("cutting_mesh", "value") type_support_mesh = node_stack.getProperty("support_mesh", "value") type_anti_overhang_mesh = node_stack.getProperty("anti_overhang_mesh", "value") if not type_infill_mesh and not type_support_mesh and not type_anti_overhang_mesh : # and Selection.isSelected(node) Logger.log('d', "Mesh : {}".format(node.getName())) hull_polygon = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull") if not hull_polygon or hull_polygon.getPoints is None: Logger.log("w", "Object {} cannot be calculated because it has no convex hull.".format(node.getName())) continue for point in hull_polygon.getPoints(): nb_Tab+=1 Logger.log('d', 'X : ' + str(point[0])) Logger.log('d', 'Y : ' + str(point[1])) # self._createSupportMesh(node, act_position) return nb_Tab
  4. I make my plugins for my own needs. And as I don't print so tricky material , I don't need such type of tricks; but thanks a lot for this exchange It 's always interesting. You give me anyway an idea. As it is very easy to get the convex hull of the model ( the shadow of the model you already see on the build plate) I think I will try in a futur release to place automaticaly some tab in the corner of these positions. Thanks a lot for this idea.
  5. I don't really understand your technic. something like that ?
  6. +1 for anti warping solution, like mouse ears multi-layer. But concerning Raft I think your wrong. It ' s not an old technology, it's an old one for plastic but not for metal printing. Otherwise Ultimaker wouldn't introduce all these new Raft parameters in Cura 5.0
  7. It's on line 🤣
  8. Hello, That's a different request from the initial demand. But on this point I'm totaly agree with you. It's almost impossible to know what have been modified and if you say "Update", your profile are automaticaly updated whitout any option to get back the initial state. So by security you prefer to create a new one and after a while you have dozens of profile #1 #2 #3.. But you don't know what is the real good one. Profile management in Cura sucks ! 🙂 Thats Why I'm not using it 😢
  9. Slicing Tolerance must be set to Middle And reduce the Horizontal expansion -0.3 is too much
  10. This option is already available since a long time . In the general settings : Default behavior when opening a project file. If you select "Always ask me this" , When you will load a project you will have the choice between : Open As project -> the default behaviour with the choice of the creation or update of the existing profile. OR Import Model. In this case Cura will only load the geometry, And in this case the current printer, the current profile and the current material are used.
  11. J'ai trouvé le prochain gif pour @darkdvd et mon prochain print A noter que le choix du plateau n'est pas anecdotique 🤣
  12. Désolé je n'avais pas "l'historique" des conversations précédentes 🤗
  13. Récupéré ne veut pas dire Gratuit .. Il y a des machines récupérées qui restent plus cher qu'une achetée. Sinon petite précision concernant l'aide en ligne du Settings Guide. La langue des articles n'a rien à voir avec la langue choisie dans Cura. Au démarrage c'est effectivement la langue du logiciel. Mais si vous avez changé la langue des articles Ici : C'est cette langue qui est affichée ( sauf si un article n'était pas traduit) l'on rebascule alors sur l'article par défaut en Anglais. Mais pour le français comme ils sont tous traduits ca ne devrait pas exister (si vous constater une erreur le mieux c'est de remonter vos remarques ici : https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/discussions/86 en spécifiant la version du plugin ( actuellement 2.9.0) et de préférence toujours avec la dernière version ou alors ici https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/issues si l'erreur concernait tous les articles.
  14. Le problème vient de ton fichier STL, Les normales des trinangles ne sont pas bonnes ce qui pertube le fonctionnment du trancheur. On peut le voir avec le rendu , une fois le triangle et rouge, celui d'a coté non . Corrige le problème du STL avec MeshMixer par exemple avant d'essayer la découpe dans Cura.
  15. This feature exist but only in the Cura Master of @burtoogle
  16. What is the best solution for the Cylindric Custom Support plugin ? Cura 4.X style with icons on one line Cura 5.X style with icons on two lines
  17. I'm sure there is a simplest solution, but nothing better for the moment. width: childrenRect.width height: !freeformButton.checked && !abutmentButton.checked ? 0 : (abutmentButton.checked ? (UM.Theme.getSize("setting_control").height*2+UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height): childrenRect.height) anchors.leftMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width anchors.top: textfields.bottom anchors.topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
  18. That's the main problem with the @fieldOfView's plugins. All of them should be included in the software as standard 😄
  19. Yes if you modify the code in the Postprocessing Plugin (Ultimaker Cura 5.x.x\share\cura\plugins\PostProcessingPlugin\PostProcessingPlugin.py or Ultimaker Cura 4.x.x\plugins\PostProcessingPlugin\PostProcessingPlugin.py) if ";POSTPROCESSED" not in gcode_list[0]: for script in self._script_list: try: gcode_list = script.execute(gcode_list) except Exception: Logger.logException("e", "Exception in post-processing script.") if len(self._script_list): # Add comment to g-code if any changes were made. gcode_list[0] += ";POSTPROCESSED\n" gcode_dict[active_build_plate_id] = gcode_list setattr(scene, "gcode_dict", gcode_dict) else: Logger.log("e", "Already post processed") But you will have to do it for every new release of Cura.
  20. No difference between printing via usb or sd card. To configure cura to heat the nozzle and the build plate , you must install the machine settings plugin of @fieldOfView to get access to the hidden machine parameter , and you will have an option to activate/desactivate to wait the nozzle or the build plate have reach the right temperature before to execute the program. https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/fieldofview/PrinterSettingsPlugin
  21. It 's available via the marketplace now, so install it directly from Cura. https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/5axes/ProfilAnalyser
  22. https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/releases?page=5
  23. I wonder if I missed something. In version 5.0 Cura seems to save postprocessing scripts and their settings with the project. I had not seen the information or read it in the new version what's New paper. Can anyone confirm this new feature?
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