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We made it, the New Cura


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Posted · We made it, the New Cura

Okay tried it out....despite the settings being Ultimaker Original and No Heated Bed, if you go to use this, the Ultimaker Original sits at "Heating bed".

Umm, you guys test this stuff, right?  ;)


We did test, quite a bit. But... well, all our originals where upgraded to + or heated bed upgrade status. So that was missed.

There is a workaround, you can enable the heated bed setting and set that to 0, that will work around this problem till we have a fix out.

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Posted · We made it, the New Cura


Is there a logfile on windows too?


If you Run as Admin there is.


Ok, i tried it with "Run as Administrator" - same behavior. And now?

You may agree that such a start is not very promising...

It's a german Windows 7 and the very first dialog leads to this:


..and the output from the details section:



Problemereignisname: APPCRASH

Anwendungsname: Cura.exe


Anwendungszeitstempel: 536d0024

Fehlermodulname: StackHash_0a9e


Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 00000000

Ausnahmecode: c0000005

Ausnahmeoffset: 00000000

Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601.

Gebietsschema-ID: 1031

Zusatzinformation 1: 0a9e

Zusatzinformation 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Zusatzinformation 3: 0a9e

Zusatzinformation 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789


The content of cura.log looks inconspicuous to me

The tailing lines from today:


2015-07-03 14:23:25,135 - INFO - Loaded plugin FileLogger

2015-07-03 14:23:25,860 - INFO - Loaded plugin LocalFileStorage

2015-07-03 14:23:25,887 - INFO - Loaded plugin LayerView

2015-07-03 14:23:25,929 - INFO - Loaded plugin MeshView

2015-07-03 14:23:25,973 - INFO - Loaded plugin WireframeView

2015-07-03 14:23:25,990 - INFO - Loaded plugin OBJReader

2015-07-03 14:23:25,999 - INFO - Loaded plugin STLReader

2015-07-03 14:23:26,020 - INFO - Loaded plugin STLWriter

2015-07-03 14:23:26,035 - INFO - Loaded plugin GCodeWriter

2015-07-03 14:23:26,066 - INFO - Loaded plugin CameraTool

2015-07-03 14:23:26,094 - INFO - Loaded plugin MirrorTool

2015-07-03 14:23:26,157 - INFO - Loaded plugin RotateTool

2015-07-03 14:23:26,189 - INFO - Loaded plugin ScaleTool

2015-07-03 14:23:26,219 - INFO - Loaded plugin SelectionTool

2015-07-03 14:23:26,252 - INFO - Loaded plugin TranslateTool

2015-07-03 14:23:26,296 - INFO - Checking for new version of cura

2015-07-03 14:23:26,296 - INFO - Loaded plugin UpdateChecker

2015-07-03 14:23:26,347 - INFO - Loaded plugin USBPrinting

2015-07-03 14:23:26,351 - INFO - Could not establish connection on COM13: 'Failed to open serial port'. Device is not arduino based.

2015-07-03 14:23:26,355 - INFO - Loaded plugin CuraEngineBackend

2015-07-03 14:23:27,952 - DEBUG - Loaded theme C:/Program Files/Cura_15.06.01/resources/themes/cura

2015-07-03 14:23:28,461 - INFO - Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Cura_15.06.01\CuraEngine.exe

2015-07-03 14:23:31,730 - DEBUG - Backend connected on port 49674


Good luck!


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    Posted · We made it, the New Cura

    I installed the software on OSX and Win 7 (x64) and when I place an object on the buildplatform then on OSX it is possible to rotate (spheres around my model appear) but on the Win 7 (x64) nothing happens or appears. The same for scaling.

    I hope this helps others..

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    Posted · We made it, the New Cura
    Good luck!


    Could you also post this on github? Makes it easier to keep of track of things. I don't see anything in the log file that would explain the crash.

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    Posted (edited) · We made it, the New Cura


    @Urbach - You have to click once on the object and then click on one of the icons in the lower left corner to rotate/scale.

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    Posted · We made it, the New Cura

    I find the new Cura very satisfactory.

    Just a question. I use Cura a distance from my Ultimaker 2 . Is there a firmware change with the new Cura version, so that I should make the effort to connect to my printer?

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    Posted (edited) · We made it, the New Cura

    @Urbach - You have to click once on the object and then click on one of the icons in the lower left corner to rotate/scale.


    @gr5 as I said before in OSX it is possible to rotate but not in Win 7 (x64 bit) version.

    The red, green and other colour (I'm not at my printer computer) circles are not showing after I clicked the rotate icon. Nor does scale.

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    Posted (edited) · We made it, the New Cura

    In case nobody asked for this yet, I have a few requests for the layer view control.


    1. Would you please bring back the layer count (show the number of the layer, one is seeing)
    2. Would you please add up-/down-buttons (additionally to the slider) to go through layers one by one (the slider is not very accurate on tall prints)
    3. With the slider reacting to the mouse wheel, would you please enlarge the zone where it does that a little and make that zone visible (e.g. adding a background to the slider or a frame around it). Otherwise, one might accidentally zoom in/out while scrolling through layers
    4. Would you please take the scroll rate for the slider from the OS's mouse settings or make it adjustable in cura? I'd prefer one layer per increment (not sure how to call that ... the "clicks" while turning the wheel), but others might have other preferences there. Don't skip the up-/down-buttons, though! Scrolling on touch-pads can be a bitch (some people might use cura on laptops).



    Is there actually a sub forum for feature requests? I that case, feel free to move this posting there

    EDIT 2

    Where's do I set the nozzle size?

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    Posted (edited) · We made it, the New Cura

    Where's do I set the nozzle size?


    You have to ( - edit - no, you CAN - see below responses - ) do that in a machine profile files found here:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_15.06.01\resources\settings\*.json

    (use a text editor)

    If you're going to run more than one 'machine' in Cura based on variations of the provided .json profiles, you'll need to copy the appropriate profile and rename the copy.  If you have to do this, also edit the line near the top

    "name": "Ultimaker Original 8mm",

    so the difference can be seen while creating a new 'machine' in Cura.

    Here I renamed my copy from ["name":"Ulimaker Original"] to what you see above.  This text is what shows up when you go to use the new profile to create a new 'Machine' in Cura.  If you don't change it, both the source profile and the edited copy will list with the same identifying text when selecting a printer 'type'

    You would then create multiple 'Machines' in Cura based on the differing profiles.

    I think this text string displayed in Cura when creating new machines should be linked to the profile file name.  I don't know if that's possible.


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    Posted (edited) · We made it, the New Cura


    @jens, @mastory: Why so complicated? Just change the different line widths under 'Quality'. You don't see those options? Enable them in the machine preferences (Menu Settings -> Preferences -> Machine -> Quality and so on...). It's simple.

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    Posted (edited) · We made it, the New Cura

    So, there is no parameter nozzle size anymore?

    Thinking about it, with (configurable) line widths for anything, nozzle size is not actually required to calculate the material flow and all (it would only be required be to trigger those warnings that the old cura displayed when nozzle size and wall thickness didn't match)...

    OK then, thank you :)


    Just now, I had a real glimpse on the sheer amount of things configurable via cura now. I like it, I really do, especially the fact that it includes even all(?) of the machine settings and that you won't have to fiddle on the machine anymore (physically ... with the push wheel thing and the tiny display on the UM) - do ALL cura settings fully overrule the settings of the machine (unless they're changed WHILE printing)? There should be a clear and uniform policy in that matter, redundancy here is no trivial matter and could lead to unexpected results.

    Second aspect to that: if cura now manages all the machine settings, one should be able to store them in profiles. That would have been a good idea all along, even without the machine settings, but now, with them, it's kind of obligatory.

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    Posted · We made it, the New Cura

    Sorry for all the scattered postings, I just write as I see something new (something new that has probably already been mentioned by someone else) ...

    Could we have it so that the width of the options bar on the right side can be changed (like grabbing and dragging its border)? Some of the captions are shortened to an extend and in a way that you just couldn't read (understand) them anymore.

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    Posted · We made it, the New Cura

    @jens, @mastory: Why so complicated? Just change the different line widths under 'Quality'. You don't see those options? Enable them in the machine preferences (Menu Settings -> Preferences -> Machine -> Quality and so on...). It's simple.


    Thanks @dim3nsioneer

    I guess since the new ideology wasn't pointed out I was stuck in the old. Since you've pointed it out, it makes sense that nozzle orifice isn't required to calculate the extrusion. Does the old Cura do anything with the nozzle size besides warn you when you're outside the normal bounds of function?

    I'd like to correct my above post. I don't see the option to strike out text. Can this be done in the current forum? How? doesn't work...


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    Posted · We made it, the New Cura

    I am having difficulty updating the firmware. Note, my UM2 is new, I have never updated the firmware before. Windows 7. This is what I did:

    1. Installed Cura 15.06.01

    2. Plugged in UM2

    3. Computer said that device not configured - couldn't find drivers.

    4. Downloaded and installed Arduino drivers

    5. Ultimaker2 showing as Arduino Mega 2560 (COM4) in Device Manager

    6. Opened UM2 as administrator

    7. Selected Update Firmware

    8. Progress bar doesn't move at all. No errors or messages.

    9. Cancelled the update.

    10. Opened Cura.log, which reads as follows:

    Exception in thread Thread-6:

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_15.06.01\plugins\USBPrinting\avr_isp\stk500v2.py", line 29, in connect

    self.serial = Serial(str(port), speed, timeout=1, writeTimeout=10000)

    File "c:\dev\python34\lib\site-packages\serial\serialwin32.py", line 38, in __init__

    File "c:\dev\python34\lib\site-packages\serial\serialutil.py", line 282, in __init__

    File "c:\dev\python34\lib\site-packages\serial\serialwin32.py", line 66, in open

    serial.serialutil.SerialException: could not open port 'COM4': PermissionError(13, 'Access is denied.', None, 5)

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "c:\dev\python34\lib\threading.py", line 921, in _bootstrap_inner

    File "c:\dev\python34\lib\threading.py", line 869, in run

    File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_15.06.01\plugins\USBPrinting\PrinterConnection.py", line 140, in _updateFirmware


    File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_15.06.01\plugins\USBPrinting\avr_isp\stk500v2.py", line 31, in connect

    raise ispBase.IspError("Failed to open serial port")

    USBPrinting.avr_isp.ispBase.IspError: 'Failed to open serial port'


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    Posted (edited) · We made it, the New Cura

    I don't know for sure but afaik legacy Cura uses the nozzle size for calculating the line width with the exception of the first layer for which it could be specified in later versions separately.

    The fact that quite some users asked about the nozzle size shows:

    - that the Olsson Block is a great success... ;)

    - that people look for what they are used to (reminds me of Ford's customers who wanted faster horses and got the automobile)

    - that the new concept should be mentioned by UM in a manual or blog

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    Posted · We made it, the New Cura

    A bit confused about this nozzle size thing in the new Cura.

    Can I assume that the parameter "Wall Line Width" is the very same as the old nozzle size?

    If I use a 0.6 nozzle, should I put 0.6 in the Wall Line Width?

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    Posted (edited) · We made it, the New Cura

    A bit confused about this nozzle size thing in the new Cura.

    Can I assume that the parameter "Wall Line Width" is the very same as the old nozzle size?

    If I use a 0.6 nozzle, should I put 0.6 in the Wall Line Width?


    The line width feature changes the distance between the lines and the extruded amount of filament; unless someone implemented a bug which was not yet found it should work as the nozzle size in legacy Cura.

    edit: yes, you should put 0.6 there...and also to the other line width settings such as infill line width... ;)

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    Posted · We made it, the New Cura

    When will there be a stable version?

    Mine works well as long as there is no part and I just play with the settings. With an actual stl-file loaded, the program crashes all the time while scrolling/zooming/panning, sometimes it won't even load/slice while doing nothing (the progress bar just stops and windows tells me that there is a problem with the program and that it has to be shut down or something).

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    Posted · We made it, the New Cura

    @gr5 as I said before in OSX it is possible to rotate but not in Win 7 (x64 bit) version.

    The red, green and other colour (I'm not at my printer computer) circles are not showing after I clicked the rotate icon. Nor does scale.


    I have windows 7 64bit and it works fine for me. It's probably a graphics card/driver issue. I'm guessing that unless/until a few other people have this same issue it probably won't get looked at as there are about 100 other important issues to fix in Cura and unless one of the programmers can duplicate this it will be tough to fix.

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    Posted · We made it, the New Cura

    I also cannot select, rotate, scale etc the model in Win7 64. It's been reported on Github issue #84. I think 83 may be the same issue.


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    Posted · We made it, the New Cura

    Do I need to upgrade my UM2 firmware now that I have installed Cura 15.06.01?

    And what will this do if I want to process a print using a previous version of Cura, that I have still installed, and will probably keep around until I am completely comfortable with the new version.

    So far I find the many different settings for Support very confusing.

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    Posted · We made it, the New Cura

    Do I need to upgrade my UM2 firmware now that I have installed Cura 15.06.01?


    No. Don't worry about it.

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    Posted · We made it, the New Cura

    I also have a problem with the 15.06.01 version on a mac.

    I can open the software and i looks like everything is fine but when i'm loading a file i can't see the part and the printing platform (don't know how to call it, i have my ultimaker for a week now).

    Anybody know how to fix that?

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    Posted · We made it, the New Cura

    "printing platform" is fine. But is also known as "bed".

    14.06.01 still has some bugs - you might want to use the next older version.

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