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Looking for beta testers.


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Posted · Looking for beta testers.

I'm currently using Cura 13.06.3 on windows and I'm impressed by the progress made already!

Normaly I use Ubuntu, but Cura 13.06.3 isn't working on linux at the moment so I 'had' to switch to windows to test the new versions....

If I start Cura 13.06.3 under Ubuntu 13.04, installed with the .deb installer from software.ultimaker.com Cura opens but the 3D view is blank and I get this output:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/share/cura/Cura/gui/util/openglGui.py", line 185, in _OnGuiMouseDown


File "/usr/share/cura/Cura/gui/sceneView.py", line 582, in OnMouseDown

self._mouseClick3DPos = self._mouse3Dpos

AttributeError: 'SceneView' object has no attribute '_mouse3Dpos'

Closing down

(python:22828): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're its parent.

(python:22828): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're its parent.

(python:22828): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're its parent.

(python:22828): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're its parent.

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

The version installed from gitHub hangs at the splash screen and creates this output:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode/wx/_core.py", line 14665, in <lambda>

lambda event: event.callable(*event.args, **event.kw) )

File "/usr/share/cura/Cura/gui/splashScreen.py", line 16, in DoCallback


File "/usr/share/cura/Cura/gui/app.py", line 41, in afterSplashCallback

from Cura.gui import mainWindow

File "/usr/share/cura/Cura/gui/mainWindow.py", line 16, in <module>

from Cura.gui import sceneView

File "/usr/share/cura/Cura/gui/sceneView.py", line 26, in <module>

from Cura.gui.util import previewTools

File "/usr/share/cura/Cura/gui/util/previewTools.py", line 13, in <module>

from Cura.gui.util import opengl

File "/usr/share/cura/Cura/gui/util/opengl.py", line 20, in <module>

from OpenGL.GL import shaders

ImportError: cannot import name shaders


I really love Cura, but dislike windows, so a working linux version would definetly be appreciated! ;)


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    The new Cura engine has improved my printquality in many ways and has speed up the overall printtime in most cases! =) But I have one feature request though: The setting for: retraction will be enabled on all moves. With this setting not available the top areas are scarred with pla that ozzed out of the nozzle and hollow objects are filled with strings. Will that feature return in Cura 13.06.x?


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Just got this working in Linux using the latest Cura and CuraEngine heads and I have to say it is amazing! It's fast and simple to use, and best of all the print quality beats the old Skeinforge backend.

    One of my biggest problems with the old slicer was the old holes coming out to small and having to fudge models to the right size: http://hydraraptor.blogspot.co.uk/2011/02/polyholes.html

    I did a print just now with a 5mm diameter circular hole and it came out at 4.5mm. This is a lot better than Skeinforge and the remaining difference may just mean that I need to tweak my machine better.

    What are other people's experiences with the printed size of small holes on the new CuraEngine slicer?


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Just got this working in Linux using the latest Cura and CuraEngine heads and I have to say it is amazing! It's fast and simple to use, and best of all the print quality beats the old Skeinforge backend.

    One of my biggest problems with the old slicer was the old holes coming out to small and having to fudge models to the right size: http://hydraraptor.blogspot.co.uk/2011/02/polyholes.html

    I did a print just now with a 5mm diameter circular hole and it came out at 4.5mm. This is a lot better than Skeinforge and the remaining difference may just mean that I need to tweak my machine better.

    What are other people's experiences with the printed size of small holes on the new CuraEngine slicer?


    Great link there, good to see all the different things that cause hole shrinking in one spot. I just measured a 15mm hole at 14.75mm, which is pretty good. As Daid said the slicer can't make up for all aspects of shrinkage in holes. But they do seem pretty good in Cura.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    I did a print just now with a 5mm diameter circular hole and it came out at 4.5mm. This is a lot better than Skeinforge and the remaining difference may just mean that I need to tweak my machine better.

    What are other people's experiences with the printed size of small holes on the new CuraEngine slicer?


    I'm getting between 4.8mm and 4.9mm on a 5mm hole. I compensate this with 0.1mm more radius in my openscad designs and everything is well :).


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    A little thing that I liked from the old cura that is no longer available: when you focused the cura window that already had a model loaded, it automatically detected if the source model had been changed and asked you if you wanted to updated, keeping transfomation. It's a tiny feature but it really increased workflow when you wanted to fix errors in your model. Combined with the autoslice, it would be great. I know it would not be that simple with multiple models on the print bed

    Also, I might be wrong, but think that when using the brim or raft , the supports are not taken into account, they are are printed directly on the plate. As a result they don't stick very well and the smaller ones fall off. I remember the old version would generate rafts for the supports too.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    I am getting strange "Line Number is not Last Line Number+1" errors from my printer while printing from USB. Some serial buffering error?


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    I am getting strange "Line Number is not Last Line Number+1" errors from my printer while printing from USB. Some serial buffering error?


    That's no real issue. It happens on a communication error, but this error gets corrected. (I should filter out those messages)


    A little thing that I liked from the old cura that is no longer available: when you focused the cura window that already had a model loaded, it automatically detected if the source model had been changed and asked you if you wanted to updated, keeping transfomation. It's a tiny feature but it really increased workflow when you wanted to fix errors in your model. Combined with the autoslice, it would be great. I know it would not be that simple with multiple models on the print bed

    Also, I might be wrong, but think that when using the brim or raft , the supports are not taken into account, they are are printed directly on the plate. As a result they don't stick very well and the smaller ones fall off. I remember the old version would generate rafts for the supports too.


    Ah, yes, the reload is missing. Need to think on what the best way to add this is, with multiple models and stuff.

    The support with raft is giving a problem, as the support material does not have a raft. Should work fine with a brim, except that the support is printed on top of the brim if the brim extends far enough.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    A little thing that I liked from the old cura that is no longer available: when you focused the cura window that already had a model loaded, it automatically detected if the source model had been changed and asked you if you wanted to updated, keeping transfomation. It's a tiny feature but it really increased workflow when you wanted to fix errors in your model. Combined with the autoslice, it would be great. I know it would not be that simple with multiple models on the print bed

    Also, I might be wrong, but think that when using the brim or raft , the supports are not taken into account, they are are printed directly on the plate. As a result they don't stick very well and the smaller ones fall off. I remember the old version would generate rafts for the supports too.




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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    I would love to BETA test =)


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.
    I would love to BETA test =)


    I'ts available to everyone now at Software download page

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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Hey Daid,

    I was thinking about the infill vs perimeter speed differential allowed in the new versions and the potential extrusion issues. You spoke of the transient issues when switching between, until it restabilizes. A potentially easy fix would be to develop a "lag" parameter (probably time, ie distance traveled in last move, divided by move speed). You could decouple the print moves from their given extrusion rates, and shift them by the lag value. I would guess that with some quick testing, a sweet spot could be found.

    I still see a steady state error in the extrusion between the two (under on the infil when printed faster). An option right next to infill speed "infill flow multiplier" would fix this no problem. It would also help with the lower density infill only building a grid of pedestals at intersection points. I'm not sure why the random line pattern was so more reliable for me compared to the new grid.




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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Hi Daid. I have been trying printing multiple objects in one session, and I must say it's really cool, saved me a lot of time, really useful when you need to print several small objects. I printed six small object at once, which took only half an hour to print, but would have taken much longer if i had to print them one by one. I would have had to remove the printed objects and re-heat the head every 5 minutes while here I just launched it a did other things in the meantime.

    I noticed one thing though, with the brim option. When printing multiple object, sometimes the brim spiral is printed backward: instead of starting printing from the outside of the skirt and moving inward and then start printing the object, it starts from the end of the spiral, where the object boundary is supposed to be, prints the spiral from the inside to the outside, then retracts and goes back to the object position. Add to that the fact that the filament got retracted from the end of the previous object, so when it starts printing the new brim, the filament does not stick immediately to the bed. This would not be an issue if it started the brim from the outside, but it is when it starts printing from the inside, because then the border of the brim supposed to stick with the object is not printed correctly. I ended up with brims not touching with the object, making it quite useless


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Dear Daid,

    the new SW has very good advantages, at least speed.

    But I got a really big Problem it already destroyed 2 fan ducts as it stops moving the axis at 56mm height but Releases material until you Switch off the unit in the morning. It melted together everything.

    How can I send you a Picture and the stl file so you could test yourself..




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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    You can post pictures by clicking on gallery in the top left of this page before making a post. You can upload certain file types (not sure about stl and gcode - I think not gcode). Then start your post an click "my media" next to the smile icon. This lets you insert your picture into the post.

    which axis stops moving at 56mm height? Maybe you hit a limit switch? I doubt it has anything to do with cura slicing. Are you using the ulticontroller? If not could it be related to a screen saver?


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Daid, are you still keeping an eye on this thread?


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    I think he is taking a well deserved vacation.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    I was taking a vacation.

    I'm watching this, I've noted down a few problems. I did some more testing on USB printing last friday, and I got totally pissed off as it was dropping USB connection all the time. Until I added a powered USB hub! I still think UltiController printing is the best option, but if you are having USB printing issues, an powered USB hub could help.

    Main issues I see right now on Cura:

    * Support and brim/raft does not work as expected

    * Support material needs work

    * Brim on 2nd (and later) objects get printed in the wrong order

    * Tons of feature requests

    (Note that I have a few other duties at Ultimaker that do not involve Cura development, which require my attention right now. So that's why there is less word from me)


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Hi Daid,

    Really pleased with the performance and results I'm getting from 13.06.

    I have a feature request...

    Is there a way to have different infill amounts / support material densities for different sections of a single model - driven by polygon material colours. (I'm thinking .obj file import here). Sometimes I would like to be able to say to Cura - make this section solid/very dense while this section can be much less densly inflled - or to define a separate nested object as a support structure with specific density. This is particularly important with complex forms where sometimes Cura prints the support material in such a way that it is hard to differentiate between what is form and what is support - or where you want strong leg supports but lightly infilled upper body areas.

    I can imagine this might be a challenge to implement but it would really help with some prints...



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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Hi again Daid, I have another suggestion/request, maybe it's just me, but I think the brim line amount should be moved from the expert setting to the advance setting, because that's something I tend to modify for every print. Mostly because the supports are not yet taken into account when the brim is generated and I have to adjust the raft size so the supports are printed on it. Once this is fixed, this should not be a problem anymore.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    I would love to test it. I am a very inexperienced user who is finally getting a nice quality print after many issues, kind of getting bored now, need to introduce some new potential bugs, ha! (I could never actually get bored with this thing).


    Should the g-code end have a retraction command to aid in avoiding nozzle plugs or is that a bad idea?


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    I would love to test it.


    3dguy - you are a few months too late. It's now the official version.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    I would love to test this.

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    Posted (edited) · Looking for beta testers.

    you're a bit(years) late, though you can grab the 15.04 version of Cura :)which is the latest and last version of this particular flavor of Cura.

    We've moved on to something a little different in the meantime though, try Cura 3.0 ?

    If I were a moderator I might complain about necroing threads but I just think it's funny.

    Edited by Guest
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