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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. That is a pretty print corner!! Will they be mounted on the wall? Nice! How will you access the filament and printer etc?
  2. ohhh sorry to hear you are selling our UM2+ @Ppolla!
  3. Let me find out if that is possible. When in a thread and click the magnifying glass would you like to search in the thread, and the thread alone? This would mean you always have to go back to the main screen to search the entire site. Or you could check a box that toggles between search thread (where you are in) or don't check it and search the website. What would make most sense to you? Or something else?
  4. Hi Torgeir, Thank you for sharing this. What is the home build machine you printed the boat on that also had the Zebra stripes? Wouldn't it be weird if both machines, from different manufacturers show the same occurrence? Could you explain to me how a micro stepper could miss steps? Is it an overheating thing, or just an inaccuracy of the motor? What exactly did your fix in the electronics do to avoid this? Sorry, just trying to understand what you did
  5. That is some surrealistic stuff! Like I'm tripping on something Did you make this programme yourself?
  6. Thank you for sharing your feedback! How long did the entire assembly take you? Another reason for your temperature difference could be that you have a new PT100 in the extrusion upgrade. One with a different shielding which makes it more accurate to read the temperature. Of course your old nozzle could act slightly different, but perhaps your previous PT100 indicated a temperature of 220ºC, while in fact it was 210ºC. And this PT100 gives you the right temperature of 210ºC.
  7. Hi Frank, it would probably help if you could tell us what printer you have. In Cura you have for example the option to select which extruder will print your supports under 'support dual extrusion' in the full settings.
  8. Do you have any means to measure if your old nozzle was still 0.4 or could it be it got wider or the shoulders were almost completely shaved off? Congrats on your new Ultimaker Original!
  9. Wow that looks sharp! What do you think the difference is? The dual fan or nozzle? Did you just install a new nozzle or something special?
  10. Hey, what happened to Lets make history? If your filament has already ran out then yes, you would need to open up the bowden at the feeder so you can manually pull it out. But your print is most likely ruined then because your head will continue to move and your Z will continue to drop. When there is still like 2 cm left you could follow UltiArjans and Didiers tips. If it completely ran out you could measure the size of your printed model, find that exact same spot in your gcode, delete the toolpath part from the gcode prior to that point and continue the print but that is rather a finicky process.
  11. Hi All, I understand we shipped a new batch of extrusion upgrades to Australia yesterday, New Zealand will be shipped tomorrow. I'll report back with an update for iGo3D
  12. haha whoooo what a brilliant video! You must have been rooting for the robot the entire time This is everything and more I was hoping to see uploaded, amazing. I would love to see how you build the conveyor and crank assembly! The contest is officially not yet over, but I can say you have already won my respect!
  13. Hi @Wlock, Thank you for your message and thanks for being patient. If you could send me over some details of when you bought it and where I will do my best to get some more information about the status of your order. It may be a day or two before I have a reply (I have just returned home, like an hour ago, from the Maker Faire Bay Area) so I am not in the office today. I'm sure it won't be long, but I imagine having a slightly more accurate prediction is desirable!
  14. I am currently not in the office as I just got back from the Maker Faire Bay Area (It was GREAT!) but I could share the settings with you of what I believe the gcode has? If you reset Cura to default settings, to rule out any settings you may have changed at one point to be set normal again. Layer height: 0.1 Speed: 50mm/s shell: 0.8 nozzle 0.4 infill 20% no brim or support bottom and top 0.8 Any other settings you would like to know?
  15. Just some heads-up on the work posted on reprap forums. We are making great progress on a less than 30g extruder. Best design so far has 15g and 2kg pull force, perfect for 0.4mm nozzles. Commercial 3d doodlers use similar setups so we are definitely on the right track. http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?1,661444 A pair of these can easily drive a dual-head Um2 without Bowden drawbacks. Sounds great! Curious to hear more about this Should it need its own topic?
  16. I must admit the amount of positive user experiences is rather rare to find.
  17. Looks very nice @Xeno!! Is it still WIP? Can't wait to see it when it is finished. From a completely different angle, and even though I did not print it myself but 'team Ultimaker' did, I really want to share this print if it has gone unnoticed. One of the most impressive print qualities I have seen in a while. Give it a try yourself, the settings are shared
  18. Curious to see what you have made Eraser!! Make sure you don't miss the deadline of May 27th!
  19. ULTIMAKER SESSIONS Op 30 Mei is het weer tijd voor de volgende Ulti-Evening, maar met een twist. De Ulti-Evening waar we allemaal van zijn gaan leren houden krijgt een up-date en heet voortaan Ultimaker Sessions. De voornaamste reden hiervoor is dat we in samenwerking met onze partners dit concept internationaal gaan uitrollen, zoals vaak door jullie gevraagd. Omdat we hen niet wilde beperken dit in de avond te doen (Ulti-evening) hebben we deze omgedoopt tot Ultimaker Session. Dit betekend dus dat je voortaan niet alleen in Utrecht terecht kan om je Ultimaker vrienden te ontmoeten maar ook dichter bij jou in de buurt. We beginnen met Frankrijk en Engeland als pilot, en zij zullen ook aanwezig zijn op 30 Mei. Meer informatie op 30 mei Cura 2.1.1 Het andere onderwerp van deze eerste Ultimaker Session is de nieuwe Cura. Jeroen, onze software specialist, zal jullie een volledige introductie geven wat betreft de nieuwe interface, nieuwe features en mogelijkheden die Cura 2.1.1 biedt. Datum: 30 - 05 - 2016 Locatie: ProtoSpace Utrecht Programma: 17.00 - 18.00 Aankomst. Je kan eten bestellen (€10 pp) en neem je Ultimaker mee. 18.30 - 19.00 Kick-off Ultimaker Sessions 19.00 - 21.00 New Cura presentatie Tot dan!
  20. Hi all, Today we've released an updated beta version: Cura 2.1.1 Download it here!
  21. Thank you for your feedback guys. We'll use this for the next updates. Leaving the printhead in the corner has already been added to the website, and we'll see if it can be added to the app too.
  22. Could you explain a little bit how it works? I mostly see a handlebar with 2 gears, and I don't see how this would help in making something in clay or a wax? .. Maybe this is my lack of ancient knowledge talking!
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