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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. I tried it too, the same model and the latest version of Cura and for me it didn't fly away. By default the model fitted my build volume, what machine do you have selected as your machine?
  2. Cura 2.1.2. is live! For novices, it makes it easy to get great results. For experts, there are over 200 settings to adjust to your needs. As it’s open source, our community helps enrich it even more. It has a few very interesting new features; check them out! NEW FEATURES Select Multiple Objects You now have the freedom to select and manipulate multiple objects at the same time. Grouping You can now group objects together to make it easier to manipulate multiple objects. Undo/Redo You can now undo and redo your actions, like moving an object or scaling. Setting Profiles The new GUI allows custom profiles to load easily and intuitively, directly from Cura. 3MF File Loading Support We’re happy to report we now support loading 3MF files. This is a new file format similar to AMF, but freely available. Intuitive Cut-Off Object Bottom We’ve added a feature than allows you to move objects below the build plate. You can either correct a model with a rough bottom, or print only a part of an object. Please note that the implementation greatly differs from the old one where it was a setting. 64-bit Windows Builds An optimized 64-bit Windows Cura version is now available. This allows loading larger model files. Automatic calculations Cura allows to set a number of lines/layers instead of millimeters. The engine automatically calculates the right settings. Per-Object Settings You can now select different profiles for different objects and when in advance mode override individual settings. Give it a try and let us know what you think! Here you can find an FAQ about Cura.
  3. We are very busy completing our resource pages and adding interesting content. This also includes print guides, upgrades, tutorials and what not. Just recently, we added a print guide on this architectural gem, the Erasmus Bridge. It is really nice! Check it out, and let me know if you have build it
  4. Just as an idea I would like to suggest to run your file through here, to fix any errors that might be in it. Let me know how it goes!
  5. The file you are trying to print, is that also sliced for an Ultimaker 2+ or for an Ultimaker 2?
  6. @DrR1pper and @Torgeir, I came across an interesting topic on reddit. Obviously, the solution you suggested works because there is an immediate improvement in surface quality. But here on Reddit there is this guy who is pretty confident he achieved the same goal by changing something in the firmware, claiming the fault lies with Marlin. What do you think about this? Could it be that the stripes can be fixed in both ways?
  7. Hi Tommyph1208, Thank you for your feedback. It looks like you have been able to upload your 3D print after all. Do you have the time and date on when you tried to upload your file? Perhaps I can use that data to find a glitch in our log to explain the difficulties you were experiencing. I would welcome feedback and suggestions on how we can improve the form. How do you mean not one speed? Of course there is acceleration, and a bottom layer speed but there is 1 speed you set in Cura. Right? What do you think a clear and easy way would be to add modifications? The reason why we did not want to create an open field is because you can not use it as a filter anymore. For example, what kind of modifications have you made?
  8. Hi All, With such a big change in the Cura software coming up, I think it would be a good idea to start documenting this FAQ list. These are some of the common questions we have received so far and I plan to update this document based on the questions that follow. Besides the other regular forum topics about software and Cura, feel free to post and discuss questions below this thread. I'll update this document frequently based on the input we receive. Before you start, make sure to read the manual to learn about the basics. Which platforms are supported by Cura and what are the minimal system requirements? Cura supports the most common platforms of Windows, Mac and Linux, follow this link for a complete list with minimal system requirements. Does Cura support multi core slicing? No, unfortunately Cura does not support multi core slicing. How do I perform an update of Cura? Cura does not have a built-in update system. Cura will notify you if there is a new version, asking if you want to dowload it. Alternatively, you can follow this link to download the latest version of Cura. Cura can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer, what now? By default MAC OSX prevents opening applications that are not in the official App store. There are 2 workarounds for this issue. If you follow this link we'll tell you all about how to open Cura anyway. What file formats do Cura support? Cura supports the following 3D file formats: 3MF, OBJ and STL. upported 2D images are: bmp, gif, jpg & png. Which third party printer brands are available in Ultimaker Cura? A complete list of 3rd party printers can be found here. If your 3D printer is not listed, follow this link to understand what to do next. (No no, it does not lead you to the Ultimaker product page.. but towards a tutorial on how to create a Json file). How can I fix Cura stuck on splashscreen? Cura might be stuck on splash screen, because the system is not OpenGL 2 compatible, which is part of the system requirements. If this is not the case, resetting Cura will help. How do I reset Cura to factory settings? It might be useful to reset Cura and start fresh, for example when using it for demo purposes or when your computer is available for public use. Follow this link to learn how to do a factory reset in Cura. How do I update my Ultimaker firmware? Updating your firmware is not very complicated. Make sure your bed is empty. And connect your Ultimaker to your pc through a USB connection and select your Ultimaker type in Cura. Turn your Ultimaker on and go to ‘Extensions’ → ‘Firmware’ → ‘Update firmware’. For a step by step description, follow this link to update your firmware. How can I adjust my machine settings manually? The new Cura uses a different strategy to add new machines to the software. Curious to find out how to change your machine settings? Follow this link and learn how to alterate your Json file. Why is the Cura 3D viewer slow on my macbook with Retina display? Mac systems with Retina display open in high resolution by default, which in some cases lead to performance issues. You can switch to a default lower resolution setting. Follow this link if you are interested to learn how to make Cura perform faster. Why is my wireprint not visible in layer view? Since wireprint is an experimental way of printing on multiple Z-heights per layer, this feature is not visible in the layer view. My 3MF file is not loading (properly), how can I fix this? When the 3MF file does not load properly, you could try the following: 1. Visit this website to repair your model 2. Upload the 3MF file. 3. Download the repaired model file. 4. Load the repaired model file in Cura. Why can’t I use special characters like !,@,& in my g-code filename? The operating system(s) prevent the user from using special characters, because they are used in system specific files. Why is my build plate showing grey border, where I can’t place my model? The grey boarders on the edges of the build plate are a visualization of the skirt and brim margins. How do I change my slice settings on a certain height? (Tweak at Z) The slice settings can be changed per height using post processing plugins. These plugins can be found here.
  9. Are you sure it is not part of the model? What does the layer view in Cura, and the Xray mode look like? Screenshots are welcome
  10. And, the platform must be intuitive to use, and support the users in uploading and quickly viewing the uploaded files. Have a clear overview of what is done and needs to be done, an option to apply and an agenda to commit people to agreements. And much more to keep people involved. A challenge would definitely be to keep people involved and compete with regular life and its obligations. In this thread there were a few platforms mentioned, and i am curious to hear what you think of them. I'm not asking to write a detailed review but check it out with as much time as you are willing to invest. Artella Hitrecord Github openbuilds
  11. Hi @Danilius, thank you for your post and I could not agree more. So, have you checked out the Artella platform? Just to be clear, it is not ours but I find it inspirational how it is set up, and I am wondering how it fits your vision on such a platform. As curation and moderation attitude, I think it should fit the forum values and I feel there is a good atmosphere here, plus social guidelines. Please correct me if I am wrong
  12. Great!! Make sure to talk to the host from Makershop if you are interested to take part in organizing these Sessions. Your initial post kinda felt like you are interested in such a thing, and I think that is something we (and they) should welcome!
  13. Thank you for your reply, it sounds like maybe you got off on a wrong foot but you have found each other now. I am happy to hear that. And it fits the image I have from FBRC8 much better Do you have some pictures you can share from your prints, that would probably help diagnose the problem from this end.
  14. If it all works out as planned Makershop's first Ultimaker Session will be on July 5th
  15. Hopefully we can count on you too, when such a platform surfaces
  16. I think if we would have such an innovation platform it would not be focussed on art, but more on technical parts / projects / solutions. So that should fit perfectly in your alley The Artella platform is focussed on art, but I really like the concept of the platform, not perse the content. (Well I do from a personal perspective, but that is besides the point here:p) The purpose of such an innovation platform on the ultimaker community platform would be to facilitate innovation and fun in the community. We are lucky with our community members who have all the skill sets they need to finish a project in their own home or their own local area but I can imagine there are a lot of makers amongst us with great ideas but don't have all the skill sets required to finish it. 3D printing can close the gap from digital fabrication to real life products. This allows peer to peer networking on a new level. Since we have such a big community of experts with different skill sets this could lead to some really cool innovations. Could be about Ultimaker hardware or software, (lets say you want a certain upgrade, the community can help you if they think it would add value) or it could just be completely random / fun. Whatever the community wants
  17. Yes there was a batch send since your last post and I mentioned you personally asked for an update and a representative said he would reach out to you. Did you get an email from iGo3D in the last two weeks?
  18. We often invite @Valcrow (Jack) and Ken to our shows and they recently became resellers in Canada. Perhaps you spoke with them? You probably know @Valcrow from some awesome projects like the lightsaber, the steampunk iron man prosthetic, Ducati superbike and much more! You should come again next year And definitely more then 1 day! .. AND come over and actually say hi!
  19. Not sure if winning money is part of the motivation of the platform or to participate on it, but I can imagine having a successful project would lead to something. Depending on the complexity and nature of the finished project.
  20. Hi @3DofTom, thanks for sharing! That platform has a lot of similarities of how I imagined such a collaborative platform could look like! The way different projects are being displayed, the creator and to what percentage it is completed is very nice. Also the tools required / used is useful. The option to apply as well. But besides that it still looks rather closed. Like for example what 15% is finished? Concrete, what are all the steps and for what steps is the owner still looking for help? For us we would also need a good viewer, to visualize as many different uploaded files as possible. But I understand it is still under development. So far it is looking pretty good! Curious to see what direction this will go. What does everyone else think of this platform? Things you like / don't like? @Nicolinux, @Danilius, @UltiArjan, @Foehnsturm, @ivan-lipunov, @Neotko, @Dim3nsioneer, @Didierklein, @Labern?
  21. Hi Erwin, thank you for your post and welcome to the forums! Sounds you will fit right in Besides the page Gr5 shared, there is also a visual overview which is daily updated right here. Make sure to also check out our resource pages which we are also very busy updating. If you ever have made something interesting yourself, feel free to share it with us! What is it you are 3D printing now mostly? Already started with your greenhouse or are you starting it slow with some common files you can find on youmagine? Very curious to read more about the developments with your green house. Sounds very interesting!
  22. Thanks for sharing, definitely check it out! Have you used it? What would you say the advantages / USP's are?
  23. Hi and welcome to the forums! I moved your topic to a different thread where I think it is more fitting. I'm sorry to hear you are not satisfied about the service offered to you. Usually I hear nothing but good reviews and experiences from FBRC8 so perhaps something just didn't work out this one time. Perhaps something we can help to iron out some wrinkles in your experience so far? Regardless, you have come to the community of experts where lots of us own an Ultimaker Original. If you could give a detailed and elaborated description of what is happening perhaps we can help. Oh.. and pictures are always good!! Looking forward hearing from you!
  24. @foehnsturm, do you have some tips for @Philipyeah?
  25. Have you tried re-levelling your bed? Just installing the upgrade itself should not change anything to the amount of adhesion you can achieve. It could be that your new printhead is of a different size then your previous one due to the Olsson Block. Are you still printing at 60ºC?If you upload a picture showing your first layer it could help us see if it is bed levelling, or maybe something else.. Good luck!
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