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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. This guide should be able to help you On YouMagine you can find various tools to help you align it as well. Good luck!
  2. Hi, and welcome to the forums Is it literally in pause-mode or did it just stop printing? Like; can you resume your print when you arrive at your Ultimaker? Have you checked the PauseAtZ plugin in Cura if that is not accidentally activated? What kind of 3D printer / Ultimaker do you have? Is it the same file or different files? If you use an Ultimaker Original, do you still print through USB? Lots of questions, but they should help isolating your issue. Thanks!
  3. ohhhh @Eraser, you got me curious!! In our latest video we happened to use a blanc canvas because our 'photography studio' was free and we had a decent camera available.. but feel free to take your robot outside for a walk or whatever you think would make great footage! @LesHall, depending on what size you scale your robot you need different screws. So here it goes! I learned from the master (@EdgE). - Use a screw which is a tight fit in the robot. So it is secure and does not rotate. - This is probably the most finicky part; If necessary, drill out the holes in the legs so they are more loose. But don't make it too loose, so they also move from left to right. If it is loose enough can be tested by holding the screw and the leg at 90º and the leg 'falls' down. But if the hole is too big and it also moves from left to right, the concept of motion is undermined and it won't walk. - Put the tip of the screw through the robot - put the first leg on it too. (make sure not to put it in backwards. The backside of the foot is slightly thicker). - Add a nut or for some we used like 3 washers. - Add the second leg. - tighten the screw all the way. - See if it walks on a slightly rough surface. Wood works, a cloth works as well. A regular desktop not so much. The concept of motion is that for example it is on its left foot it is about to tip over, but that the right foot gets lifted of the ground and due to the motion falls forward and that is how it walks. If the holes in the legs are too wide, it will just tip over without shifting back to the other leg. Good luck @LesHall, hopefully my explanation helps!
  4. What a clever fix to wash it with acetone! How long has it been watertight now?
  5. Thanks, I'll report back shortly! @yellowshark? @peetersm? What about your OS?
  6. If that's the problem try loosening the 4 thumb screws on the heat a turn and the problem might go away. Wasn't that fixed? I remember that @sandervg said something about the new hotend assembly had some kind of internal spacer to remove that assembly errors on um2+. I think you and @gr5 are talking about two different things. What you mean is that our production facility is using a spacer to determine and check the space between the PTFE coupler and the bottom aluminum part. What George means is indeed the aluminum spacer that replaces the spring. Which is also true, obviously. When you disassemble your printhead you may install it back with a slightly different positioning of the ptfe coupler. I asked like 2 weeks ago if that (first) spacer could be shared, let me follow up on where that request stands. I remember some feedback was that if this would be 3D printed the exact measurement could not be guaranteed, since it also depends on your slicing profile and calibration but it would certainly be a good guideline. In case of this issue, @Korneel, did new rods change anything? Do you have them already? Since you use custom parts, what did you replace with original parts? Which didn't you replace and which with custom parts? Could it be the bearings perhaps? If they were all updated with (most of an) extrusion upgrade, and age has a role it must be in one of the parts which are not replaced and are part of the motions.
  7. Well if your source would be shared from an informative nature over a solely promotional nature I would tolerate it
  8. Looks like great results! Perhaps bridging will be easier now as well. Have you used it for any 'real' prints already?
  9. How did the print turn out? You never print with an extra adhesive or glue or something?
  10. How is everyone doing? Any cool entries in the works? Certainly hope so, we definitely had a lot of fun while shooting this video. If anyone is having difficulties getting the robots to walk post it here so we can help! Admittedly, it took a few tries to have them all walk without looking like a robot that walked out of a bar and fall flat on its face but we did it! Looking forward to see what you will come up with!
  11. Are you sure these are posts you have not read yet, or visited the thread? I just checked with several notifications and they all work flawlessly for me. What system are you using and what browser? We'll have a look at it next week. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!
  12. I'm obviously no medic, but is this story not close to what you are asking? I also know Michael Balzer who I believe has done a similar thing. What they used I am not sure, but maybe their stories can pinpoint you in the right direction? Or perhaps @IRobertI can/did
  13. All of the sudden the rain we have had is not that bad after all @peggyb, juk, smelly foam! I can smell it just thinking about it!
  14. We have hail but not snow Is this from today??
  15. Did this happen with a single print, or on multiple gcodes? What did you use as a slicer?
  16. Hi @Kris, @Pilzefreak, @travis-womack, @larsgw, @anxjfarnorth, I understand you had some issues with your Ultimaker 2+ feeder and what I understood from reading your posts you all shared similarities with a ticking sound coming from your feeder and under extrusion? If not, could you describe your issue in a DM with me. In that same DM, I want to ask if you could share with me if you have an Ultimaker 2+ or if you upgraded your Ultimaker 2 with an Extrusion upgrade. If you have an Ultimaker 2+, could you share with me your serial number, and a date when and where you bought it? We'll look into some data and may ask you to send us your feeder so we can look at it and send you a new proper feeder so you continue 3D printing. Looking forward hearing from you, and our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
  17. I guess 'what have you made' would be a good place?
  18. Actually, right now we are working on an improved version of the UMO manual, and we have been for.. I think over 2 months. It should be published in the beginning of May, around the second week or so.
  19. Wow that is very impressive!! Care to share some of your work and progress here on the forums? You are one of the reasons where at some point people start removing their own limbs because prosthetics will be way cooler and more advanced than a regular plain hand. mehhh.
  20. Does your problem meet all the similarities as mentioned in this thread or could it also be regular under extrusion for example?
  21. I don't think the speed can be affected by the latest launch. What do you think of the latest improvements to the menu? With the new menu you can access various manuals in just 2 or 3 clicks instead of over 5 in the previous version. The tips & tricks resource repository will be filled with more interesting content that can help you get the most out of your Ultimaker. If you have any input from your expertise feel free to let me know Next we will focus on some fixes to the forums, like the ones just mentioned! Thank you!
  22. Well, if you are comfortable removing the bowden tube from your print head you could heat up the printhead and manually push a string of filament down through the nozzle. If your nozzle is clean you'll start extruding and you know the problem lies not with the printhead. It would suggest to take another look at your feeder. How long do you have your Ultimaker? Have you ever inspected the PTFE teflon coupler?
  23. I always thought this was a great idea!! Never really found out of it was an actual game or just an idea to combine several chess pieces into a robot but I imagined all kind of rules where you have a duplicate of a set of pieces. One on your board and one assembled as a robot. Instead of going after the King you go after either the head of the robot or the legs, so it can't stand anymore/falls over i.e. defeated. It would require creativity because everyone could build its own robot, who do you think are the hardest to catch, the towers? Then make them into the legs for example, and put the Queen as the head. Or something else. But the battle would be on a chess board with the same rules/motions, except the goal would be slightly different. I think that would be a pretty cool game!
  24. Wow. That is actually quite impressive What settings are you using in Cura? Could you supply some screenshots? I think what is happening is indeed some kind of blockage near the head, which causes it to grind and than folds.. but I don't recall seeing this very often. Nonetheless, I'm sure we can solve it
  25. Hi, welcome to the forums! What kind of filament are you printing with? Is it regular PLA or a flexibel kind? I would be very surprised if it would be regular PLA..
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