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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Well, if they say it is working.. I guess it is working. But it is not what I thought/know/knew. At the very least, with so much space in your bowden tube you'll retraction will suffer. Let me know what your findings are @LePaul if you have given it a try.
  2. We always had a reseller / shop / buy now button in the top menu. In our previous design the menu wasn't always visible, only if you moved up but that was annoying because it resulted in a flashing menu bar. Solution; it is fixed now. Currently we are experimenting with what choice of words and position works best by tracking the amount of clicks etc. But regardless of this specific result, I'll see if we can move it a little bit. Thank.you.all.
  3. No that is not a bug. Besides all, we are also a shop If you don't want to buy anything, you can just not click it? What exactly is your problem with it?
  4. We made some changes to the page yesterday, I'll post some notes later today. One thing that creeped in was the scrolling bug. We already know what triggers it, and I actually expected it to be fixed already so I suppose it will be fixed any minute now..
  5. Hi @Peetersm, thank you for your patience You had quite a lengthy post so I hope I'll address all of your points. First of all, what should be clear is that we are working on replacing the bad batches of filament with good filament, like what you're used to. This should be completed in 2 weeks tops. In the meantime we have been busy investigating, with our manufacturer, what was the reason of this dip. As a compensation for your inconvenience and the filaments you received we would like to replace them with new, proper filaments (and the bowden-tube which may suffered from the maintenance). The quality you originally ordered, and what you are used from us. I'll send you a DM to arrange the details, OK? And let me know about the kits you have received if you need any assistance in that regard. Finally I would like to say that we do have 1 supplier, this has not always been the case but we have for some time now. I also know the remarks about difference in colours but as far as I know that is a thing from the past? Thanks!
  6. I have a moment scheduled today to discuss it, so if I could ask for a little bit more of your patience I will probably have a reply for you
  7. @Frederiekpascal Did you already see this contest? Does this make 2 out of 2 predictions?
  8. I can point you to the designer, but unfortunately the files are not (yet?) out there.. (It appears that his website is offline for the moment, but the link I gave you now is his side project.) Didn't mean to derail your office supply topic, lets get back on track!
  9. CAN'T FIND IT :( It is at the bottom of the blog. And watch your capslock.
  10. Hi @Craftee, thank you for your contribution. I would appreciate it if we could stay on topic, if you want to talk about the development on dual extrusion we have dedicated topics for this. If you want to talk about how or why the upgrade didn't make it to the Ultimaker 2 we can talk there and I will happily explain. If you want to have a chance on getting an Olsson Block without buying it we host a Community contest for a couple of weeks where you can win one! We just started yesterday. Good luck and looking forward seeing your entry
  11. Hi Tharin, If you get in touch with your reseller I am sure we'll be able to help you out get your hands on a new part. Well, at least I hope your community-member learned its lesson
  12. In your settings you can choose to receive notifications when we publish a new blog post. You never have to miss anything again
  13. There is not 1 temperature for filament, it depends on print layer and speed as well. I would recommend to read this blog, we dedicated a part to print profiles. Bed temps is 60ºC for PLA, 100ºC for ABS and CPE. For PLA you usually don't need glue unless it is a pretty big print. You could use a regular glue stick. For ABS we do recommend to use a glue stick.
  14. It does fit in the heater block, but the nozzles are significantly smaller. So I don't know how it will affect the print quality. I do know it was originally intended for the Ultimaker 2.I'll do a test print here during the week and let you know. So you can start participating and if you happen to win we'll find an appropriate prize if it doesn't work. Looking forward seeing your entry!
  15. This is an example of what an upload should look like.
  16. Version 1.0


    This is an example on how to upload your entry. This is not an entry to the contest.
  17. Last week we started adding a free Olsson Block set with every sold Ultimaker 2 and Ultimaker 2 Extended. We'll continue doing this for a few weeks because we believe it is a great example of what the community contributes to Ultimaker. And the Olsson Block can definitely be a valuable addition to your Ultimaker. You guys carry a lot of knowledge, helped countless of users and continue to contribute to the Ultimaker ‘Universe’. Obviously, you deserve something for this too! So for the next few weeks we will host a 3D printing contest. Every week we’ll have a new winner who wins a special edition Olsson Block set. It contains the same set of nozzles we share with our new users, but especially for you we have added the 1.0mm nozzle too, for the super fast prints! To draw you the full picture, it contains the: Olsson Block itself 0.25mm nozzle 0.4mm nozzle 0.6mm nozzle 0.8mm nozzle 1.0mm nozzle a screwdriver and socket to swap nozzles. To make it a little bit challenging for you guys, and make it an Olsson Block worthy contest the overall challenge will be: print as small as possible! The other rules of the contest are pretty simple. Rules We know how you all love hacking and modifying, so we have only one guideline: it must be printed on an Ultimaker with a 0.4mm nozzle. Besides that.. everything goes! Print as small as possible!* Entries must be uploaded in the Print section. (Fill out your settings if you want. The winner agrees to share his settings at the end of the week). Share the link and a picture of your upload in this thread. Add at least one picture in your upload which illustrates its size, like by adding a ruler, digital calliper or something like that. Everyone can participate in every contest, but you can only win once. There will be only 1 prize per contest Extra information *We will choose a winner based on size, but aesthetics as well. Small is great, but it also has to look like a good print! We will announce each weeks winner on Monday in the corresponding thread on our forum, on our Twitter feed and Instagram! You can participate until Sunday midnight CEST. What do I need to print? The model for the first contest is pretty obvious, our very own Ulti-bot. We can't really do without him can we? But be aware, the prints will get trickier down the road!! Download the file here. Upload your entry here. Share your entry here below. Alrighty then.. Ready? Set? Print awaaaaaay!
  18. That is really nice! You must have quite a collection already. @KSN-arts, you can also upload your pictures here. You have room to fill in all the details of your profile so everyone can see what they want to know. Also important, after a few more comments we'll go to the next page and just like other uploaded images they are moved to the background. If we uploaded all of our pictures in the print section even after weeks you'll keep a clear overview and none will disappear in the background or off our radar. You can discuss the prints in the comment section there as well, or post a link here. (or both). Hover above 'community' in the menu and select 'print'.
  19. Hi @Neotko, That is a grey area. Have you read the house rules? Our main objective is to keep the forum fun, educational and informal. The way we handle promotion or advertising from third parties now is that it is not allowed to plainly promote your/another product. That is neither informal, nor inspiring or fun. It is allowed tho if mentioning an upgrade, hack or mod does contribute to the conversation. Hope this makes sense. It requires a tight shift in moderating, but we think that is best for everyone.
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