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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. things have been so busy it kept me from being very active on this thread, which I really want to succeed. Great work Coen on the doc, I am going to read it now and contribute where I can! Another suggestion was, when we are ready, start uploading files on github where most people are familiar with and everyone has acces to. Again, great to see you guys are picking this up! Also, I was thinking to call the project 'Daedalus' the father of Icarus who gave Icarus and himself wings to fly. Except he didn't go to high and survived. .. Or is that lame?
  2. Have you tried turning the heated bed off, print it on a piece of blue M3 tape and print 2 at the same time? The radiate of the heated bed can make overhangs 'hang' more, and by printing 2 they have both more time to cool, especially at the end.
  3. Hi Jemma, Can you share your ordernumber with me so I can have someone look into it? (atm I am in NYC for Maker Faire and an e-NABLE conference in the John Hopkins hospital). Was there a notification on the invoice that the missing parts were not on stock? If you send me the details in a DM I will get back with you, thank you.
  4. You can also lower the temperature so it cools faster, maybe this means you also have to modify your printing speed. But it is possible to print it flawlessly on the Ultimaker 2 with reduced printing temps, even with the 'under-designed metal fan shroud' What settings are you using? The filament also doesn't look like it is Ultimakers? So maybe you need different temps anyway..
  5. '..following this sander guy '... pfff. Like we didn't have a great dinner and drinks.
  6. Actually our booth was supposed to be right behind theirs. But the MF put us in a place with a tent that was too small, and a downhill field of grass... -.- After some discussing and looking for a solution they placed us at the MakerShed. Which turned out to be a great spot. The only downside was that people expected to find us at the 3D printing village.. (which makes sense obviously..) however we got pleeeeeenty of traffic.
  7. For any of you artists who want to get a 5 minutes of fame: 'The Manchester Science and Industry Museum(MOSI) is about to launch a 3D printing exhibition. We are looking for makers, designers, crafters and artists to exhibit their 3d printed creations as part of an upcoming exhibition. The objects we are looking for are to be suspended in the air and could be finished objects or objects that are works in progress. We just wish to share the diversity and creativity through the variety of objects displayed. Due to the method of construction of the exhibition we may not be able to return your objects. Although we are happy to discuss this further. Exhibited objects may be referenced within the exhibition or you can chose to remain anonymous – the choice is yours. For the acknowledgement we need your name and a brief description of the object.' If anyone is interested, reach out to UGB account (our UK-partners) and they will help you out. The deadline is the 26th, so time is of the essence!
  8. I think it was just bad luck, that the support got knocked over. I don't think it has anything to do with Cura or an SD card.
  9. If I am not mistaken this upgrade works from 1.5.4 without problems. (Sorry 1.5.3 guys!) Electronics from longer ago could also work, but a tweak in the firmware is required. I am going to have someone from R&D confirm this..
  10. Ha Jroen, Ik lees je topic nu, en goed om te lezen dat hij naar het repair center mag. Wel jammer dat het eerst zoveel frustratie kost. Zoals je her en der leest groeit Ultimaker ontzettend snel en dat gaat soms gepaard met wat groeipijnen, daar is onze afdeling geen uitzondering op. Naast de innovatieve ontwikkelingen die Ultimaker zelf maakt zijn we ook druk bezig om dit door te laten blijken in onze afdeling. Alleen vaak als we een stap vooruit maken is dit er 1 te weinig. We doen ons best om mee te groeien, en onze dank is groot voor deze community die ons daarbij helpt. Die community was er niet geweest als we niet van goeie wil waren geweest, veel met hen in contact waren en ons open opstellen. Hopelijk wordt het vanaf nu een prettiger vaarwater en kan je 3D Print avontuur van start gaan. Fijne dag nog!
  11. Wouldn't it be better to come up with a different type of connection then glue? When something is glued it is stuck foreverrrr, and maybe you want to replace parts? Especially if something broke.. you just want to be able to unmount that part. How about making a screw or click mechanism, and use maybe flexible material as a seal or something?
  12. I was just telling my colleague. The level of expertise in this part of the forum is mind blowing! We need to honor it some more in some kind of way. It deserves more attention.
  13. It is almost like you need the entire picture for it to make sense!
  14. haha. This evening is going to be a new 'episode'!
  15. THIS IS AWESOME! (or maybe I just love everything that involves Marvel ) Nonetheless, amazing print + finish!) Do you also do work for others or do you share the files? e.g. what are the options for me ever having this in my living room?
  16. Very impressive. Nice print Do you know what the difference was the 12th time that made it a successful print?
  17. Hmm something didn't go as I planned. OK.. RSVP here:
  18. Hi guys, Next week we will be leaving to NYC for the Maker Faire and together with Shapeways we hosted a community meet up event. It will be in Shapeways factory and will also include a small tour. If you want to meet some of the Ultimaker folks or other community members, you don't want to miss this! Be warned..only a limited amount of tickets is available.. If you want to be part of this. Please RSVP here: And here is a nice video for y'all: https://www.ultimaker.com/blogs/news/2014/09/13/going-global
  19. Ha Nederlandse vrienden, 14 September is er een nieuwe aflevering van Tegenlicht, en deze gaat over het nieuwe maken. Er wordt veel gesproken over 3D Printen en aan het intro filmpje te zien komt Ultimaker ruimschoots aan bod en andere grote namen. Wellicht leuk om te kijken dus! Intro filmpje vind je hier. Veel plezier!
  20. Thank you for your great reply! We have already done some outlining of what we want to do but the entire project yet has to take of. We are going to work on this with a part of the global community, so the spoken language will be English anyway. Maar het is goed om te weten dat er iemand ook Nederlands spreekt Great to have you on the team and if you want to share some links please feel free to do so! If I understand it correctly you are familiar and willing to help out with designing / cad modeling?
  21. Thank you! If you have something like a portfolio that would be excellent.
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