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Everything posted by gr5

  1. Hello? Still need help? I'm going to guess your normals are backwards for those inner walls. And that means you are probably using sketchup. Am I close?
  2. My printer - the bed only moves up and down. Your printer it also moves in Y direction so it might not work with your printer. But the idea is - while it's printing the bottom layer (and failing), put your finger under the bed and lift the bed up a little bit. I'm not sure how hard this is to do while it's also moving! Maybe this won't work on your printer. But try it maybe? If I'm correct, your bed will move up by maybe 0.2mm and it will start printing perfectly. As soon as you let go it will go back to printing poorly. The point of this exercise is to know. Truly know the truth. That you are printing with the nozzle too far from the print bed. Once you know the truth - really believe the truth - the solution should be obvious and you can concentrate on the solution (move the bed up).
  3. That is 90% likely that your leveled too high. To prove it, push up on the bed a little while it's printing and you should find that it starts sticking just fine.
  4. You can set the gap to anything you want but I think it will be moved to the nearest layer. I don't think you can do support on in-between layers without changing the vertical resolution (e.g. .06 layer height).
  5. Your leveling looks good (but hard to tell without being there in person). One quick thing to verify it's not the leveling - push up and down a little with your finger on the bed to see if pushing it up (or down) makes it better. But it looks fine to me. I'm thinking you got some oil on the bed. Maybe oils from your fingers. Or maybe you oiled the rods and a drop fell to the bed without you noticing. I'd clean the bed well with soap and water. I don't know anything about Creality beds so for all I know soap will destroy the bed so look up how to clean. But in general soaps and detergents are needed to remove oils.
  6. Please save the project file so we can see your settings, model, machine settings, etc.
  7. Excellent. It was some errant setting. I suppose "horizontal expansion" can also cause that issue.
  8. It will say so on the can of Bondo. It will say if it's good for plastics/metal/etc. I think the biggest issue is that Nylon is very flexible. So you need a filler that is just as flexible. With PLA it's not a problem. PLA is not very flexible. Again - I don't know if Bondo will work with Nylon - most people who want nice looking prints print PLA. One really nice thing about Nylon is it takes up Dye incredibly well. So if you get "natural" (uncolored) Nylon it is so very easy to dye. I've done this and am always amazed at the results. There are instructions on "instructables".
  9. Please show a photo of the part and also a screenshot of Cura in PREVIEW mode. Know that in Cura "inner" shell is something that you can't see once the part is fully completed. I think you are printing a cylinder maybe? Please include photo and screenshot.
  10. I think if the print is smaller than a certain size it scales it up by that amount. which is usually too much. But I suspect your print's are in being saved into STL files in inches but Cura is expecting mm. Try scaling the parts up by 2540% or instead when you go to save the STL there should be an option somewhere to set the units to mm. By the way I think it's 100X (not 10000X). I think its 10000% (which is 100X). I'm not certain. There's also an option in Cura Preferences to disable this feature but then your part may be too small to see.
  11. Please post your project file so I can see what's wrong. It could be the model. Or it could be settings. If you post the project file I can see both. Do "file" "save project...". Post that file here.
  12. Usually Nylon, because it is more flexible and tougher yet much harder to print, is used for practical things like brackets. If you are doing artwork I strongly recommend PLA. What are you printing? I don't make my prints look nicer (they are practical things) so I'm not an expert but I've heard people mention bondo. I know for sure that many paints don't stick well to PLA but I think everything sticks to Nylon as it absorbs both water and oil (it loves both). Automotove primer is fantastic on PLA. What are you printing?
  13. Well if you have a printer without the clips then there is a way to remove those "avoid" areas. But otherwise, "no".
  14. Seconds before I posted the message above. But obviously I didn't read what popped up!
  15. Reducing polygons saves you hours of wasted time. It makes all the software such as cura much speedier/snappier and more pleasant to work with. And keeps cura from crashing.
  16. It works fine for me (see pic below). make sure support is disabled. Under "mesh fixes" make sure everything is unchecked. In particular "remove all holes" and "union overlapping volumes". If you still can't figure it out then send us your project file. That's much more helpful. Do "file" "save project...".
  17. Cura 2.X isn't really supported. No bug fixes, sorry. Usually if you can't get good adhesion on the first layer it's because you don't have enough squish. Usually fixed not in the slicer but in the way you level. Is this an auto level printer? Here's a video about improving adhesion - yeah it's long but it's full of useful stuff.
  18. Please log this as an issue on github here (you have to create a free github account). It's much more likely to get fixed if you create an issue: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues
  19. So I looked at that file on thingiverse. 300MB! Holy crap. And that's compressed. So the slicer has to intersect every slice with all of those triangles in the STL. You need to reduce the quantity of triangels before you slice. I mean if you were printing one 20 feet tall then yeah - that kind of resolution might be useful. Anyway, I recommend reducing triangles down to about 50K or even just 5k triangles. See how much resolution you lose and decide if that's too much or okay for a "miniature". This program is free - instructions: http://www.shapeways.com/tutorials/polygon_reduction_with_meshlab
  20. Again, "support in preferences" only sets the visibility of the feature. It doesn't enable support. If you uncheck that in preferences then you can't turn support off. And you can't turn support on. Because the setting is hidden. If you enable it in preferences it doesn't enable support. It just makes it visible. That's why in preferences it is called Setting Visibility. In addition you have to enable generate support. You can see below I typed "generate" in the search box and checked "generate support". If you still have issues, instead of showing screen shots, please post your project. To do that select "file" then "save project..." and post the resulting file.
  21. Cura regularly searches for lots of things. For example you could just see what happens if you: 1) disconnect all network connections. 2) Remove all (or all but the mouse?) USB devices 3) disconnect from network drives, usb flash drives, uSD cards, and other drives other than the primary hard drive. 4) Also if you have multiple monitors try disconnecting one of them. I read stuff about things that helped other people but my memories are vague. But some of them are things similar to the list above. For example If you plug any USB device it tries to see if it's a printer and can cause cura to crash or just be very very slow.
  22. Works for me. When you click the download link it does a popup where it asks you a few questions (which you can skip). You probably have popups disabled or maybe the popup is using some fancy javascript not supported in Safari. Just to the right of where the URL is there are things one can click on - one of those in my browsers (firefox, chrome, ie, edge) lets you disable popups and it shows when it is blocking a popup as well. In safari maybe it's in the settings?
  23. You don't enable support by clicking it in "setting visibility". that just makes the feature visible. You have to actually enable support. In the upper right where it says "standard quality" - click that and you get more options. At that point you can add support. Also you can click "custom" to get even more options.
  24. Well I don't use modifier meshes very often (like almost never) so I never ran into this bug. I suspect it only happens when you have modifier meshes.
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