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Everything posted by nallath

  1. We are seriously considering renaming it to "Force Overhangs Prinable" or something. Make printable sounds like something you'd always want (whereas it's clearly not what you'd want. To be honest; I don't think that this is something people should enable at all!)
  2. Note; you might actually want to decrease the max resolution settings when using this plugin. Lines per segment aren't that important anymore (As such, you don't want any simplifications going on before you weld the lines together)
  3. The library itself mentions that it needs python 3.6 or higher.
  4. Maybe, maybe not. It's not so much a problem of getting it to work for a processor architecture. Developing for a mobile ecosystem has a lot more hurdles (such as the whole "you can't sideload code" issue). If Apple pushes forward with their support of Metal (and completely remove openGL support) I do fear the worst. It would cost us a lot of work to convert it and it would also add quite a bit of extra maintenance burden (since metal doesn't work on other systems, so we would have to support multiple rendering systems). We could try and switch over to the more agnostic system that Qt uses, but that would also require significant changes to the architecture, which also doesn't come cheap.
  5. Please create a bug report on Github (https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues)
  6. Because they often don't appear in the same sentence is exactly why we try to keep the code implementation more simple. Cura is a very complicated bit of software and the more cases we have to take into account, the harder it becomes. If we can just assume that travel is handled the same everywhere (eg; without any modifier meshes) it makes things a lot easier; Travel moves don't need to be cut up, no strategies need to be defined for travel moves that are right outside another object, etc.
  7. Simplicity of implementation is the main reason.
  8. I'll have a look. It could be that I just assumed that adding two views is currently possible. If it's not, we might need to change that. *EDIT* I think I found it. You need to set the self._name of the view. If you don't set the name it will use the id of the plugin. If a name is set it will use pluginId_name as the identifier of the view.
  9. It does it better in some cases, but worse in others (which is also why it hasn't been merged back into Cura Engine). As a little sneakpeak, this is what "libArachne" does.
  10. Some firmware has the ability to interpret if statements in g-code, so i guess that is what zhutwo is looking for. But the cura parameters that you can put in the g-code are limited to settings only.
  11. Gap filling is a total nightmare. It's super hard to get right. We've tried to do it by adding more and more heuristics to the "old" method of generating walls, but that was just fighting the symptoms. As such, we've now opted for a rather fundamental change in the way that the walls are generated. As you might imagine, such a change is not a small one. In order to get this done, we have to re-write large parts of the slicing engine, which is also why it's not done yet (The bigger the change, the more likely it is that your estimations are wrong!) I hope to be able to share an alpha build of this new strategy soon-ish (1-3 months).
  12. You can put anything in there, but only a select few are used by Cura. This wiki page (https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Profiles-&-Settings) shows a the ones that are used.
  13. As far as I understood, the firmware has a hard limit of 150.
  14. I couldn't reproduce this. I did the following: 1. Change "preferred_material" to "generic_abs" 2. Start up cura 3. Add the machine that i just changed the prefered material of. It showed generic abs as expected.
  15. You could try to use "setQualityGroupByType" in the machine manager.
  16. I don't think we ever took it into account that such metadata can change "in place". You could try switching the profile via code to something else and then switch it back.
  17. What you need is a single stage with multiple views. That is also what the preview stage does; It basicly provides a way to switch between the views provided by plugins. So i'd use the "Show setup" and "Show results" to switch between two views. Since the view gets set back to default when you go to another stage, you also don't need to worry about hiding / showing what you were doing. If you do want that, you can also capture the "Event.ViewActivateEvent" and "Event.ViewDeactivateEvent" in the event loop of the view.
  18. Please post issues like this on github. The forum is horrible for keeping track of them.
  19. Sorry, the forums are really bad for keeping track of issues. This is why we prefer it if people post them on github. Have you tried disabling the network plugin and did you check if you have a network drive enabled?
  20. We didn't get any reports that it was broken. We've also not touched it for some time now. I've just tried slicing a very simple model for the S5 with spiralize and the g-code it generated is "real" spiralize. I've just used default settings and only enabled the spiralize mode.
  21. Also; do you have a network drive on the machine?
  22. If it's a full custom printer, it's probably better to start with the custom fff printer.
  23. If you change no settings at all it will print most of the holes Also, is there a specific reason that you set the build plate of the S5 to be so small?
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