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Everything posted by nallath

  1. It's not just the printing temperature that would need to change. You'd pretty much need entirely new profiles. So this isn't something that we can add to Cura (well, we could, but it would be quite expensive). As for the risk of touching moving parts; The machine is CE aproved. Why does your safety officer suddenly require extra safety measures?
  2. This is odd. CuraEngine is trowing an error that can only happen when the engine is built in debug mode... Could you share your project file?
  3. Because of reliability. If you print very small bits of PVA, the PVA will remain above the degradation temperature longer, causing clogs. Combined with pva being less "study" as PLA, you need to ensure a min support size to ensure they don't get knocked over. The default settings are a bit on the safe side, so in quite a few cases it should be safe to change it. You're looking for the support horizontal expansion setting. As for the problem that you describe, that sounds more like a wipe problem (the nozzle oozing a bit when it shouldn't be printing)
  4. Nope. There are some differences between materials, but they are getting less and less as far as what i've seen. Originally we thought we would need to provide different (eg; color based) profiles, but the changes turned out to be so small that we never provided them (as it would put a pretty big burden on maintaining them). I've printed a few things with the black, but i've not had any such issues. It could be that you just have a roll with some issues? We do sample based checks on the filament, but that ofc doesn't guarantee that they are good.
  5. Or you post the logs in combination with the profiles. In most cases we can fix them manually.
  6. Horizontal expansion is indeed the setting to fix it, but it doesn't explain why we do it. The issue that the horizontal expansion is trying to fix is that printing very thin PVA supports tends to fail; Either due to support being knocked over or PVA degrading in the nozzle (as not enough material is extruded). The only way to fix it is to ensure that enough material is extruded per layer. As we optimised for reliability, it resulted in too much PVA in quite a few cases.
  7. As for printing ABS without an enclosure; I've done it quite a few times. It's definitely possible, but ABS is indeed a lot trickier to get right than PLA is. I don't think i need to explain that there is a major difference between hacking an enclosure for a single machine and making it production ready. It would also mean that we need to provide multiple ABS profiles; one for people with an enclosure and one for those without it (which is a bit of a UX nightmare!). That is also a nice bridge to your next point; There is no such thing as "good" settings for a single material for all objects. We just aren't there yet. So we often need to make choices that impact certain models / settings / situations. We know this is an issue, which is why we provide people with so much tools to change settings. Colors have absolutely zero impact on the settings that Cura uses. They do impact the settings a bit (or again; they do it slightly), but it would mean that we would need to maintain 5-6 times as many profiles (it's already taking multiple full time employees to ensure that the profiles got to this stage in the first place)
  8. As far as I know, if people add more themes, they will be merged. This already happened to the dark theme.
  9. I don't think the travel time in those cases will be that much. Getting this to work right is quite a hassle, so i doubt it's worth the effort at the moment.
  10. Curaprofiles are zipped containers containing one or multiple .inst.cfg files.
  11. You can change the theme file so use smaller margins. Cura uses theme packages (located in resources). The theme.json defines a bunch of margins & sizes.
  12. Thanks for being a constructive member of the community!
  13. I just double checked the file; Cura indeed loads it correctly. Paint3D specified the file to be in mm.
  14. I very much doubt that this has anything to do with Cura, but everything with machine defects. The reason that upgrading "caused" the issue, is probably due to different settings (most likely speed & acceleration).
  15. Nope. Cura does not store that information anywhere. It's a bit more difficult to build what you suggest as it might seem at first glance. For instance; How do you handle multiple printers? How do you handle multiple users? How do do you handle multiple users on multiple printers? How do you handle multiple materials (on multiple printers, with multiple users?). How do you handle aborted prints? How do you handle failed prints? Most of these issues can be fixed if you store the information with the spool itself and if you have a way for the machine to write it's usage to the spool directly. But that would also require some kind of flow (reliable) sensor. I don't really think its a good idea to leave all that with Cura, as it's almost impossible to fix there.
  16. The profiles that it can select are also dependant on what the second extruder can print. For example; If the left extruder has 0.06, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2 and the right extruder supports 0.15 and 0.2, you can only select the 0.15 and 0.2 I assume that is what causing issues for you.
  17. Could you provide logs and did you update your graphics drivers?
  18. Could you provide the log files?
  19. You added outdated containers; 2018-01-30 21:38:40,982 - WARNING - cura.Settings.CuraContainerRegistry.addContainer [57]: Instance container Monoprice Select Mini_variant is outdated. Its setting version is 0 but it should be 4. It seems you didn't actually delete your local configuration.
  20. Not without making changes to the code.
  21. Using PVA with an AA core is pretty much a guarantee that the core will clog, which is why Cura doesn't even let you slice for it.
  22. That was how it was designed. I much preferred the old solution where it would actually use the RGB lights of the case (Changing the hue to be a bit more red), but this was removed as it would influence the brand identity too much.
  23. Yep. Cura recognises if you use one nozzle. Has done so for quite some time.
  24. Contact Mark2 about this. I don't know what they did with their files. They didn't share the files with us, so none of our automatic scripts can look at what they did / should change if we change something.
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