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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. I don't see the same line being printed 3 times in the gcode when I look at it through ncviewer.com
  2. No, there is a special build that contains an experimental version of CuraEngine. It is not quite Cura 4.8, but closely related to it. See this thread:
  3. That means the application crashes before it has comes to the point of writing to the log. Unfortunately this means that I don't have much to diagnose, so I can't help you any further. It could be a conflict between Cura and your OS; I don't think windows 7 is officially supported anymore.
  4. No, this is not generally something you can do in Cura (*). Meshmixer has a nice way to do this. Here's a video I found in a quick search: *: for simple cuts, you can push the model down into the buildplate in Cura. This could work for models that are only too tall (but not too wide or deep).
  5. The logs you provided seem to be from a Dremel-specific version of Cura, not from Ultimaker cura. Instead of stderr.log and stdout.log, having Cura.log from the 4.8 folder would be more useful. The Dremel-specific version of Cura has all sorts of weirdness going on that I prefer not to get into because I don't know what they changed to Cura to make it their own.
  6. I have many thoughts. One even relates to your predicament. I'm guessing you have multiple screens, and that the crash happens after you have dragged Cura to another screen and closed it down from there. For some reason Cura is unable to restore the window at that position on the next launch. Disable all but one screen and start Cura. Go to the General pane of the preferences and uncheck the option to "Restore window position on start". Close Cura and reenable the other screens.
  7. Only half of it is. The Ultimaker 3 and newer all have two parts; a printhost running on Linux and a controller running a fork of Marlin. The printhost is written in Python and controls what is shown on the screen, talks to Cura, implements the API, etc. The Marlin-based part is fairly vestigial. Basically only the Marlin-based controller is open source, so that part is modifiable and redistributable. The license of the rest (the 'Olimex' part) is not so clear.
  8. Because you told it so. You told it you have an Ultimaker S5 and named it Labists ET4. But naming it is just a label. Cura will use settings specific for the Ultimaker S5, which are wrong for your printer. In the Add Printer dialog, scroll down the list of printers and try finding one that is a better fit to your printer than the Ultimaker S5.
  9. The octoprint logs should include details about the server errors. If you post a link to them, so I can download them and have a look, perhaps we can see what is going on.
  10. Even that is not as clear-cut as you say, legally speaking. Even a patch will be based on the original software, and may or may not be legal to distribute. But I am still not a lawyer, so by all means ignore what I say and consult the EULA you agreed with when you started using your printer (and a proper lawyer). The firmware is NOT open source, which makes this issue a whole lot less clear-cut than the plugin-situation for Cura.
  11. CuraEngine still has a commandline interface. You can override the defaults specified in fdmprinter.def.json by passing them with the -s argument (eg -s layer_height=0.2 -s line_width=0.25).
  12. When you added your printer to Cura, you told Cura you have an Ultimaker S5. The Ultimaker S5 does not use gcide files but ufp files. So one thing you have to do is add another printer to Cura and make sure you do not select the Ultimaker S5. I am not familiar with the Labist ET4. Does is use a fullsize SD-card, or a micro SD-card? Fullsize SD-cards have a tiny "switch" on the size which can set them to read-only mode. In read-only mode, no new files can be added to the card (nor can they be removed). Check if there is such a small "switch" on the side of the SD-card. If the switch is in the wrong position, Cura will not have "permission" to write to the SD-card, which is what the message tells you. It could also be that the SD-card is just broken. Have you tried a different SD-card? Cura is not a person or a company, so you can't contact Cura. I think you mean that you submitted an issue at https://github.com/ultimaker/cura/issues ? If so, and your problem is fixed in this thread on the forum, please update your issue.
  13. What printer do you have? The screenshot suggests you have added an Ultimaker S5 to Cura, but the Ultimaker S5 does not have an SD card slot (but it does have a slot for a USB drive).
  14. It is not. Cura does not use the command line to send settings to CuraEngine. CuraEngine is launched alongside Cura, and the two communicate over a bespoke protocol named "Arcus" which is based on ProtoBuf. The calculated setting values are sent one-by-one to CuraEngine, there is no intermediate json file. CuraEngine does look at the fdmprinter.def.json file for default values for each setting.
  15. CuraEngine adds that. And it does so because in 99% of the cases (if not more), it is a good idea to do so. The workaround is to use the PostProcessing plugin to remove or replace that command.
  16. I am not a lawyer, but I don't think you are legally allowed to sell derivatives of the Ultimaker firmware. I think you won't get into trouble modding the software on your own printer (as long as you don't mind possibly voiding your warranty), but when you start to redistribute modded firmware, you are redistributing (parts of) software you don't have a license to redistribute.
  17. Press the "Color scheme: Line type" in the top bar, and a fairly well hidden away legend will pop up:
  18. Not easily with Cura, but you can try Printrun: https://www.pronterface.com/
  19. Please tone down, or this will be the last time I will respond to you. It is possible that your printer uses a firmware version that does not have support for printing arc movements.
  20. The biggest implication being that Ultimaker pays them to develop software for Ultimaker printers. The fact that it can also be used for other printers is a bonus. But any feature that does not directly benefit Ultimaker printers either has to come from community members like @burtoogle or me, or from printer manufacturers. The Ultimaker employees still take time to check and include these contributions, but at times they also have to reject features because it would take the project too far from what Ultimaker needs or it would take too much time in the future to maintain the feature in the codebase. My contributions have been mainly in the frontend, not in CuraEngine. Some of the changes you need could be implemented by postprocessing the gcode that CuraEngine creates, which can be done with a plugin in Cura. CuraEngine does not have a plugin-system, only the frontend does. For example, I have written Blackbelt Cura (which is still for FFF printers, but slices at an angle) completely as a set of plugins. No, not really. As far as I know.
  21. I think that's mostly due to this video: I finally understand how these settings are supposed to work now. I'll work that into the next version of the plugin.
  22. Ah, I'm sorry I missed the fact you use a customised version of Cura, I did not realize that Lottmax had butchered Cura the way they did. I've had a look at the code and it looks like there is no way to use Lottmax Cura without the bitmap gcode getting added. They simply hardcoded adding the bitmap gcode with no way to stop it. What you could do - as @tinkergnome already suggested - is using a Search & Replace postprocessing script. The regex is not very hard. This should work: Replace "M10086 .*" (without the quotes) with an empty string (and turn on the option to use regex). Or you could use proper Ultimaker Cura instead of Lottmax Cura.
  23. Have you tried restarting your computer? Apparently something has a "lock" on the log file Cura is trying to write to. If restarting does not help, try deleting the file C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\cura\stdout.log. Have you started Cura "as Administrator"? If so, try to avoid that in the future. It can cause issues like this.
  24. Today a new version of the plugin was released to the Marketplace. I don't expect it to change much in this case, but don't use the development snapshot anymore. Please specify "dramatically". How is the print quality? To diagnose the issue, it would be helpful if you post a gcode file with and a file without ArcWelder enabled.
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