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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Maybe your nozzle is partially blocked. You may try to clean it with the atomic method. I recommend to pull at 80°C on an UM2.
  2. And no other brand than innofil? Every PLA brand is different. My impression is that your issue is often reported by people who use innofil.
  3. Do you have a different filament brand you can cross-check?
  4. And it's probably not wrong to expect that those announcements will be more technical... :cool:
  5. Says the man who IS a major part of that presence... I wish you guys on the other side of the atlantic great success!
  6. I'm really curious what UM might announce about their U.S. engagement. IMHO things are pretty well known already: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/6213-received-ultimaker-2-in-5-weeks-us/ (OP, second paragraph) http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/6188-imakr-nyc-store-opening-event/ edit 11:56: no surprises indeed...
  7. You may try to improve the alignment of the lead screw with the z motor axis. Then the regular horizontal pattern will disappear. You may have to block the z nut in the right position.
  8. I see. You will remote-pull the spaghetti... I'm also looking forward to get more news on this.
  9. Dream on... But now Daid is working on the dual extrusion too. It's a bit like a mission is assigned to both James Bond and Ethan Hunt...
  10. OK, the is now online. It's about the expansion into the New World... :shock: or was that 500 years ago...? :???:
  11. If this doesn't mean dual extrusion gets the absolutely highest priority... !?! :eek:
  12. Guess what's the fourth print... hasta la vista, baby!
  13. The surface of the sphere is the U.S. flag. I think it is related to the fact Ultimaker has now a separate U.S. support and production. However, I found the hint in #2 much more interesting... But I didn't find the hint in #1 if there was any.
  14. What bed temperature did you guys use? I had no problems with last year's XT and 75°C... I could imagine the necessary temperature is somewhat higher with this year's XT...
  15. I can definitively confirm the first part - I know something - otherwise I would not be able to write... :lol: More serious: The elefant project in the Netherlands recently used an add-on kit for the UM original which allowed them to print several meters high objects. So the technology for extending Ultimaker axes exists...
  16. If a part has curved walls numerical uncertainties get a higher impact on the slice quality. At least this is my personal experience with Cura. Since the slicing senstivity has been increased in version 14.03 I have the impression this is also the case for rotated objects.
  17. Yes, there is a thread somewhere here in the forum about it. You have to search with Google to find it (just add "site:umforum.ultimaker.com"). However, AFAIK they didn't succeed as the WiFi card is not made to be written onto but to be read from. And the firmware is presently missing the support. Maybe things will be different after the 19th; but this is just pure speculation...
  18. Maybe your questions will be answered shortly.... :ph34r:
  19. Hi Johnson Welcome to the Ultimaker forum! The wall thickness in Cura should always by a multiple of the nozzle size. So setting the nozzle size to 0.4mm and the wall thickness to 2.0mm should indeed result in two two-shell walls connected with some infill. And it doesn't? Is the wall straight or do you have some curvature? Maybe you could post a snapshot of the Cura layer view?
  20. Ich würde mit bis zu einer Woche rechnen. Je nach Fall und Anzahl pendenter Support-Tickets kann es natürlich auch schneller gehen.
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