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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. So, you're one of the people never satisfied until it is perfect... just like me... Bridging between two colors... you mean to printing with one color and then printing the bridge layer with the other color?
  2. I heard today some rumours what UM will bring until the end of this year. So I guess this is what they will anounce. But I don't want to spoil it here...
  3. @Zews: You said it. The Ultimaker antennae print fine because they are TWO. I recommend to decrease the temperature as far as possible (190°C for 10mm/s) and set the minimum layer time to 7s. Then print two (or even more) of the object at the same time. Alternatively you may try the cool head lift feature.
  4. Uhhmmm... Nallath... what are your definitions of 'well' for a dual extrusion? :?: Would you call this well or just still ####ty (dual extrusion on my UM1 with quite some tricks and tweaking)
  5. You cannot in Cura. You have to make sure the two models use the same origin in the software you create the STL with. What software did you create the STLs with?
  6. I guess Nallath wants two more legs... :???:
  7. Hi Felipe Welcome to the Ultimaker forum! Small details are printed best at low temperature and speed. What you see is called stringing and happens at too high print temperature. If you see underextrusion, i.e. holes in the print, you have to slow down. When you lower the speed you will also see that the horizontal banding gets weaker.
  8. Well, of course you're right. 5 axis should be enough for a round nozzle. However, I was thinking of a revolving toolhead or something similar (but it's not a full axis...).
  9. I guess you had a glimpse at the Pink Unicorn edition of Cura yet? I did. And although it is very far from complete right now I see quite some potential. And I understand why the further development of the old GUI and everything that's connected with it was kind of stopped at some point. So comparing a slicer software with the standard Cura edition might be a bit unfair at this very moment as major efforts are put now into Pink Unicorn.
  10. I guess the easiest way might be to set up a new machine of the same type. Then you can just copy/paste the codes.
  11. So, this might be a next job for Joris... What might the print time be for a full size Pacific Rim Robot assuming the z expansion used in the elephant project and the number of existing Ultimakers worldwide (i.e. a slightly bigger version of project egg )?
  12. I guess it won't be a full size robot model for Pacific Rim 2... these Ultimakers are just a tiny bit too small...
  13. "It has happened before and will happen again" :mrgreen: see http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4481-gallery-upload-not-working/
  14. @Nicolinux: I just checked your gcode file. Did you intentionally use zero infill? That's the main difference to Renthal's file I guess... with zero infill you certainly cannot expect top layers to be closed after less than - uhmmm - maybe ten layers or more... :?: Please just ignore me if I mixed something up...
  15. gr5, you still think too limited... It's actually a 6-axis-printer. With the right robot arm you can print in a arbitrary layer direction at a arbitrary position within a volume. Imagine, the initial 'print bed' could be something like a sphere holded by a very thin strut or similar. Then the robot arm with the nozzle at its end could print onto that sphere and create a print of e.g. the shape of the spherical head of a dandelion, i.e. something which is almost impossible today. Of course simplier prints could use simplier forms of 'print bed'. Maybe we will call it rather 'print seed' than 'print bed'. The really ugly part of such a development would certainly be the slicing algorithm for such forms. For the above mentioned print, slicing would happen in spherical shells instead of layers. From a mathematical point of view it doesn't matter. It's just a different object. I hope, Daid will survive if he reads the last two sentences... @almal: Sorry for hijacking your idea, but it is just too cool not to think about where this might lead... B)
  16. I guess the idea is not only to tilt the part once and slice it but to slice different parts of the same object with different z orientations. One could call this 6D-printing as three rotational degree of freedom are added (just wanted to mention the name before a Brooklyn based company issues a trade mark and/or patent on it). It might be the solution to any overhang issues as actually there are no overhangs left.
  17. You may check the procedure yourself: https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/blob/master/src/gcodeExport.cpp#L103
  18. The length of a print step, the nozzle size and the layer height give you the volume of the needed filament. With the standard RepRap flavour the E-component of a G1 command has to represent the length of filament used for extruding this volume. So you have to divide the volume by the cross-section of your filament. If you use the volumetric flavour (implemented in Cura as a alternative RepRap flavour since not so long ago and for a bit longer as UltiGCode for the UM2), the E-component of a G1 command directly represents the volume.
  19. What you feel is the large flow, not static pressure. Cross flow fans are known for producing a large flow but with very limited static pressure. Highest static pressure is reached with radial fans followed by diagonal fans and axial fans. Of course you feel the large flow as long as it can blow more or less freely but if you block e.g. the outlet the output will go down very quickly.
  20. I wouldn't expect anything else... as the z thread and the motor axis are properly aligned due to the fact that they are one unit the z-pitch banding disappears. I managed this with the standard coupling after many trials (it is possible). But I still have the wooden platform (well, also a bit modified...).
  21. Neither of them. It's the x/y position resolution which was increased. So in 14.03 you got different slice paths if you moved a wall by a very tiny amount. This led to strange slicing artefacts due to numerical uncertainties. In 14.07 there are some counter measures implemented to avoid such effects AFAIK. Daid could certainly tell more about it and there might even be a post on this forum about it (I guess it's in the 14.03 quality thread).
  22. Quite a new concept for Ultimaker (compared to e.g. Feeder and Hotend upgrade kits). I hope it pays off... I would rather having expected such a package strategy for the UM2.
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